Behind the scenes this week, I have flown across the world from Uganda to Texas to meet with the beautiful ladies of Love God Greatly. Now it is time to head back across the world with a full heart and overwhelmed at all God has done.
And now the return. Sigh.
I will admit to you, it is difficult to go back. Coming “home” to my home culture is like a huge sigh of relief. Life in the US is convenient and easily understood, and this ease of life lulls me in like a siren calling to me. It’s easy to forget that God, my Abba, has my best in His heart for me.
Our verses earlier this week preach to our hearts that He is our Abba! He is our beloved Daddy that has our good in His heart. But what is challenging to swallow for me is that His best doesn’t mean my comfort.
Ugh. My flesh cries out for comfort. Does yours?
“We are tempted to judge the faithfulness of God on His ability to remove difficulty from our lives, when, in fact, difficulty is almost always a sign of His faithfulness.“- Paul Tripp
“In the same way we also, when we were children, were enslaved to the elementary principles of the world. But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons. And because you are sons, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying, “Abba! Father!” So you are no longer a slave, but a son, and if a son, then an heir through God.” Galatians 4: 3-7
I realize these are the verses for Monday, but they are SO good and so fitting for my thoughts today that I can’t help but press repeat.
God’s love for us is not only expressed to us in an easy life, neatly packaged circumstances, or our comfort.
Difficult circumstances, hard situations, and painful circumstances are a sign of His love and faithfulness to us.
“God will take you where you did not intend to go in order to produce in you that which you could not achieve on your own…it’s called uncomfortable grace.” -Paul Tripp
As I sit in the airport waiting for my flight back across the world, I am preaching these truths to my heart. Yes, there are still emotions… but knowing that HE has my best in His Daddy heart, I can rest in His love for me. And Galatians 4:9, “But now that you have come to know God, or rather be known by Him, how can you turn back again to the weak and worthless elementary principles of the world…”
How can I desire anything other than His glory when I look at how much He loves me?
How can I turn again and again to the comforts of this world, thinking that they will satisfy more than Him – the One who knows me and loves and cares for me?
Are you struggling to accept the circumstances God has given you? I encourage you to:
1. Pray for God to open your eyes to His immeasurable love for you.
2. Preach these truths to yourself over and over. Meditate on Galatians 4.
3. Talk to someone you know. Ask them what they are struggling with and how you can pray for them. Not only will this encourage them to see what God is doing in your life, but it will also encourage your heart.
Share: What tempts you to doubt God’s love for you? How do these verses change your perspective?
With love on the way from Texas to Uganda,
Thank you, Joy, for opening and sharing your heart with us here today. I have found myself going back and re-reading verses from other chapters here too. You will be in my prayers as you head back to the mission field of Uganda. You’re an inspiration to us!
Thanks Paula! I couldn’t help myself repeating the verses from earlier in the week. Thanks for understanding and thank you for your prayers! Love to you.
I am lying down in a dark hospital room as my 12 year old daughter sleeps next to me as she battles lupus and ITP. This is her 9th or maybe 10th hospital stay since May. My mommy’s heart is heavy this morning. Especially as my youngest daughter just tested positive for an auto-immune disease, too. My thought whirl, “how can lightening strike the same house twice? Where is this journey going to lead each of them? Oh, God, your Will, your Will. Even when I can’t see where it will lead. Even when my knees shake. Instead of fear, give joy in knowing you are my God and my Father and your plans are perfect and worth following.”
These verses remind me of His plan since the beginning of time. His power in seeing it through to each generation. His love that makes us His children. I do not have to be a slave to fear, I do not have to be a slave of works in order for you to act. I am free to be your child knowing you’ve got this. My babies are yours first.
Please, sisters, pray for their own faith to grow through all of this. More than healing, this is my desire. God use us in this to bring you glory. This WILL NOT be all for naught.
I love that your prayer for your girls is that God will be glorified through this, and they will be strong in their faith. That, my sister, is true sacrificial love. I will join you in this prayer, and also that He will give you strength to get through this journey. How blessed are your children to have you for their mother:)
Praying now for you and your daughter! Knowing that He will meet you where you’re at! Numbers 6:25 “The Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you!” Thank you for your sweet testimony of trusting Him!!
