In his noteworthy book Mere Christianity, theologian C.S. Lewis said: “Look for yourself, and you will find in the long run only hatred, loneliness, despair, rage, ruin, and decay. But look for Christ and you will find Him, and with Him everything else thrown in.” 

Jesus is the Son of God who came to rescue us from sin and condemnation. He lived a sinless life and died to pay for the sins of humankind. He was lifted up on the cross for all the world to find peace with God. When our Savior rose from the grave on the third day, death was defeated. This is the life-changing message of the gospel. Those who look to Christ and confess He is Lord lack no good thing.

The Apostle John paints a picture for us of how people looked for Jesus in the days following Lazarus’s resurrection. Some people saw the miraculous signs of a Savior and believed. Others were blinded by pride and ambition.

Ironically, God used a cynical man who misunderstood who Jesus was to help deliver His divine message. Caiaphas’ communicated his malignant intentions in order to see Jesus murdered, but the Holy Spirit used him as a mouthpiece to unfold God’s plan for our redemption. This unbelieving man foretold the gospel truth: Jesus was going to die, not just for the Jewish nation, but for all humankind. He would sacrificially lay down His life to secure our eternal destiny.

The chief priests and Pharisees were more interested in securing their political power than receiving God’s gift of salvation. They looked to ambition and missed the Anointed One. Instead of gaining the whole world, they lost their souls. When we look to Jesus, we may lose what we value most on earth, but we gain an eternal inheritance. 

No one looked out for himself more than the counterfeit disciple. Judas pretended to follow Jesus, but instead he served his greed. He was interested in the wealth he could gain from Jesus, but he failed to see that only faith in Jesus could fill the emptiness in his soul. When we look to Jesus, we experience absolute joy in His presence.

The extravagant offering Mary poured out to anoint the feet of Jesus showed she looked to honor her Savior with everything she possessed. Her display of devotion was shocking to Judas because the expensive aromatic oil she used was equal to a year’s salary. This woman held nothing back from Jesus. By surrendering her all to the Savior, she gained more than she could ask, seek, or imagine.  

When we look to Jesus with surrendered hearts, we find salvation. We experience peace with God. Our Savior becomes our treasure, and nothing in this world can take our joy away. 

Friend, you have looked to Jesus. You know He is God, and He has raised you up to live a transformed life. Anywhere God leads you today, you will carry the sweet aroma of salvation with you. May your love and adoration for your Savior permeate every room you enter.  

In the days before the Passover, seekers were looking for Jesus in the temple courts. They asked one another, “What do you think?” and wondered if they would get to see Him. The same is true today. Wherever we go, we rub shoulders with people who have heard about Jesus, and they want to know more. 

Today, you have Good News to share. You can tell a hopeless soul and heartbroken sinner that Christ died on their behalf and rose again to rescue them. Tell them to look to the cross because Christ’s love changes everything. 

Week 5 Challenge:

Take time to reflect on the seven claims of Jesus this week. Is there one that particularly resonates with you and where you are in your faith? Spend time meditating on this aspect of who Jesus is, and work on memorizing these seven claims of Jesus. 

Week 5 Reading Plan

Week 5 Memory Verse

Have you heard? The Our Security for Eternity Bible study is available to order! 

Join us this season as we dive into the Gospel of John. As we prepare our hearts for Easter and the celebration of the resurrection of Christ, we’ll study who Jesus is and the impact of His ministry. Through this study we’ll discover that Jesus is the Son of God and the only way to eternal life!

Click the image below to find out more!

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Lyli Dunbar

Lyli Dunbar

Lyli Dunbar enjoys singing silly karaoke in the car with her husband, digging into Bible study with the girls, and reading twelve books at a time. A writer, speaker, and Biblical Life Coach, her mission is to encourage the weary hearted with fuel for a wildfire faith.

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