There is no doubt we live in a time of unrest all around the world. We can all feel it…even if we don’t talk about it. We see it on the nightly news, and we hear about it as we pick our kids up from school or as we head into work. We talk about it over dinner with friends and debate it on Sunday afternoons with our family.
Peace…it’s a word politicians, diplomats and news anchors use. A word many can say but few truly understand how to experience.
“…so that in me, you may have peace.” John 16:33
True peace is found in Jesus Christ.
Despite what we are told, without Christ our world will not experience peace. Jesus is the Prince of Peace – the creator of peace – and by His blood we are graciously granted peace.
Yet…in this world we will have trouble.
Until the moment we see Jesus face to face, trouble will be part of our lives.
I hate to admit this for myself and even more so for my children, but trouble is here to stay.
“In this world you will have trouble…”” John 16:33
You see there’s this lie I’ve believed – fight against still to this day actually – this false assumption that my life should be trouble-free and if it’s not, then I’m doing something wrong by sinning in some way and taking myself out of the Will of God.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
We can not measure God’s love for us by the lack of troubles we have in our lives. Nor should we measure the amount of trouble in our lives as an indicator to how well we are living.
In fact, if I’ve learned anything over the years, it is this…as I walk forward in obedience to what God has called me to do, more opposition, more trouble, more pain enters my life to the point I question if I’m really doing what Christ is calling me to do. Can I really be in God’s Will with all this going on?
Trouble has a way of doing that, doesn’t it? Doubts enter our minds and cause us to question God.
We begin to see troubles, trials and pain as God’s punishment rather than results of living in a broken world.
Over the years, I’ve learned that I can be in the Will of God and still experience hardship, trouble and pain.
And so have many who have gone before me.
Look at Paul’s life. He experienced shipwrecks as he traveled to serve God. He was beaten, imprisoned and lied about. Yet even in those hardships, he was in the center of God’s Will for his life.
Or what about Job who lost everything…including his children? Was he not still in God’s Will in the midst of the trouble, the heartache…the pain?
In this world we will have trouble. It’s just a fact.
Be we have a choice.
We can choose to focus on the trouble or focus on Christ.
Jesus encourages us with this: “But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
Ohhh friends, let us not forget the ultimate victory…Jesus has already won! We can focus on the peace of God in our hardest, most troublesome times when we make Him our focus rather than the situation.
Be encouraged, Jesus has overcome the world!
We serve a Lord who understands our worries, our pain…our doubts!
Jesus also experienced pain from broken friendships, strained family relations and disdain from those who just didn’t understand…even to the point of being crucified on the cross!
Yes, trouble may enter our lives but our lives don’t have to be ruled by it.
Jesus is our Prince of Peace, the giver of peace…let’s allow Him to rule in our hearts and lives as we live for Him.
Knowing Him and making Him known…this is our life’s purpose.
Take heart friends…our Prince of Peace has this crazy world under control.
The ultimate battle has been fought and won…Jesus has overcome the world!
Love God Greatly!
Let’s talk:
How have you experienced Jesus as Prince of Peace in your life?

Ohh Angela! Thank You Jesus for these (probably hard-learned) lessons, that you share today. I needed this. I will be printing this out and laminate it, to ponder over it until it is embedded in my heart. Yes, the Prince of Peace gave us a choice: We can choose to focus on the trouble or focus on Christ. It is not easy, but it is that simple.
I still have pre-schoolers in my house. When I am in need of His peace, I try and visualize myself as a four-year old girl, nestling into the Lord, and Him gently stroking my cheek. I do believe He loves me (each of us) intensely. That gives me peace ♡
Great message Angela. I totally agree with your thoughts. Thank you they were inspirational and really resonated in my heart. Blessings.
Ahhh thanks so much for letting me know, Denise! I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Thanks so much for joining us!:)
Oh how Amazing of an idea, to print and laminate and read over and over again.
I truly LOVED this message as well. I’very been through several sticky situations that all fell within the same year. My brother having brain surgery, one grandmother having 2 heart attacks, my son diagnosed with autism, loss of my father in law, husband walking out of our lives, my dog got killed (the dog gave me lots of loves when needed 🙂 ), and then the loss of my other grandmother. It was OVERWHELMING! In the next 6 months I was divorced. However, through all the confusion and heartache, God held me and His Peace is what got me through it!!!!
Thank you Angela for writing these comforting words.
Ohhh Lynda,
You have been through so much! I am so very sorry! Stay strong and focus on Jesus, sweet one! This past week I was reading Abraham Lincoln’s biography to my girls and one of the many things that stuck out to me was the heartache that seemed to never be far away. He went through so much from his mother and sister dying, two of his four sons dying, people being so angry with him they were plotting to kill him, not to mention the huge burden he carried leading a nation through a civil war…his life was NOT easy but look how God worked through him! We are never promised an easy life but we are promised a Savior who will never leave our side! He will walk through the heartbreak, sad days and storms in life with us! He is the One who is our peace. 🙂 Taking time to pray over you right now! Thank you so much for sharing!
