Behind the scenes this week, I have flown across the world from Uganda to Texas to meet with the beautiful ladies of Love God Greatly. Now it is time to head back across the world with a full heart and overwhelmed at all God has done.

And now the return. Sigh.

I will admit to you, it is difficult to go back. Coming “home” to my home culture is like a huge sigh of relief. Life in the US is convenient and easily understood, and this ease of life lulls me in like a siren calling to me. It’s easy to forget that God, my Abba, has my best in His heart for me.

Our verses earlier this week preach to our hearts that He is our Abba! He is our beloved Daddy that has our good in His heart. But what is challenging to swallow for me is that His best doesn’t mean my comfort.

Ugh. My flesh cries out for comfort. Does yours?

We are tempted to judge the faithfulness of God on His ability to remove difficulty from our lives, when, in fact, difficulty is almost always a sign of His faithfulness.“- Paul Tripp

 “In the same way we also, when we were children, were enslaved to the elementary principles of the world.  But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law,  to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons.  And because you are sons, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying, “Abba! Father!”  So you are no longer a slave, but a son, and if a son, then an heir through God.” Galatians 4: 3-7

I realize these are the verses for Monday, but they are SO good and so fitting for my thoughts today that I can’t help but press repeat.

God’s love for us is not only expressed to us in an easy life, neatly packaged circumstances, or our comfort.

Difficult circumstances, hard situations, and painful circumstances are a sign of His love and faithfulness to us.

God will take you where you did not intend to go in order to produce in you that which you could not achieve on your own…it’s called uncomfortable grace.” -Paul Tripp

As I sit in the airport waiting for my flight back across the world, I am preaching these truths to my heart. Yes, there are still emotions… but knowing that HE has my best in His Daddy heart, I can rest in His love for me. And Galatians 4:9, “But now that you have come to know God, or rather be known by Him, how can you turn back again to the weak and worthless elementary principles of the world…

How can I desire anything other than His glory when I look at how much He loves me?

How can I turn again and again to the comforts of this world, thinking that they will satisfy more than Him – the One who knows me and loves and cares for me?

Are you struggling to accept the circumstances God has given you? I encourage you to:

1. Pray for God to open your eyes to His immeasurable love for you.

2. Preach these truths to yourself over and over. Meditate on Galatians 4.

3. Talk to someone you know. Ask them what they are struggling with and how you can pray for them. Not only will this encourage them to see what God is doing in your life, but it will also encourage your heart.

Share: What tempts you to doubt God’s love for you? How do these verses change your perspective?

With love on the way from Texas to Uganda,

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Joy Forney

Joy Forney

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