Love God Greatly

There is no doubt we live in a time of unrest all around the world. We can all feel it…even if we don’t talk about it. We see it on the nightly news, and we hear about it as we pick our kids up from school or as we head into work. We talk about it over dinner with friends and debate it on Sunday afternoons with our family.

Peace…it’s a word politicians, diplomats and news anchors use. A word many can say but few truly understand how to experience.

“…so that in me, you may have peace.” John 16:33

True peace is found in Jesus Christ.

Despite what we are told, without Christ our world will not experience peace. Jesus is the Prince of Peace – the creator of peace – and by His blood we are graciously granted peace.

Yet…in this world we will have trouble.

Until the moment we see Jesus face to face, trouble will be part of our lives.

I hate to admit this for myself and even more so for my children, but trouble is here to stay.

“In this world you will have trouble…”” John 16:33

You see there’s this lie I’ve believed – fight against still to this day actually – this false assumption that my life should be trouble-free and if it’s not, then I’m doing something wrong by sinning in some way and taking myself out of the Will of God.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

We can not measure God’s love for us by the lack of troubles we have in our lives. Nor should we measure the amount of trouble in our lives as an indicator to how well we are living.

In fact, if I’ve learned anything over the years, it is this…as I walk forward in obedience to what God has called me to do, more opposition, more trouble, more pain enters my life to the point I question if I’m really doing what Christ is calling me to do. Can I really be in God’s Will with all this going on?

Trouble has a way of doing that, doesn’t it? Doubts enter our minds and cause us to question God.

We begin to see troubles, trials and pain as God’s punishment rather than results of living in a broken world.

Over the years, I’ve learned that I can be in the Will of God and still experience hardship, trouble and pain.

And so have many who have gone before me.

Look at Paul’s life. He experienced shipwrecks as he traveled to serve God. He was beaten, imprisoned and lied about. Yet even in those hardships, he was in the center of God’s Will for his life.

Or what about Job who lost everything…including his children? Was he not still in God’s Will in the midst of the trouble, the heartache…the pain?

In this world we will have trouble. It’s just a fact.

Be we have a choice.

We can choose to focus on the trouble or focus on Christ.

Jesus encourages us with this: “But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

Ohhh friends, let us not forget the ultimate victory…Jesus has already won! We can focus on the peace of God in our hardest, most troublesome times when we make Him our focus rather than the situation.

Be encouraged, Jesus has overcome the world!

We serve a Lord who understands our worries, our pain…our doubts!

Jesus also experienced pain from broken friendships, strained family relations and disdain from those who just didn’t understand…even to the point of being crucified on the cross!

Yes, trouble may enter our lives but our lives don’t have to be ruled by it.

Jesus is our Prince of Peace, the giver of peace…let’s allow Him to rule in our hearts and lives as we live for Him.

Knowing Him and making Him known…this is our life’s purpose.

Take heart friends…our Prince of Peace has this crazy world under control.

The ultimate battle has been fought and won…Jesus has overcome the world!


Love God Greatly!







Let’s talk:

How have you experienced Jesus as Prince of Peace in your life?




Angela Perritt

Angela Perritt

Angela Perritt is the founder and director of, a nonprofit online Bible study ministry reaching thousands of women in over two hundred countries around the world with God’s Word through their translated Bible studies. She and her husband live in Dallas, Texas with their three daughters. Angela is passionate about God’s Word and believes one woman in God’s Word can change a family, community and ultimately a nation. Her greatest joy is to encourage her children and others to love God greatly with their lives one day at a time. You can connect with her on Instagram.

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