(Our upcoming study: His Name Is..has been translated into 13 languages, one of them being Polish!)

We want to encounter God in a new and fresh way every time we visit Scripture. And we want to make friends along the way- real friends who will help us celebrate the smallest win and tell us the toughest truth. So we come to His Word and we hold the same verses together.

At Love God Greatly, we are passionate about removing barriers for the furtherance of the Bible, reminding women of their identity in Christ, revitalizing their purposes in life, and readying them to give God’s Word away to those around them. As we allow the Bible to inspire, encourage, and equip women across the globe…

Problems of the world fall away and promises of heaven rise.

Differences fade and unity through the Spirit shines.

Fear loosens its grip on hearts and freedom takes over, claiming its rightful place.

Lies lose. Hope wins. Joy fills. And God gets all the glory!

But we cannot begin to experience any of those things if we don’t know who we are. And we cannot know who we are if we do not know who He is. God is the Bright Morning Star, the Alpha and Omega, the Good Shepherd, and the Prince of Peace. Join us as we define who He is and discover who we are because of whose we are in His Name Is!

God has placed a wide scope on the reach of Love God Greatly studies! We wake with gratitude every day for the privilege to help pass on scripture, especially to women without access to Bible studies in their native languages! Many of our translators converged in Dallas this past fall for an intensive so they could bring more friends into the precious fold of His perfect Word. Your presence here brings them, and all of us, GREAT JOY!!

We are humbled and awestruck to announce that, once again, our devoted translators helped make it possible for Love God Greatly studies to reach over SEVENTY countries!! How incredible is our God?! He is unrivaled, unmatched, and unsurpassed! Today we get the privilege to extend the His Name Is study to 13 languages! And we praise Him for all He does!

Our new His Name Is… study has been translated into Afrikaans, Bulgarian, Czech, Dutch, French, German, Indonesian, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Spanish, Tagalog

If you would like to extend a hand in spreading His Word, please share our resources with those who serve people of different languages! If your church, pastor, missionary friend, or friend living abroad would be blessed with Bible studies and resources in over 17 languages, we would be so grateful if you could connect us with them!

Or, if you would like to help translate scripture and Bible resources and reach women all over the world in their native language, please comment below and specify which language you specialize in! Our translators not only translate the Bible studies, but they also provide support through social media pages and groups, blogs and MORE!


Site: LiefGodGrootliks.wordpress.com
Facebook page: Lief God Grootliks
Pinterest: https://za.pinterest.com/liefgodgrootlik/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/liefgodgrootliks/

Facebook group: www.facebook.com/groups/976130229171919/

Facebook page: Miluj Boha Nesmírně

Site: www.lovegodgreatly-nederlands.blogspot.nl

Site: Toutpourjesuslgg.blogspot.com

Facebook page: Tout pour Jesus

Facebook page: Love God Greatly D / CH / A

Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/826563960806227/?ref=bookmarks

Facebook page: Love God Greatly Nigeria
Whatsapp : +2348039561559
Instagram : @lovegodgreatlynigeria
Facebook group: https://facebook.com/groups/1874368282782046/

Site: www.szeresdnagyonistent.hu
Facebook page: Szeresd Nagyon Istent – LGG Hungary

Site: https://cintatuhansesungguhnya.wordpress.com/
Facebook page: Cinta Tuhan Sesungguhnya – LGG Indonesia

Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/lovegodgreatlyitalia/

Facebook page: Kochaj Boga Niezmiernie

Facebook page: Amando a Deus Grandemente

Facebook page: Ljubi Boga močno

Site: www.amaaDiosgrandemente.com
Facebook page: Ama a Dios Grandemente
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/AmaaDios/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/amaadiosgrandemente/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCovWO77Dmzr8KtK5oRfxxMw
Site: www.jovenesadg.com
Facebook page: Jovenes ADG
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jovenesadg/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jovenesadg

Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/245817185789016/


We need your help if you are able and willing! If you are bilingual, trilingual, or more and gifted in graphics, and technology, we would love to work with you in 2018!

Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”  John 8:12

Dear God, let your light be seen all over the world! Let your light shine so vividly that it is unmistakably yours this Christmas season! We pray your truth and love pour over the earth like a warm sunrise on a new and gorgeous day! Thank you for being the only and the endless source of hope in the face of fear!


Join us on MONDAY as we begin our HIS NAME IS study, and help support the work we are doing around the world with the purchase of a Love God Greatly journal!!! TOGETHER we can help more women around the world get into God’s Word in their language! 

Find ALL our HIS NAME IS journals on AMAZON here!

His Name Is...Christmas Bible Study

Angela Perritt

Angela Perritt

Angela Perritt is the founder and director of LoveGodGreatly.com, a nonprofit online Bible study ministry reaching thousands of women in over two hundred countries around the world with God’s Word through their translated Bible studies. She and her husband live in Dallas, Texas with their three daughters. Angela is passionate about God’s Word and believes one woman in God’s Word can change a family, community and ultimately a nation. Her greatest joy is to encourage her children and others to love God greatly with their lives one day at a time. You can connect with her on Instagram.

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change women's lives.

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