I honestly can’t even imagine what it must have been like for a host of angels to suddenly show up on the horizon, in the sky, praising together the name of God. In those sacred, holy moments God really shows up and displays His glory {albeit just a tiny taste…like his angels}.

Jesus comes down to be one of us, and this prompts a heavenly party here on Earth. These angels KNEW who they were praising and singing about even when the world did not. They knew He was good.  They knew He was the Prince of Peace.

And He came so that we might know it too. Yes, the world looks anything but peaceful – just look at the news in recent weeks, months, years, decades, centuries, and millennium.  But this world is not where we find that peace. That peace comes from one place….one Person, and nowhere else.

This Advent season, let’s stop looking for the peace in this world, its comforts, its pleasures…or placing our hope in the absence of war or the hope of peace among nations.

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those whom he is pleased!” Luke 2:14

This is the song that keeps going through my mind as we do these studies each day. To me, this song is a beautiful tribute to the child who was born to save us from ourselves so that we might have peace. Enjoy this video as worship.

This week’s video:



Challenge: Take a moment each day this week. Get alone with God and sit quietly before Him. Just sit. Be still and know that He is peace. Thank Him for that peace, and thank Him for His presence. Praise Him for coming to Earth so that you might have everlasting peace.


With Love From Uganda,






Joy Forney

Joy Forney

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