Isaiah 40:11
He tends his flock like a shepherd;
He gathers the lambs in his arms
And carries them close to his heart;
He gently leads those that have young.
God is my Shepherd.
A few weeks ago my husband and I found out that our sweet little Brinnley will need to have eye surgery on both of her eyes to fix her Strabismus in the coming year.
While this is not life threatening by any means, the thought of having our four year old have surgery on both of her eyes at the same time does cause this mama’s heart to become anxious.
Yet God, in His perfect timing, reminds me through the verses this week that He is my Shepherd, and He is a GOOD Shepherd.
He goes before me… many times years in advance.
Over ten years ago my husband, while he was in residency, was assigned to teach a group of fun and energetic med school students during their ER rotation. If you knew my husband, you’d know that he is an AMAZING teacher and always likes to make things super fun and engaging… even in the ER. One of the girls in this particular group loved her ER rotation so much that she decided to go into Emergency Medicine once she graduated from medical school. However, a year into her residency program she realized it wasn’t that ER itself was so fun and exciting; it was because my husband had made it that way as he taught her group. Long story short, she changed her specialization and ended up going into Ophthalmology.
As the doctor ended her examination of Brinnley’s eyes, she turned to me and asked, “Are you by chance Dr. Perritt’s wife?” Surprised by the question, I responded with a yes, wondering how she knew my husband since he doesn’t work at her hospital. She shared that Dirk had taught her and her group of medical school friends years ago. She went on to say how much they all enjoyed their ER rotation with him – so much so that she was the one who originally went into Emergency Medicine!
Now years later, through God’s providence, my amazing Good Shepherd tends to this mama’s heart. Anxiety begins to melt away, and I know my daughter is in good hands.
“He tends his flock like a shepherd.”- Isaiah 40:11
Ohhh friends, I can’t tell you how God used what He had done in her life years ago to bring comfort to me in that doctor’s office now over ten years later. Just the fact that she knew my husband helped me to relax. But God wasn’t done with His amazing surprises just yet…
Not only did our doctor know Dirk, but her own daughter has the same eye condition as Brinnley and has gone through the same type of surgery!
“Ohhhh sweet, Jesus!! You amaze me in how you weave the details of our lives together! You are indeed a Good Shepherd in how you tend to this little flock of mine. Thank you.”
We are never promised a life without surgeries, storms, or heartaches, but God does promise that we will never go through any of them alone.
Sweet friends, we serve an amazing God.
I love it when He blesses me with the opportunity to see His hand at work in my life through the amazing details he so tenderly hems in. Today I am thankful for this glimpse into the heart of my loving, compassionate God who is actively working in my life and in the lives of my children.
Take heart my sweet friend… you are in good hands. He gently leads those that have young.
We may not always understand the bends in the road as we follow our Lord, but we can trust the heart of the One who leads us.
He is a Good Shepherd.
Love God Greatly!
Let’s talk: How has God been a Good Shepherd in your life? Let’s share and praise Him together today!

Angela, my daughter had that surgery also. Twice. I was a wreck and prayed the whole time. The surgery itself was a piece of cake. It’s the recovery that I didn’t expect. It’s not bad or anything. But I was so caught up in the surgery that I didn’t even think about recovery. (Don’t wear white. She’ll have bloody tears.) And she’ll pull through easier than you think! My daughter is now 8 and doesn’t remember either surgery! It’ll be ok Angela!
Ahhh this is such great advice, Allison!!! THANK YOU so much for sharing it with me! Man, never thought about her tears….ohh sweet girl! Thank you so much for your sweet words of encouragement and sharing your experience with me!
Allison, My daughter, Camilla, is having this surgery done the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. Can you share with me what the recovery was like for (the both of) you? Please keep us in your prayers.
Gwen, the surgery itself was easy. I did have some “freak out” moments because that’s my baby under general anesthesia. Our doc was awesome and I trusted him. My daughter’s eyes were red and a little swollen. The first surgery was harder since she was younger. After we left the hospital, as anesthesia was wearing off, she’d just cry/scream/screech without warning. By that night, she was fine. The next day, she was acting like herself. It took a week or 2 before her eyes weren’t red. The 2nd surgery was easier. She was 4 1/2. She didn’t cry/scream/screech at all.
