I honestly can’t even imagine what it must have been like for a host of angels to suddenly show up on the horizon, in the sky, praising together the name of God. In those sacred, holy moments God really shows up and displays His glory {albeit just a tiny taste…like his angels}.
Jesus comes down to be one of us, and this prompts a heavenly party here on Earth. These angels KNEW who they were praising and singing about even when the world did not. They knew He was good. They knew He was the Prince of Peace.
And He came so that we might know it too. Yes, the world looks anything but peaceful – just look at the news in recent weeks, months, years, decades, centuries, and millennium. But this world is not where we find that peace. That peace comes from one place….one Person, and nowhere else.
This Advent season, let’s stop looking for the peace in this world, its comforts, its pleasures…or placing our hope in the absence of war or the hope of peace among nations.
“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those whom he is pleased!” Luke 2:14
This is the song that keeps going through my mind as we do these studies each day. To me, this song is a beautiful tribute to the child who was born to save us from ourselves so that we might have peace. Enjoy this video as worship.
This week’s video:
Challenge: Take a moment each day this week. Get alone with God and sit quietly before Him. Just sit. Be still and know that He is peace. Thank Him for that peace, and thank Him for His presence. Praise Him for coming to Earth so that you might have everlasting peace.
With Love From Uganda,
Thank you for the words, the music and the challenge. This all makes a huge difference in my life. God’ s Blessings on everyone’s day.
My heart leapt when I saw Prince of Peace. Oh how we need to let the Prince of Peace reign in our hearts and minds right now! Praise God he is above all the chaos and evil that is so present in our world right now. Thank you for this timely message and for helping to settle our minds on Him. P.S. I read my study this morning with the most pure and beautiful, gentle snowfall ushering in the morning- a peaceful gift from my Father.
Thank you. Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂 Praise God!:-)
Happy Thanksgiving to you Melissa! Sheila, LGG Encourager
There are many distractions to keep us from sitting still before the Lord. I recommend it for everyone to just turn everything off and go outside in nature. That is where you will remember Gods power, wisdom, and love. His peace will meet you there. The world and the enemy will continue to try and scare us, keep us distracted, and confuse us. Jesus is our peace. Praise God!
Thank you for the video!! It was very uplifting. I really enjoyed every minute of it. Perfect start to my day. Hope your Thanksgiving is one of peace and joy in Uganda.
Thank you sharing this today, it brings things into perspective. And perfect the this Thanksgiving week. Grateful for the work you all do …Be Blessed!
Thanks for the little walk down memory lane. I was in a chorus that sang that song as part of a Christmas concert, many many years ago. 🙂 So thankful that Peace came down, becoming one of us, so that we might become co-heirs with Him. Glory to God. 🙂
Lord, help me to know the true magnitude of Your glory, so that I will reverence You as You should be reverenced.
Father I lift Patricia to You tonight and ask that You give her an encounter with Your presence. Father help her to experience You in a powerful way so that she may exalt You into that proper place of reverence. Minister to our sister tonight. Sheila, LGG Encourager
Peace. When I first gave my heart to the Lord, that was the one thing, that especially, stood out. “And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Phil. 4:7 And of course, that peace IS Jesus. Thanks for the reminder!!!
Kathy, I felt that too when I became born again! I think I never knew what true peace was until He came into my heart. Just beautiful sister! <3 Sheila, LGG Encourager
Dear sweet ladies, thank you so much for your payers (last week) the Lord graciously answered and bought “Peace” to the storm that was raging in my heart and mind. Through your prayers He bought encouragement to me in beautiful ways, Praise His Holy Name, Lord please encourage and strengthen your servants as they obey You and minister to women just like me, thank You for this beautiful gift of ministry You have given ‘us’, please keep their foot from stumbling and may they know clearly the paths that You have for them, all the Praise to You our glorious Lord and Father. Glenda, Australia
Oh Glenda this melts my heart! Isnt our God just so good. That seems like such a small way to put it into to words but He is good and faithful to answer when we cry out. We love hearing that God has answered prayers. We are so thankful for all of you ladies and you are always in our prayers. Thank you for your loving words. They mean so much to us. Sheila, LGG Encourager
The heavenly armies praise and worship God when the prince of peace arrived like nobody, but praise God his coming meant for the redemsion of our souls, every time we celebrate his birth, we are remind of the promises of God and it fulfilment for the word of peace for those who are the cHiLldren of God. The peace of God surpass all other thing in our life. God help us world-wide to appreciate your love for us through Jesus that his life laid down for us will not be in vain. Amen.
Adegbite – Nigeria.
I started this study a week late so I am working on catching up. Here’s the thing, the Lord knew that I would need this reminder of Him being my Peace this week instead of a week ago. His timing is ALWAYS perfect. Our family is going through a trial right now that feels anything but peaceful. We feel like we’re walking through the water and often can’t see the shore. This reminder is exactly what I needed to keep going. I trust Him completely to work out the details and to protect us with His peace in the middle of this situation. Thank you so much for this Bible study. What a blessing it is to me.