Beautiful prayer for your daughters. I am praying in agreement with you. I am praying for their faith and spiritual walk to grow through all of this, as well as yours. I pray that you feel the peace of God and most importantly I pray that God gets all the glory. Love and hugs sister! (Jennifer, LGG Encourager)
You are making me weep. The full-on ugly cry. To have this perspective in the face of dark and daunting circumstances is exactly what I needed today. Thank you for being honest, real, and full of faith. Lord God, I pray for these girls right now. Bring their hearts close in communion with you. I pray that this family’s story would be used mightily for Your Kingdom. Amen.
My dear sister Kym. I am weeping right now for you as I cry out a prayer for you. I know your thoughts. I have a daughter that has a lung disease and I was told that I would lose her around age 12. I struggled every day trying to keep her alive and doing it by myself. One night I dropped on my knees by her bedside and gave her fully to God. I surrendered her to Him. I told Him I can’t do this! She is yours Lord and your will is mine. That day I stopped worrying and trusted fully in Him. She will be 43 next month and fully devoted to God! I can’t tell you what a blessing she is to others! Because of this walk with God I am closer to Him! God does a much better job than me! Stay close to Him and walk and nurture yourself in His light!
Thank you, Patti, for this testimony of faith. It speaks deeply to my soul & Spirit ♡
Bless you Joy for posting this and for your beautiful selflessness, sharing our Lord with the people of Uganda. What greater thing could any of us do! And Kym, I wept and prayed for you and your children. You have clearly glorified God and are blessed! My prayer is for the love and peace of God to find rest in you and your children and for their continued healing and through them may blessings abound! ♡
Awesome! So encouraging and exciting to hear what God is doing!
Thank you for sharing. What an encouragement!
Praying for you and your girls. Gods blessings of healing and peace. May God use these circumstances to draw you, your girls and others to himself and what the enemy would use to steal, kill and destroy , may God use for your good and his glory
kim i am praying for you and your children and also your family. your situation really convicts me to understand how small my problems are in comparison. I am so in awe of your outlook, and I wish I could say that I would have that same attitude. i thank you for your post, and please know it has really affected me, and my way of thinking. i pray that you will continue to feel Gods love and comfort. My prayers and respect, wanda bishop
Prayed for your daughters as you so beautifully requested . May God continue to be your strength and your comfort.
Kym, your story causes tears to flow. Being a person with several auto-immune diseases, I can only imagine how difficult this must be for you, as a mother. I will pray for you and your daughters to come closer to God in this walk. His love and strength has been such a comfort to me. If you have not already, please have your daughters checked for Celiac Disease. This auto-immune disease can be the beginning of so many others, yet it is often missed by doctors. Praying you stay strong in His love.
Oh Kym, thank you. THANK YOU for sharing your heart. I have three girls, and I can get so caught up in worry. It is not of the Lord. Thank you for modeling your faith in real time, and being such an light and encouragement to all of us. I have tearfully prayed for you and your girls!
I just happened to be reading Joy’s blog for the first time and decided to read into the comments. You obviously have no idea who I am, but I would love to suggest a cd to listen to (even with your girls). It is called “Brave,” by:Moriah Peters. The Lord has used music in my life so many countless times and my hope is that if you have the opportunity to download this particular cd, it could impact you with amazing encouragement! Praying for you all as the Lord leads.
Father God, Creator of all. Be with my sister in Christ and her daughters. Be their Sovereign Lord. Hide Your Word deep into their hearts so that when fear and worries raise their ugly head, it’s Your Word that brings them comfort and peace, You are our Jehovah- shalom,” the God of peace”. You are present in their lives as we can see from Kym’s testimony. You are faithful and hear the prayers of Your children and we pray You grow their faith in You. Help everyone that read’s her testimony realize it’s Your will to be done. Be her strength and her comfort, and I pray as she did that You grow her daughters’ faith in You, and I pray that You heal her girls and be their Jehovah-rophe, their “Jehovah heals.” I thank You for Kym’s testimony and how You are using it in my life. Bless her and her family. I pray this in the name above all names, Jesus Christ. Amen
I needed this today. My father in law passed away suddenly last week. We are still trying to make sense of it. I lost my grandmother 3 months ago. I know they are both rejoicing in Heaven but we miss them here on earth. I am 400 miles from my family. Not as far as Africa but too far to get a comforting hug. Thank you for this encouragement today.