What an encouraging story Angela, thank you! I love the picture of Jesus being a Shepherd. But I dont have a solid understanding of Him as MY Shepherd yet. I think it might be due to the fact that a Shepherd is a caregiver and I didnt have good caregivers growing up. Now that I am raising my own sheep, I cry out to God to help me lead them. Then I saw what it said in Isaiah and hearing this story and I am amazed out how God uses everything to speak to us. I am comforted and more assured now that He is helping me to raise thees children. I pray for more revelation of Him being our Shepherd.
His love was strong enough to destroy sin, why wouldn’t he work all things together for our good?
Oh Miranda, our God is faithful! He is faithful to His Word, including not only His Promises … but His Character – WHO He is! I am lifting You in prayer my dear sister. God is just as much YOUR Shepherd as He is mine! Your experiences here in this temporary world growing up don’t define who God is – His Word does! Not having good caregivers growing up does not prevent you from experiencing and enjoying your relationship with God as YOUR Shepherd – please know that! God met me at a time when I was devastated, weak and broken as an adult – and never have I felt such a comforting and loving embrace! He gathered me in His arms and carried me close to His heart. Today’s verse brought me such comfort. I was a young one, His lamb. An adult yes, but young in my faith. God revealed Himself to me as my Shepherd. Since then, He has never left my side. He gently leads and guides me – His lamb – each and every day. You like me, Miranda, are part of His flock. God IS YOUR Shepherd. I am grateful that You are experiencing Him and His guidance as a mother raising her children, but I so desire that You experience Him as YOUR Shepherd, too! My prayer is that you turn to Him, Miranda, and open your heart. He will meet You and speak to you right where you are at. His strength is made perfect in our weakness {2 Corinthians 12:9} and you are absolutely right – He is faithful to draw good out of everything in His Timing! {Romans 8:28} Perhaps His Timing is now Miranda … for Him to reveal Himself to you as YOUR Shepherd, too! That is my prayer – that He will reveal Himself to you as YOUR Shepherd in your quiet time with Him … in His Word and in prayer. That He gather you up in His arms and His loving embrace, and allow You to experience His gentle guiding, leading, provisioning and protection all of your days! Thank you for being here with us for our Study! We are thankful for you! ~ Jean, LGG Encourager
Please pray for me too, I am struggling so very much with accepting God’s love and acceptance in my heart. I look at what Christ has done for me and so desperately want to have a heart that is full of gratitude but it is like my heart is made of rubber and all these truths just bounce off, my belief is only academic. Please, please pray for me, I am so very desperate. Gratefully yours
Ohhh praying over you tonight, Glenda! Just keep digging into God’s Word, be honest and pray…talk to God about your heart and ask Him to change it! That’s His speciality!!
Glenda, your plea reached my heart. I am praying for God to break through whatever barriers are holding your heart back. I am praying that He will thrill you and amaze you today. Our God turned water into wine. A “rubbery” heart ain’t nothing. 🙂 keep seeking and being honest with Him.
God continues to amaze me every day. 🙂 Thank you for sharing your heart.
Me, too, Melissa. Me, too. Our God is awesome and amazing! Thank you for being a part of our community here at Love God Greatly! ~ Jean, LGG Encourager
Beautiful beautiful testament of comfort and provision–and how it feels to be the lamb cradled in his arms.
I agree Lisa. Grateful to Angela for sharing her story. Grateful to our God, His tending to His flock, and His loving, comforting, and warm embrace! ~ Jean, LGG Encourager
Angela, my daughter had a like experience just this month with a Plano doctor. She has a rather rare blood condition and is facing a procedure totally unrelated to the blood issue. She was sent to a dr whose WIFE has the very same blood disorder and the dr was a great encouragement to her. We had a huge praise service in our car on the way home. Of ALL the doctors in the Dallas area, this was THE one our Good Shepherd chose for her. Still praising!!