Oh sweet Elma!
It feels like yesterday when I had 3 little girls, 5 years old and younger…I so remember those days. They are long yet short at the very same time. 🙂 Yes, lean into Jesus, dear friend. Don’t feel like you have to be super-mom, just love them, cherish your time with them and allow yourself to rest. 🙂 Yes, what we focus on is SO important…I was speaking to my heart too when I wrote it!:) Much love to you!
Yes, I have experienced Jesus as the Prince of Peace in my life; however, I’m so blessed by this study of God’s names, as it reminds me to continue to know and trust Him and who He is! There have been times when I’ve called out to Him for peace, and maybe not instantly, but with a short time, fear is gone, and His peace is right there, almost like unexplainable of how it came. I now it is Him, being my Prince of Peace.
Ohhh I’m so glad you are enjoying the Names of God study!!! I think it’s pretty powerful too!!:)
I needed this this morning. Thank you so much for this! I’ve been struggling with relationships inside my family and feeling like God is absent and I’m sinning / failing because I haven’t been able to fix it. This writing refocuses how I look at it. I’ve been crying out to Jesus at every turn. He has been there for me. Maybe I have come unglued at times, but I think knowing it’s not because I’m being punished for not being faithful enough is liberating! I am going to pray hard to stop feeling guilt and defeat and start feeling Jesus walking beside me!
Gosh, these words could have come from me! Strangely enough, I am also an Ellen!
Just talking to God constantly has kept me sane whilst going through some rather difficult family issues in the last few months. He gives me such peace and strength to be able to carry on. I pray that
His will be done.
Oh Ellen,
Family struggles are the hardest…especially around the holidays! Praying for you, sweet friend! Staying God’s Word…He helps equip us to love those who make it hard. Remember, you are only responsible for your actions. Keep leaning into Jesus, asking for wisdom and finding your strength through Him. 🙂 Praying for you!:)
This has been exactly what I needed to hear this week! We have been struggling for the past two months financially and it’s nothing we have done or can help. Therefore, I wanted to put a prayer request through to our Church prayer chain but our Pastor won’t let me. I’m not sure if it’s too personal as I mentioned we had to use the food bank or what. However, the email he sent basically said that it is our fault we have financial issues and that money won’t help. My prayer request isn’t asking for money, it’s asking for people to pray for us by name. So anyway, I have really needed the encouragement! Also, I have chosen joy instead of worry and have sure had many opportunities to show my kids where peace comes from because I have remained calm. God bless you all!
I am sorry that you heard that response from your pastor. God wants to be our provider, and he lovingly cares for us. We saw a great picture of his care for us when we studied God as our Good Shepherd. You guys just keep seeking first his kingdom and righteousness and trust in Him, and as Angela said above keep your focus on God when it wants to land on your troubles. Mat 6:26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feed them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Praying the perfect peace of God over you and your family and that he provides just what you need during this tough time both financially and spiritually. Blessings on you!
Thanks so much for the encouragement and God bless you!
Thank you for your sweet encouragement, Gail!:)
Jamie, I too am sorry for not only your financial troubles right now but also for the response you received from what should have been your soft landing place. But isn’t our Father just so Amazing….He will keep His children praying for His children! I am sorry for your pastor He is losing this ministry opportunity and keeping your church family from this privilege to pray for you. Press on, Sweet Sister, your Father knows your needs and He will guide you to His answers. HE does His best stuff when we get to the end of ourselves in knowing what next step to take….HE has your answers. Just know you have many sisters praying for you and your family. Keep pressing into Your Shepherd, your Jehovah Jirah and your Prince of Peace will turn Heaven and earth for you! Just watch! Praying for you and your family…..
Thank you so much for your prayers! God bless you!
Oh Jaime! I am so sorry to hear this! Every Sunday we post a prayer image on our Facebook page for our women in the LoveGodGreatly community to share their prayer requests with us. We have an AMAZING group of prayer warriors who go through the list and pray for all the requests! I would love for you to share your request there for more women to be praying over you and your family. I’m stopping right now to pray over you as well! What an amazing example you are being to your sweet children and what a powerful lesson for them to see you live out in faith! You are an amazing mama!:)
Thank you so much Angela! God bless you and your family as well! I pray for you often!
Yes. When we lost our 4-year-old and our unborn baby in a car accident, Jesus was my Peace and so much more. Now 20 years later, I look to him for peace as my Peace-giver and Peacemaker, in a different but just as painful way, within my family.
Oh Kathleen,
I’m so incredibly sorry for your loss. As a mama to 3 girls, I can’t imagine. THANK YOU for the testimony and encouragement you have provided. Because of Jesus, we can survive this broken world.