Lacey, I am so sorry for your family’s lose. I know you are rejoicing in the fact they are in heaven and can rest assured in that, and I know your heart is hiring missing them from here. I pray that you feel the overwhelming peace of God. A few years ago I moved to Montana from Kentucky and being away from family was the hardest pet of it. I pray that you have friends who can step in and fill that gap from missing your family, I know that they won’t ever replace family, but having those friends that you can call on anytime is such a blessing. Hugs and prayers! (Jennifer, LGG Encourager)
Lacey, Oh I hear you. It’s hard to make sense of the circumstances sometimes, isn’t it? It doesn’t matter if you are in Africa or the other side of the US, heartache feels the same. I am praying for you right now for God to fill you with peace and His perspective. I hope you will do the same for me. Blessings.
Oh Lacey,
In October 2013 my grandfather passed away (300 miles away from where we live), then in April 2014 my father passed away. Almost a year to the day of my father’s death, in April 2015 my aunt passed away, also 300 miles away (all on the same side of the family). So I can fully empathize with you on the loss you are experiencing. But I am here to tell you, that the pain and sense of loss can and does bring about such growth. The more you rest on His strength, His joy, and His peace, the closer you will draw to Him. I look back over the past two years any my spiritual journey is incredible, from faithful follower to full on servant (with plenty of room to grow of course). Praying that you too are able to experience the same incredible growth and love from our God during this incredibly difficult time in life. <3
Joy thank you for sharing your heart! May it give strength and encouragement to many!! Hebrews 6:10 “…God is not unjust so as to forget your work and the love which you have shown toward His name, in having ministered and still ministering to the saints.” Trusting the work you do in Uganda in His strength will be fruitful for the Kingdom!!
Thank you for your sweet words of encouragement. I pray that He will continue to bring this truth into our hearts and lives.
I’ve been struggling this week with one of my daughters. She’s 10 and is going through a difficult week. Anger always seems to simmer beneath the surface with her. She had a rough life in an unstable birth home, confusing foster care experiences, and finally struggled to settle into our adoptive home. She carries many burdens and lots of baggage in her little person. We work hard to be the best parents we can be, trying to do all the rights things but sometimes I feel as if I’m failing. Once in a while I even shake my head in agony, asking God why He led us to foster care and adoption. This life is so hard. Then, I read today’s post and saw “But what is challenging to swallow for me is that His best doesn’t mean my comfort.” My husband and I both know that God called us to this ministry, even when I get frustrated and whine to the Lord, I know I am where He wants me to be.
“We are tempted to judge the faithfulness of God on His ability to remove difficulty from our lives, when, in fact, difficulty is almost always a sign of His faithfulness.“- Paul Tripp
Oh sister. I am so glad that we can encourage each other and point each other back to the truth. The ministry that God has called you to sounds hard and oh so refining. I am praying for you, that God would encourage your heart, bless your relationships, and show Himself faithful in your everyday. I hope you’ll do the same for me.
Praying for you now. I have a daughter with ADHD, and she has some really tough weeks with her emotions. I know that is not the same as having a foster child that has gone through some really rough childhood experiences, but when you’re in the midst of it, the word failure can fill your mind so quickly…
I pray that you cling to the Lord, and that if you haven’t already, seek out the wisdom and help of an older mom who has been in a similar situation. You are EXACTLY who God chose to mother that child, and He will give you strength and wisdom and courage to do the job He has called you to do. And what’s even better, He is MORE than enough to cover what we in our flesh cannot do!
God’s peace and blessing’s to you,
Dawn, your words touched my heart! Please know that I am keeping you and your daughter in prayer. May you rest in the knowledge that God sees, and equips you daily for that which He has called you to. Praying that God speak to your daughter’s heart – in a way that only He can. I, too, have seen those that I love struggle with anger, as a cover for hurt. Praying that God heal your daughter with His love, and that He use you in mighty ways to point her to Him. May God strengthen you … and may you rest knowing that nothing is impossible for our God! ~ Jean (LGG Encourager)
Praying for your girls, Kym and for you as you go thru this journey. Remember God never takes us to something that he don’t get us thru.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for these words of encouragement! Praise God for speaking through you to encourage His children!!! He is so good! I really needed this today!