Ohhh so LOVE that Joan!!! Love how He reveals Himself to us! Praying over your daughter and praising God with you!;) God so cares….even down to the smallest details!;)
PS. and will surely be praying for your precious Brinnley!
Thank you Joan! I’ll be praying over you and your daughter! 🙂
Prayers being lifted for your little Brinnley. Prayers also for you, the strength you will need to get thru this ordeal. Always harder to have things like this happen to our children. God is good!
Ohhh thank you so much, Shirley!:)
Awe, love that. ~ He’s so faithful to go before us, preparing the way, loving on us before we even know we need it. He’s the best. ~ Prayers for your daughter and for your family as you see her through this procedure. ((blessings))
Thank you so very much, Brenda!;)
Yes, our God does go before us. I remember when my first born was born 3.5 months premature. Just before my water broke, God has sent a lady to talk with me about the premature birth of her siblings. I then remembered how he had given me encouragement that previous Sunday. God was letting me know that I was going to go through a storm, but he was the helm!!! We serve an awesome God!! He is our Good Shepherd. To know Him it to love Him!
Thanks for sharing your story, Crystal! Yes, He is our good Shepherd – who goes before us and guides us through all of our days. I love reflecting back upon His faithfulness and sharing His faithfulness with others – how He met me and gently guided me. My prayer is that your words shared here will speak to someone’s heart right where they are at! And that you know that God is smiling – at your trust in Him and your willingness to step out and share His light and how He worked in your life! ~ Jean, LGG Encourager
Oh how timely this verse was for me today. My 19 year old baby (literally because of her disability) lays in the ICU room intubated. A breathing machine is doing the work for her presently and giving her little body a break. Watching her turn blue 4 times over a twenty four hour period is too much for this mama’s heart. This machine is a relief in an odd way. The vision of Jesus carrying her IN HIS ARMS and CLOSE TO HIS HEART brings a measure of comfort in that I am unable to carry her – i am absolutely powerless and frequently called on to make decisions regarding her procedures anf consent to treat. He is leading me gently and I am not alone….
Oh Chandra, please know that I am lifting both you and your daughter in prayer! Giving thanks to God that His Word is speaking to you, and your tired and aching heart. You are most definitely NOT alone! God tells us, “[d]o not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” {Isaiah 41:10} Praying that He continue to guide you in your decision making, and strengthen you in the days ahead. Know that His power is made perfect in our weakness Chandra. Lean on Him for strength, comfort, and rest. Praying for healing for Your daughter Chandra, in accordance with His Will and His Timing. In His arms and close to His heart is such a comforting and eternally secure place to be. Grateful that you are able to find comfort in His Word during this difficult time. Your words touched my heart, and I will be keeping you and your daughter in my prayers! ~ Jean, LGG Encourager
Angela , many years the LORD gave this to me and I would like to share with you as well as other sisters reading this:Lamb’s Prayer
Close your eyes. Place yourself
in a lovely meadow . Sheep are grazing.
The Shepherd is cuddling a frightened
lamb. Look close and you will see that
lamb is you ! The Shepherd is Jesus!
He is holding you during this time
in your life. He holds you so close
so you can feel the beat of His heart-
His love for you. He wants you to know
you are not alone. He too feels your
pain . He won’t let you go.
Just cling to Him and you will discover
He will be with you each step
of the way.
Rest in His Love, my friend.
Thank you for sharing that Mia! How beautiful! ~ Jean, LGG Encourager
Ohh Mia! That is so beautiful! THANK YOU so much for sharing it with us today!!!!!!!:)
In 2013 we were newly stationed in Germany and I found out my baby boy had a mass on his lung at 20 weeks gestation. We had to leave to address the potentially complicated issue. During our time of waiting in the states my daughter needed a follow up for a resolved issue with her kidneys. The specialist she had seen found a life threatening situation in her kidneys. That September my son was born asymptomatic, it was a relief and answer to prayer. A few months later my daughter had half her kidney removed and the next month my infant had half a lung removed. We were covered with God’s peace and felt His living provision. My daughter would not have seen that specialist without the rest of the circumstances. The surgery was scary in both cases. It wasn’t until it was all over and given a good outcome that I just sobbed. It was a good safe time to fall apart and feel vulnerable. Now almost 2 years later ( never returning to Europe) I have two very healthy children and I’m grateful to be their mom.
