“Remember that one time when we were shopping and you lost Chase?”
My kids are so generous to remind me of this stuff.
They were 8, 7, 4, and 2 and it was two days before Christmas. I know, I know… December 23rd is not the day to power shop with four little ones. But I longed to buy their daddy something special, so I put all better judgment aside and out we went.
The crowds were nearly unmanageable. The line to the checkout alone wrapped around the perimeter of the store and must have been twenty people deep. What was I thinking? But we were there and I was determined to not go home empty-handed, so we ventured into the crazy with the baby strapped in the cart and three boys firmly instructed to stay close by my side.
One moment I could feel his little body against my leg; the next moment, he was gone. In a sea of never-ending people, clothes racks, and holiday end-caps, we searched for what seemed like forever. Nothing. We called out his name… a little louder with each attempt. Nothing. We walked – and then began running in desperation – looking high and low in every possible hiding place the store afforded. He was nowhere to be found. After a few minutes had passed, other shoppers and store attendants began noticing our plight and began spreading out the search, simultaneously covering multiple departments and blocking doorways as they looked for a brown-eyed, blond-haired, adventurous four year old who ironically just happened to be wearing his favorite Superman shirt that day.
You guys, I would have done anything in that moment to get my boy back. A mama’s love is fierce in the day-to-day, but when one of your own goes missing, the depth of that love is exposed and you go to extreme lengths to ensure his safe return.
You don’t stop.
You won’t quit.
You never give up…
…until the one you love is back safely in your arms.
David may have started out as a forgotten shepherd, but through the beauty of Scripture God uses his purpose-filled life to point us to a better Shepherd who was to come: the Great Shepherd who never stops pursuing His people.
“I myself will be the shepherd of my sheep, and I myself will make them lie down, declares the Lord God. I will seek the lost, and I will bring back the strayed, and I will bind up the injured, and I will strengthen the weak…” “And you are my sheep, human sheep of my pasture, and I am your God, declares the Lord God.” – Ezekiel 34:15-16, 31
This Shepherd was on a mission even fiercer than that of a desperate mother looking for her lost child. He would come in the humblest of ways – so opposite of everything the world expected – to lay down His life to rescue His sheep: the ones who were lost; the ones who had strayed; the ones who were injured and weak. And still today, in His great love, God never stops passionately pursuing His own…
He searches for the lost.
He brings back the strayed.
He rescues them.
He gathers them safely in His arms.
He feeds them with good pasture.
He binds up the injured.
He strengthens the weak.
He gives them rest.
He doesn’t stop. He won’t quit. He never gives up… until the ones He loves are safely back in His arms.
After a few short minutes (that felt more like hours), I turned the corner and there he was. He was scared, confused, crying, and alone. As I scooped him up in my arms, with tears streaming down his face he buried his head in my chest and whispered, “I never want to leave you again.”
Are you feeling lost, scared, confused, or alone today? True peace, identity, and purpose can only be found in Christ. Run into the arms of your Great Shepherd, who longs to welcome you back into the fold.
He is God, and He loves like no other.
At His feet,
*Let’s Talk: What characteristic of God mentioned in today’s verses means the most to you? Would you thank Him for who He is in the comments today?
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Week 1- When You’re Not The First Choice…
Meet the newest addition to the Love God Greatly family….the NEW #LGGApp!
Feeling lost right now. Cannot seem to find the words to talk to my husband about an on going problem we are having.
Lord I need your grace today. Thank you for reminding me that I am not alone. You are there for me always. You always find your lost sheep. Help me find the correct time and words to defuse my situation. In Jesus name I prau. Amen
Whitney thank you for your words. Very encouraging.
God bless.
Praying for you today!
I know that you have to be hurting. God is every so graceful with us. I to have an ongoing situation with my husband. I have been praying Lord change my attitude and the Lord is changing my attitude so I am not so stressed out! Praise the Lord. He is always pursuing us, loving us, healing us and strengthening us! He is our God and we are His people!
Thank you Brenda for the encouragement. You have reminded me to pray for myself and to
“Approach the throne of grace with boldness, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us at the proper time” Heb 4:16
God bless!
Have a nice day.
He is our Rescuer, Our Saviour! He is the Shepherd of the Sheepfold! His perseverance in searching, finding & healing us has always amazed me!
I also heard this message this morning from the Online Bible School where I take FREE classes online! They were speaking of John 10:1-11 — He is the Good Shepherd! Amazing!
Robin, don’t you love when god reinforces what we’re learning? He is good!
God is moving in my life even though mine eye do not yet see my spirt is full of hope, entesapation and joy! Thank you for the Word!! Can’t wait till Friday for my sons an my books! I believe Lord help my unbelief.??
Heidi, your faiths contagious! Thanks for sharing!
Lindsay, LGG Encourager
I’m in aw ! I just completed not only LGG reading but another study from Acts 3 were Peter heals the beggar of his lameness and then a 3rd study from John 6 of Jesus feeding the mulitude with only 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish…I’m reminded once again miracles just don’t happen and come to us on silver platters. We are called or asked to participate beginning with having a grateful heart and giving thanks to our LORD. As I was doing my reading , the Holy Spirit was speaking to me through these passages. In Ezekiel we see our LORD as the Shepherd . He feeds His flock . He provides them with pasture for rest. He goes looking for His lost lambs, those who have wandered away, those who have been hurt or injured and have a broken heart. He offers refreshment and restoration. We need to come to Him and repent. My heart cries out forour lost brothers and sisters in Christ who have wandered away , who have been hurt, who have lost their direction. May they stop running and turn back. The LORD wants them back in His arms . Thats where I belong in His arms .
