We live in a day where knowledge is plentiful. Self-help books line row after row in our bookstores and libraries. TV shows are dedicated to sharing expert advice on everything from marriage problems, raising children, to how to lead a happy, healthy life.

The Internet is filled with blog posts, articles, and commentary on how to fix our problems all in easy to follow, step-by-step instructions… and all in our own strength.

Gaining knowledge is not our problem.

Gaining wisdom is.

We first have to seek the source of true wisdom… and it’s not found on bookstore shelves or aired in TV shows. True wisdom is found in God’s Word, from the One who created wisdom in the first place.

When I was first married, I sought out wisdom on how to be a good wife. Truth be told, I wanted to be the perfect wife. I purchased all the recommended books and with a book or two under my belt, I felt like I knew all the right answers (ah, to be so young and naive!).

I had the head knowledge but the wisdom has taken years of learning from successes and failures. It’s taken nights tainted in selfish arguments and days wasted because forgiveness was slow to be given. Over the years I thankfully have grown in wisdom in this area and now realize that marriage isn’t 50/50 but rather 100/100 and that I don’t know it all – much less have all the answers – no matter how many marriage books I’ve read.

In these next six weeks we are going to gain knowledge through our daily Bible readings, learning what God says about wisdom and then applying that knowledge… thus putting it into action in our personal lives. Because living a life of wisdom isn’t just about adding to our knowledge; it’s choosing to allow what we have learned to affect the way we live our lives. It’s allowing God’s truths to change the way we live, love and value what He has given to us.

If you wanted to sum up the whole book of Proverbs into one verse, it would be Proverbs 1:7…

“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline.”- Proverbs 1:7

The “fear of the Lord” in verse 7 isn’t talking about actually being fearful of God, but rather living our lives in awe and respect of Him. It’s acknowledging that He is holy, perfect and worthy of all our praise.

“Fear of the Lord” draws us to God, not away from Him.

Like children who dearly love their father, they want to be near him and just like him when they grow up. They look up to him with awe, knowing that he loves them and takes care of them… that they need him every day.

Crazy how no matter our age, we always have this need… to be near Him. 

Psalm 103:13: “As a father shows compassion to his children, so the Lord shows compassion to those who fear him.” To those whose eyes have been opened, whose lives are subservient to his Word, who have had their eyes opened to the knowledge of the Holy One, who understand he is true in all of his ways.

The “fear of the Lord” is a beautiful balance of having a love for God and a holy reverence for Him all at the same time.

So as we begin to walk in wisdom in this new year, let’s go before our Lord in prayer as we seek His wisdom in our lives.

“Dear Lord,

Help me to walk in greater wisdom in my life this year. Where I have not walked in wisdom before, help me to do so this coming year. Where I have not listened to Your counsel in the past, help me to have ears to hear and a soft heart to receive Your insight. Where I have walked in foolishness in my past, help me to blaze a new trail… one that lets go of my past and leads straight to You. Amen.”


“The important thing isn’t how long we live but how we live, not the length but the depth of life. Fools wade in the shallows, but wise people launch out into the deep and let God give them His very best.” – Warren W. Wiersbe


Love God Greatly!



Talk to us:
Where are you joining us from? What steps are you going to take to walk in wisdom this year?


Week 1 Challenge:
Print off the print out that I’ve created for you and place it somewhere in your house or in your Bible. Each day during this study – and throughout this year – pray before you even open your Bible and ask God to help you walk in the wisdom that He is going to show you for that day.

(Click here to print)

Week 1 Video:

(Can’t see the video? Click here!)

Week 1 Memory Verse:

Week 1 Reading Plan:


TODAY begins Week 1 of our Walking In Wisdom study!!! You can find our women’s and children’s Walking In Wisdom journals available on Amazon!

The book of Proverbs positions us face-to-face with the wise and the fool and the consequences that follow their choices. The text is highly personal, at times uncomfortably transparent, and doesn’t mess around in zeroing in on the world’s greatest temptations that threaten to lead us astray from walking in the wisdom that God intended for us. This six-week Love God Greatly study points to a topical look at Proverbs and the key themes of wisdom in our speech, our relationships, our work and wealth, and in the face of temptation. Trust in the Lord instead of your own understanding is where the book of Proverbs ultimately leads us. God is the source of all wisdom, He uses these proverbs to show us the path that leads to wisdom, and He reveals to us the fruit of walking in this great wisdom… so that our trust is ultimately not in our floundering ways, but can be found securely in Him. Journal with us as we dive into God’s Word together…reading and writing what God speaks into your heart along the way.

Angela Perritt

Angela Perritt

Angela Perritt is the founder and director of LoveGodGreatly.com, a nonprofit online Bible study ministry reaching thousands of women in over two hundred countries around the world with God’s Word through their translated Bible studies. She and her husband live in Dallas, Texas with their three daughters. Angela is passionate about God’s Word and believes one woman in God’s Word can change a family, community and ultimately a nation. Her greatest joy is to encourage her children and others to love God greatly with their lives one day at a time. You can connect with her on Instagram.

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