As we waited for her brother to finish swim practice, my girl sat quietly as she listened to Billy Graham’s distinct voice and powerful words through old videos. The announcement of his death had flooded national news feeds and radio stations earlier that day, and she wanted to know who this great man of God was.

After some time and clearly overwhelmed with emotion, she couldn’t remain silent any longer. With tears streaming down her face she carefully whispered…

“He was kind, but he wasn’t afraid.”

His kindness seemed a given. She had expected as much. But unafraid to speak the message of the gospel with such boldness and clarity? That was what had moved her to her core.

At nine-years-old, she has already tasted the fear of people. From her body shape to her bold witness on the playground, she knows the world doesn’t always paint the most welcoming canvas for truth. Oh girl, I’ve tasted it too.

The fear of people has convinced me to remain quiet when I should have spoken up.

It’s made me hesitate when I should have stepped out.

It’s persuaded me to say yes when I should have said no.

It’s propelled me to push through when I should have stayed still.

The fear of people becomes a snare,

but whoever trusts in the Lord will be set on high.

– Proverbs 29:25

But whoever trusts in the Lord…

She may have tasted the fear of people in the past, but there is One who is greater. She knows she’s been given a gift that is too precious to keep hidden, and she’s determined that fear isn’t going to stand in her way any longer.

Are you lacking faith, living paralyzed by the fear of people?

  • Remember, God can be trusted. The Lord is my helper, and I will not be afraid. What can people do to me? – Hebrews 13:6
  • Confess any misplaced fear. ““We must obey God rather than people.” – Acts 5:29
  • Replace fear of man with a fear of God. Fearing the Lord leads to life, and one who does so will live satisfied” – Proverbs 19:23

She woke with fresh courage the next morning and found strength from God’s Word before tucking her pink Bible in her backpack on her way out the door. She may not speak to the masses in stadiums like Mr. Graham, but there’s one who sits next to her on the school bus who’s never heard. And today, by the power of God and a whole lot of holy determination, it’s faith over fear.

What if today we fear God instead of people, and then we refuse to fear anything the world could possibly throw our way because we’re so sure that He is for us?

What if today, by the power of God and a whole lot of holy determination, we:

Speak up for truth.

Step out in faith.

Say no to sin.

Stay still and trust.

You’re safe in His care, friend. What is God asking you to do by faith today?

Oh Father, may it be said of us, “She was kind, but she wasn’t afraid…”

At His feet,





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