Ashley, praise God is right! So glad you were touched by Joy’s words of encouragement! I was, too! Yes!! God is good!! ~ Jean (LGG Encourager)
Thank y’all for all these prayers and testimonies . When I read them and consider the Christians that y’all are it makes me realize the day the Lord lead me to join this group and I was excepted that he gave me another weapon to defend myself against Satan that I have to fight every minute of every day. God bless each and everyone and I will be saying prayers for everybody
“Because at standing of the test of this ministry, they will glorify God for your loyalty and obedience to the Gospel of Christ which you confess, as well as for your generous hearted liberality to them and to all. II Corinthians 10:13”
Donna, the Lord does direct our steps in amazing ways … to exactly where He needs us to be! So grateful that you are part of our community here! May your time spent with us encourage you to dig into God’s Word daily and apply it in your life! There is no better weapon against evil than the Truth of God’s Word! Thank you for your prayers! ~ Jean (LGG Encourager)
What to tell you that have not been said yet? 🙂 I know exactly how you are feeling and pray constantly for your back to “real life”. Love you girl.
Love you sister. So glad God has knit our hearts together. 🙂
Sometimes it’s hard for me to remember what it felt like to wonder if God loved me or not. On the day that those Rom 8:1-2 verses (it’s on the fb LLG page) changed my life…I knew and still do that no matter what…my God is real…and He loves me. I only need to open His Word and it’s written on every page with the Blood of Jesus. But not everyone has arrived at this bend in the road of their journey with the Lord. I was studying out (I love to verse map) Eph 3:17-19 when upon something that screeched me to a halt. In verse 17 is the word “dwell” and it’s huge. Here’s how “dwell” expounds out in the greek…
“The word “dwell” is katoikēsai, made up of oikeō, “to live in as a home,” and Kata, “down,” thus “to settle down and be at home.” The tense is aorist, showing finality.”
When Jesus finally comes to settle down into my heart and feels totally at ease and at home…that makes room for the Holy Spirit to come in and work a new work in me. And He teaches me the love that God has for me…one commentary said it this way…”as the wind fills up the sails and moves the ship forward…this is how the Holy Spirit fills our hearts and pushes us into the knowledge and experience of the Love God has for us…if we will only yield ourselves to Him.”
Tara, thank you for sharing here from your heart! I enjoyed hearing some background about the word “dwell.” I love when the Spirit speaks to us … and prompts us to dive into a word out of Scripture! There is always so much for us to learn, and so many ways for us to grow in the Lord … You’re right! His Love for us is life-changing! May we shine His love and His light to all that we cross paths with – leading them one step closer to knowing Him and how very much He loves us all! (Jean, LGG Encourager)
Joy, what is the book by Paul Tripp that you are quoting from?? Thanks!
Hi! It’s from a video series called Women Helping Women, it can be accessed online. Hope that helps! 🙂
Joy, thank You for letting God use you in a most wonderful way. When you wrote and asked, how you can again over and over want the comforts of this world thinking that they would satisfy you more the the One who loves you most, I have been asking myself that same question, only to have God lovingly show me how He has molded me into the daughter becoming of her King. I am who I am because of who He is in me. It was like you read my mind, and God used you to confirm in my heart what He was telling me. Thank you. Abba Father, please watch over my sister in Christ as You mold her and shape her. I already know that You are using her in a mighty way. Be her El-Shaddai, her God Almighty. Protect her and keep her. In the most precious name I know, Jesus Christ, Amen
Dear Joy,
This morning I said a simple prayer (Psalms 143:8). I asked the Lord to show me the way I should go and I believe your page was an answer to that prayer. I identify so well with the ‘uncomfortable grace’ you write about in this note. Thank you for allowing the Spirit to use you and may you be blessed abudantly for sharing this.
PS: I am from Uganda and would love to know more about your mission here 🙂