I am a terribly indecisive person. Decisions about what I should wear, what I should make for dinner, or even which route I should take to get somewhere are all affected by my indecisiveness. And these are just the tiny things in life. When it comes to bigger decisions I can be overcome with stress and anxiety.
I believe one of the reasons God reveals himself to us through many different names is because it shows us how multi-faceted and big he is. God doesn’t just love, he is love. He doesn’t just execute justice, he is justice. He doesn’t just have all the answers, he is the answer.
We all at some time or another (in my case it is daily) need counsel and wisdom. Life is not easy to navigate. I know there have been decisions that you have had to make that were overwhelming and hard. I know this because while we may live in different areas of the world, we are all human and don’t have all the answers. Situations we encounter in this world can be confusing and even disturbing. Our hearts leads us astray, sin tempts us to choose wrong, and the world cloaks sin and evil in beautiful clothing. And so God took on flesh, became one of us, and showed us what wisdom looks like in the everyday.
If we want to be wise, then we must know Jesus! We need to learn everything we can about him, his character, his names, his works, his words, his book! As the Wonderful Counselor, Jesus teaches us by his Spirit and his word. He counsels us, even when an answer is impossible to give.
We must be women of the word and prayer and then we must believe that God will direct us in the right path. He may do this through the prompting of the Holy Spirit, through the words we read in his word, or through the godly counsel of those who are more wise than us.
I bless the LORD who gives me counsel;
Ps. 16:7a
Has your Counselor perished? No! this cannot be, for Jesus ever lives as your Advocate. Then why yield to despondency or despair? Why succumb to your difficulty, and sink beneath your load? Your perplexity is nothing with Christ. What is all dark to you, is all light to Him. What to you is an entangled skein, is to Him a perfect mosaic. He can bring you out of all your difficulties, opening a way for your escape from all your troubles, make the crooked path straight and the rough place smooth. “Commit your way to Him, trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass.”
-Octavius Winslow
Looking To Jesus,
Challenge (Week 4):
Wisdom is more than knowledge. It is biblical knowledge applied to life. Identify two areas in your life that you would like to grow in (ex.: Faith, kindness, hospitality, love, forgiveness, deeper understanding of prayer or the character of God …). Ask God to work in you so that you become wise in these areas for your benefit, the benefit of others and to the glory of God.
Reading Plan (Week 4)
Memory Verse (Week 4):

Excited about week 4!
I’m so grateful for God’s wonderful counsel. Week 4, as I focus on those things that I need more help with, I am so glad God is available with infinite wisdom. I’m wanting to hear from God this week concerning these area of my life.
Thank you Jen and all you wise and beautiful ladies responsible for Love God Greatly. I have done the studies for a couple of years and have been so blessed by each one.
God is so wise beyond what we can ever imagine. I often think of our lives as a tapestry. The threads are our lives and they entwine for awhile and then maybe separate. From the back side it looks like a mess, all knotted up and strings entangled and threads hanging. But from the front it is a beautiful work of art. I think from our perspective in this world we are looking at the backside but God sees the finished project, the perfect and magnificent work of art.
“Only God can turn a MESS
into a MESSage, a TEST
into a TESTimony, aTRIal
into a TRIumph, a VICTim
into a VICTory.”
Because He sees, He knows, He designs where we are headed. He is our Wonderful Counselor! Thank you Father for loving us so much! Thank you girls, sweet sisters, for all you do in bringing us these studies! Have a Peaceful, Blessed and Spirit filled Christmas! Love Sue
Sue, thanks for sharing the saying.
Heard Mess/Message and Test/Testimony but that was all.
Wisdom is knowledge applied-yes! Now to accept the challenge to offer everything to God in prayer (not taking things back) and continue to trust through hardships/trials in life.
Oh, so many distractions in life….goal is to stay focused glorifying HIM-so thankful He is a merciful God who takes us into His arms when I fail.
Thank you Sue for your words. This is my first study through Love God Greatly. I am learning so much! My eyes are opening. My heart is opening! I thirst for more!
Thank you Sue, first for bringing me to this wonderful study about 3 years ago. The sweet words of wisdom have encouraged me in so many ways and the topics chosen for deeper study are such a blessing! Also, your comments to Jen could have been mine. Love you and our LGG girls with all my heart through Jesus Christ our Lord and all of His wonderful names! Patsy Jones
I really appreciate the challenge this week. I am making this a focus for 2016, beginning now. I wish to grow in wisdom in the practice of resting in God- really abiding in Christ and all that means. And in the area of compassion, having eyes to see needs and a heart that responds out of love.
This Bible Study is speaking directly to me. I never understood before how meaningful the Names of God can speak peace, contentment, direction, joy and determination into my life. This study has been so timely for me.
Thank you ladies for listening to God and following His direction.
This is a great time for me to be focusing on our amazing God. Thank you for providing such a wonderful online study. We’ve recently retired from the Air Force and weeks later husband was diagnosed with Parkinsons. Our plans to return to Japan as missionaries is on hold – we aren’t sure it will materialize….and through it all God provides, He’s our shepherd and our peace…and I can’t tell you how awesome it is to know that he is a wise counselor!
Glory to God in the Highest! This blog is right on time! I have just finished crying over how overwhelmed I felt because of decisions to be made, life’s circumstances and situations that felt like they were spiraling out of control. I had to stop reading the blog multiple times to write down quotes in my prayer journal! Thank you Jen for sharing your testimony. Thank you all at Love God Greatly for allowing God to use you to bless us! Thank you for your hard work and dedication. I also love the new format of the journal/discussion guide. May God’s blessing chase you down and overtake you and your loved ones!
This is the first Bible study plan to which I have remained committed. I can’t believe that we are in week four already! I’ve signed up for these studies three other times, but I always fail. For some reason, this time the Word is so sweet that I must keep coming back for more each morning. Thank you for using a system that is a such a good fit for me in this season of life.
Wonderful Counselor! How often have we needed counseling in our lives-financiaL, marital, weight loss, nutrition, health, mental wellness-I could go on & on. How many professionals would that take? How awesome is it that our Father-our tender, adoring Father is the Master Counselor, who
Knows the end before the beginning , whose counsel is never wrong, who can grant you an immediate appointment when you call and who will listen to you for hours and not be bored. Hiw amazing is He, how wonderful is His name & how sweet His mercies! Blessed be His holy name!
Can you please fix the YouVersion Love God Greatly study? I can not do it and I really enjoy doing it though the YouVersion. Thank you!
Hi Mina,
I am currently in contact with YouVersion working on a solution. I know it is frustrating, so hopefully it will be resolved quickly!
LGG Team Member
Hi Mina,
The update on YouVersion is that there was a mistake during the upload process and not all of the content was published. The good news is that all of the content is there now. The bad news is it messed up the calendar. Tomorrow’s (Monday) content is now on November 29. Sorry for the confusion – we are working to ensure it doesn’t happen in the future!
Thank you for another great post and your sacrifice to this ministry. It is a blessing in my life. This may not be the place to ask this but I’m wondering if you have any resources to recommend me or words of wisdom to share. I love finding the Greek/Hebrew words of the bible when I do my study each morning. Do you know of an app or resource that would help? Also, my prayer life needs to grow into more consistent, intentional, deeper prayers. Is there something that you know of to help aide me in this? Thank you and God bless you.