F I L I P S K Ý M: A Czech Love God Greatly Study Journal [Czech]


JOY is a recurring theme in the book of Philippians, which is pretty amazing considering this letter was written by Paul while he was in prison. How is it possible to have deep joy in the midst of overwhelming sorrow and suffering? Paul is not only a great example to us, but he also points us to the answer. Out of 104 verses in this power-packed book, Jesus is mentioned directly or indirectly 51 times. In the end, Paul teaches us that Jesus is the Author and only Source of true joy. The things of this world can never satisfy our deepest longings. Without Jesus there is no salvation, and therefore no lasting joy. Without Jesus there is no way to overcome our circumstances, to love people who are hard to love, to reconcile, to forgive, and to live godly lives. “These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full.” -John 15:11 Together, let’s open our Bibles and seek to better know our Savior and the unspeakable joy and contentment He offers to those who follow Him… reading and writing what God speaks into our hearts along the way. For more encouragement, visit us online where you’ll find further insights, community, and content to supplement your time in God’s Word!


JOY is a recurring theme in the book of Philippians, which is pretty amazing considering this letter was written by Paul while he was in prison. How is it possible to have deep joy in the midst of overwhelming sorrow and suffering? Paul is not only a great example to us, but he also points us to the answer. Out of 104 verses in this power-packed book, Jesus is mentioned directly or indirectly 51 times. In the end, Paul teaches us that Jesus is the Author and only Source of true joy. The things of this world can never satisfy our deepest longings. Without Jesus there is no salvation, and therefore no lasting joy. Without Jesus there is no way to overcome our circumstances, to love people who are hard to love, to reconcile, to forgive, and to live godly lives. “These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full.” -John 15:11 Together, let’s open our Bibles and seek to better know our Savior and the unspeakable joy and contentment He offers to those who follow Him… reading and writing what God speaks into our hearts along the way. For more encouragement, visit us online where you’ll find further insights, community, and content to supplement your time in God’s Word!

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