Also, I have a very good friend who has not had as much heartache in her life and who strongly believes everything difficult that happens to me (except the accident) is really my fault, due to sin in my life etc. to the point I feel she has even questioned my salvation. This post as well as the others, is so refreshing and encouraging. I have enjoyed all the studies I have done with LGG but this one is especially timely and uplifting. Thank you. Praise to God who is faithful to uphold us, protect us, love us, and encourage us. He is forever faithful!
Oh Kathleen,
I’m so sorry you have a friend in your life like that, but just take a look at all the disciples lives and how they all died…lack of trials, struggles and persecution is not a sign that we are living our lives well. This world is not our home. Jesus says that in this world we will have trouble…BUT to take heart…HE has already overcome it!
Thank YOU so much for joining us for this study as well as all our others!:)
My sweet sister, Angela…thank you for sharing your heart so transparently! I feel as if I could have written these same words straight from my heart! “You see there’s this lie I’ve believed – fight against still to this day actually – this false assumption that my life should be trouble-free and if it’s not, then I’m doing something wrong by sinning in some way and taking myself out of the Will of God.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
We can not measure God’s love for us by the lack of troubles we have in our lives. Nor should we measure the amount of trouble in our lives as an indicator to how well we are living.”
But thanks be to God, He continues to lovingly teach me…and choosing to focus on Him instead of the trouble does bring His Peace! In fact, I am currently going through a time of needing to set up hospice care for my mother-in-law who has terminal cancer and home health care for my own mom who is in declining health. It can be heart-wrenching and exhausting…but through it all, God has been with me & my husband..faithfully, lovingly, guiding us and providing even in the details Himself as our best comfort and peace. He is our Prince of Peace!
Oh sweet Karen,
Seeing our loved ones declining in health is not easy. I’m so sorry you are going through this right now! He is with you, dear friend and loves you so much! Stopping to pray over you tonight as well!:)
If any of us got up this morning wondering ‘what’s it all about’ or what is my purpose, God has provided our answer! “Knowing Him and making Him known…this is our life’s purpose.” It just doesn’t get any sweeter or better than this! Because He will equip, provide and spiritually protect us from the enemy. Thank you, Angela, for being His heart and Words this morning. We are all blessed!
Ahh Joan, thank you so much for joining us!
We are more than conquerors through him, who strenghten us!
Amen, Marilyn!
Thank you so much for sharing this!! I was just talking with my husband about his physical pain he has endured over the past 6+ years and how I struggled with thoughts that God was punishing us, or thoughts of maybe we had not listened to Him and did the wrong thing, etc. And there were even people suggesting that to me and that I had to do A. or B. to get God to bring healing like it was some formula. But then I remembered I experienced Peace after my church laid hands on me and prayed for me and I felt God telling me He would definitely bring good out of this…He said, yes, it will be painful, but I will bring good out of it! He encouraged me and continues to do so! Also, I really started to study the Word back then through these studies. God has already brought so much good out of this trial. Thank you so much for ministering to me, LGG!!
Oh Amy, what an amazing testimony He is building through your life right now! Thank you so much for joining us, we are so thankful to have your here with us! Praying right now for your eyes to be opened so you can see how God is using your through your situation and your husband’s unfortunate pain. Much love to you!
Yes, I have experienced the a Prince of Peace over and over again every single day. Thank you Angela (and all the LGG ladies) for this study. It is really touching my heart and soul.
Oh thank you so much, Gloria for joining us!
A few years ago my doctor discovered a large tumor ….when I had gone in for something else totally unrelated. I remember on my drive home after getting the news that I cried a lot…and kept asking God, why me? I had been serving him for over twenty years, half of it on the mission field….so why me? I switched between this is not fair and what have I done to deserve this? Praise the Lord the Prince of Peace began to work in me and remind me of this truth…. There will be hardships, but more importantly I will be with you.
Ahhh April! What an AMAZING reminder, indeed! And isn’t it amazing that the tumor was found through an unrelated check-up! Ahhh I just love seeing God work in and through our lives! Thank you so much for joining us!
Dear Pastor, Brother & Sister in Christ,
Greetings to you in Jesus’ name!
I am Bashir from India! God has asked me to reach out especially to the Muslims with The Gospel of Christ and plant Churches among them. God is using me for His own glory among the Muslims.
I am seeking more prayers of God’s saints around the world. My daughter Noorie’s life is in danger. Therefore, I am in great need of your kind prayers & intercessions for her life. She has developed friendship with my former care taker of the Church building who is a lair, unfaithful and morally corrupted boy. God’s Spirit led me to found your contact address through Google search so that you could pray & intercede with my prayer request.
Please pray that God’s Spirit will convicts Noorie’s heart and she will break this unholy & inappropriate friendship for His own glory. Please pray that Noorie will give priority to Jesus in her life and LOVE TO HIM BY OBEYING HIS COMMANDMENTS.
Contact: [email protected]