I sat in my beach chair watching as two young girls were building a large kingdom in the sand. They worked in tandem moving buckets of sand and placing them just right to erect a glorious structure. Once they were finished, the two architects stood back and smiled at their masterpiece.
But the grandeur did not last. You see, their foundation was established on powdery dust. Not long after, the waves crashed in and wiped out the structure they had proudly erected. Instead of beauty, the final effect was brokenness and disorder.
I need to remember this image when I am struggling with fear as I witness the vainglory monuments constructed by those who oppose God. Sometimes these strongholds of rebellion seem insurmountable, and I start to believe the lie that evil is winning the day.
The kingdoms of this world can seem like beasts devouring everything that is holy and right, but their arrogant display will be wiped away like castles in the sand. God is seated on the throne for all eternity, and He sees all and knows all.
Nothing done on earth escapes His notice.
Friend, if you find yourself overwhelmed by tyrannical evil in this world, take your eyes off of the destructive oppression of man and place your eyes firmly on your omnipotent God:
- Find comfort because He is seated on the throne. Your God is not surprised or caught off guard by evil. He rests in total control.
- Note His clothing is white as snow, and his hair is white like wool. Your Heavenly Father embodies wisdom and holiness. He exists beyond the boundaries of time and space, and He sustains all His creation.
- Stand in awe because flames of fire encircle his royal splendor with wheels all ablaze. As our Righteous Judge, God is always at work rolling out His divine plan of redemption.
- Find joy in his commitment to justice as the books are opened. God takes record of every act of evil, and He will deal with those who remain rebellious and unrepentant.
- Bow in worship with the thousands upon thousands who serve Him with devotion. One day, we will stand triumphant before Him with a throng of believers to honor the King of Kings.
- Rejoice because your Savior, the Son of man, is led into His presence and given all authority, glory, and sovereign power. Jesus took on flesh, lived a sinless life, died on the cross, and defeated death to secure the victory.
Rest assured: The reign of King Jesus will never end. On a cloudy day, you can look up to the heavens with great hope and know that at any moment the sky could part, and Christ will come down from heaven to set everything right once and for all.
The Almighty’s kingdom will overcome all opposition and stand indestructible for all eternity. He reigns over all. Let that truth wash over you like a wave and wipe out all your fear. God wins in the end.
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