Over the past three years, my husband and I have walked through what has become the most difficult season or years of our lives. Three years ago, my husband and I began trying to grow our family. What began as a fun and exciting and highly anticipated season of joy quickly turned into a long-haul through grief and loneliness and stress and disappointment.


For almost the first year of our infertility journey, we were attending church but not invested in a local church community. We primarily kept our sufferings to ourselves and relied on one other to get through it. That year was marked by isolation, wrestling with doubts in my faith, and shame for not “counting it all joy” (James 1:1) in the midst of our trials.


Within that first year we became members of a local church body and were strongly encouraged to join what they referred to as a “community group” with the goal of being known, loved, cared for, pursued, encouraged, and challenged to be more like Christ. We hesitantly joined. Not because we believed those goals were bad, but because we were intimidated by the vulnerability of being fully known and challenged by others. But, knowing God calls us to live in community with other believers, so we joined anyway. 


Over time, God, in His kindness, showed us His grace, mercy, generosity, and provision for us through our community. We now had friends within our local church who not only knew of our struggles with infertility but were walking alongside us. And we didn’t even know how much we needed them. 


Our community persevered in praying for us when I didn’t have the endurance to keep praying. They helped us keep the health of our marriage a priority in the midst of stressful testing and treatments. They sent meals to our home on our heaviest days. They helped us process difficult decisions while we aimed to be faithful to God in every step we took. They grieved alongside us, celebrated with us, and faithfully journeyed with us. 


Our season of isolation became one filled with rich community. A season where the body of Christ acted as His hands and feet for us. God showed His love and care for us through the community we had within the local church. As we gathered, as we did life with one another, and God’s presence was so evident. He was surely among us. 



Week 3 Challenge:

Make this week intentional by inviting your small group to your house to share a meal, and encourage them while they are in your home. If you don’t have a small group yet, invite some new friends to your house to get to know them better. Look for ways to encourage them with God’s Word while also seeing if there is an opportunity to serve them or help meet a need.

Week 3 Reading Plan

Week 3 Memory Verse

Have you heard? Our next Bible study is available to order! 


Join us for our next study, Not Made to Be Alone. This four-week study focuses on what it means to live in community and how we can cultivate biblical community in our lives. It’s not an easy thing, but together, as we study God’s heart for us, we can learn to live in community with those around us! We would love for you to join us!


Click the image below to find out more!



100% of the proceeds from your order go straight back to the ministry, helping us fight biblical illiteracy around the world and equip women with God’s Word in 40+ languages. 


Thank YOU for your investment and support! 


Read more about our mission and the languages we reach here.



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Cristin Tippin

Cristin Tippin

Cristin is a native Texan but calls the Midwest home with her husband and sweet golden retriever, Harvey. One of Cristin’s favorite indoor hobbies is finding the best coffeeshops to enjoy! She also loves the outdoors and going on hiking adventures with her husband and pup. Cristin deeply loves the Lord and has a passion for helping women learn to study God’s Word so that they can fall more deeply in love with Him.

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