Oh Randy, thank you for sharing your story. It never ceases to amaze me how our God is always … always … at work! So very grateful that you were wrapped in His peace and felt His Hand at work during this time in your family’s life. Praising God for His faithfulness in walking you through your children’s medical situations, and thanking Him for His healing of your children! A heart postured in gratitude is one which God cherishes! As mommas we may fall apart “after the fact” but getting right back to praising Him is oh so important. Our God is an awesome God! ~ Jean, LGG Encourager
Hello Randy,
It’s nearly six years later but this story is still encouraging me. I do not have children of my own yet, but I imagine that major surgeries or health complications would make me feel a bit flustered. Thank you for reminding me of the absolute peace that comes from The Lord shepherding us. We can trust that His peace is beyond all understanding.
I have six adult sons and daughters and I am a widow. At least two of my sons, aged 45 and 38, I believe, are bi-polar in some way. My desire is that I have a prayer team who will earnestly care about my sons. I have considered gathering a few good men (brother-in-law, pastors, old friends who know my sons etc.) to ask them to pray and send them reports through emails. Any advice? I trust my God, but know there is power in the prayers of the righteous. My burden for my children is so heavy, and I feel like I am carrying it alone.
Karolyn, your words touch my heart. Please know that walking with the Lord means you are never, ever alone! My prayer is that you follow your desire to set up a prayer team. Perhaps that in and of itself is a prompting that the Holy Spirit has placed upon your heart. Prayer is powerful, Karolyn – and serves not only to make requests of the Lord but to allow us to have time of intimate communion with Him. My prayer is that you first are able to meet with the Lord in His Word and your prayer time with Him, and that you be refreshed, renewed, strengthened and encouraged. My prayer is also that the prayer team that you gather together point to the Lord and how He is always at work – and help you bring your petitions before the Lord for His mighty work in your childrens’ lives! Wait in joyful expectation of how He will work, Karolyn. I am lifting you and your children in prayer to the Lord. ~ Jean (LGG Encourager)
I had surgery on my eyes as a three year old and I remember my new teddy bear and popsicles. It’s so much harder on mommy’s to go through than the little ones. I’m learning that as a mom now. Loving this series
So glad this Study and God’s Word is speaking to you Laura. Thank you for being a part of our community here at Love God Greatly. ~ Jean (LGG Encourager)
This scripture today really speaks to me. God will take care if us when we cannot take care of ourselves. God will tend to us and we will tend to others as well. Our God is a great God and he is always there.
Yes, yes and yes Susan! So grateful that God’s Word is speaking to your heart. Our God is an awesome and amazing God! ~ Jean (LGG Encourager)
That was a wonderful story and yes, God is sooo good and faithful. He amazes me everyday.
That is an awesome coincidence! God is so great!! I am praying that God will teach me to lead my young as He leads me…gently.
Yesterday I was just in one of those moods, just grumpy and frustrated and discouraged. Every little thing was getting to me. My husband sends me. Random thank you text for all I do for the family. My boss, who’s a wonderful Christian, sends me a text with her bible study reading for the day, just out of the blue. It talked ofGods love and the need to cling to him. And she told me what a blessing I am to her. At supper time there’s the most beautiful rainbow and glorious sunset. Even though I was “off” yesterday, God in his faithfulness wasn’t. He kept giving me reminders of his love!
Loooove it so much! Right on time! He is indeed the good shepherd❤
All the posts are SO full of encouragement-thank you all, my sisters! My heart is often so very heavy with frustration, fear, great sadness for my 8 year old granddaughter. Her parents are busy with 3 younger ones & so hard on her, she’s very often in tears & feels left out, ignored, unloved…heart breaking for this Gramna’s heart…reading your entries tonight encourage me to pray He will be her loving shepherd!