Mia, thank you so much for sharing! I cannot imagine not having Jesus as our shepherd!
Lindsay, LGG Encourager
The characteristic that most amazes me about God is the depth of his love for his children. Sometimes I need to be reminded of that. His love is not conditional for us, or dependent on how we “behave” or how much we love him back. Whitney’s story was a good reminder for me. I remember losing my son in Disneyworld when he was six. I remember that panic; that desperateness. And I remember the total relief when we found him!. I never wanted to let go of him again! When he was 23, he had cancer. I was afraid that he would be taken from me, but God, in his great mercy healed him completely. Now this same beautiful son of mine is moving an ocean away with his lovely wife and my two little grandsons. But I know that nothing can separate us from the love of Christ. God’s love is overwhelming and greater than any ocean!
“Nothing can separate us from the love of Christ!” Thank you so much for this Karen! I know many needed to hear this today, like me!
Lindsay, LGG Encourager
God is working in my life. I strayed away for a while. My pastor told me to read Proverbs every morning, Psalms every midday, and James before bed. On top of that, I do this study. Everything I read seems to be talk to be and telling me just how much God loves me which is actually what I need. Just in the last 3 days, I have gained so much knowledge -mostly finding out that the love I have for my kids is nothing compared to the love God has for me and all of his sheep. Thank you for this study, and for reminding me of our God’s love.
Keisha, I love the advice of your pastor! What a commitment, but I know you will gain so much. I am encouraged by your dedication. So glad you’re with us!
Lindsay, LGG Encourager
He binds up the wounded…I love that. It comforts my heart and mind. That reality was ever near when trials and devastating news came. At first, it took me while to grab a hold of the fact that He was caring, nurturing, and holding me in the beginning. However, he was patient, loving and kind and waited while never leaving me and bringing me up out of the valley to see joy again.
Sheri, isn’t He the greatest! Through my toughest trials when I get so consumed by what I am dealing with, his quiet presence makes itself known and I am reminded how lucky I am to have such a loving God.
Lindsay, LGG Encourager
Oh Whitney, thank you for reminding us how much HE loves us & cares for each & everyone of us!!
Looking to Jesus,
God rescues His children no matter how long they have been gone. For about 40 years I ran from God, ignored all the warnings but He never gave up on me. Now safely back in the fold I can see how amazing my Shepherd is. I thank and praise Him daily for all the blessing I have received. When one is lost he searches until He find them.
His unconditional love is amazing. He has so much patience for us. Amen!
Lindsay, LGG Encourager
God’s ‘never give up trait’ is so wonderful! Thank You Lord that you will continue to seek the lost we pray for … And amazingly use us in small ways in the process!
Healer – the Healer of broken hearts and Giver of new life and second chances – many ‘second’ chances.
He does heal, doesn’t He, Joan? He is faithful and good!
Lindsay, LGG Encourager
I am so thankful he brings back the strayed! Oh I have family and friends who have strayed and are still in that place and it break my heart! This characteristic of the Good Shepherd gives me hope for my loved ones! Please bring them home dear Lord!
Nashly, I relate to that so much as well. Praying for our prodigal sheep this morning to come back to safe pasture.
LGG Encourager
God being such a faithful shepherd despite His unfaithful sheep. He is always trying to bring us back when we go stray, never locking us out or giving up on us being “lost”. And He is there to comfort us when we finally decide to return to His open arms.
How refreshing is it to know that God doesn’t give up on us. That just blesses my heart. I have been through many trials. Whats so amazing is when your on the other side of that trial looking back and seeing God in every aspect of that trial. That makes me pursue Him all the more. He is and will always be there for us. So thankful He never gives up on us! 🙂
This reading has reminded me that Ia m blessed to have a relationship with God as my shepherd. So with His blessing I should reach out to those who do not know this glorious relationship and “shepherd” them to know more about Jesus and our heavenly father. My prayer is to have the courage and right words to speak to others about this covenant.
I thankful for a God who never stops seeking the lost. I was lost and had strayed a few years ago. He never gave up on me and continued to put people in my life that eventually brought me back to church. He brought me LGG and now I have facilitated 4 studies, have started a blog site, and more active in my church. Praise God, for He IS good and His love endures FOREVER!!
So very thankful He binds the injured. This life reminds me of my young kids, there is always something to trip over, fall into, and get us distracted from what we ought to do. I have injured myself and others as I’ve gone along, so thankful for the healing and reconciliation offered through Jesus.
He strengthens the weak is my favorite. Thank you Jesus for strengthening me when things went so badly after my husband’s kidney transplant! Thanks for saving his life!
Right now I’m in the middle of a crisis and feeling all alone and nowhere to turn. I don’t think I’m ever going to be on the other side of this but I keep hoping and praying. I know God is looking and I hope He finds me soon!! I trust Him. I just want to get past this.!!! I want to feel His presence like I used to. I feel so far away. This study is a unspoken prayer. Thank you.
Even in crisis D.L. you are never alone. He wants you to turn to Him. You will get to the other side of the crisis. God is not looking for you, He sees you as much as He loves you. Continue to pray and reach out to Him. He’s right there waiting for you. Take care.
I love that the Lord “declares” that we are His and He is ours. That is strong language and it means everything!
I just love knowing He is here, beside me. Binding me up when I’m hurt and nudging me back on the path when I stray.
Thankful that my God searched for me, found me, rescued me and brought me into His fold! And here I have grazed in His green pastures on His Word! Thank You, sweet Lord!
Our Good Shepard rescues, binds our wounds and strengthens us….basically keeps on giving and giving whatever we need. Touching verse, thank you! Strengthens me just to be reminded that God will take care of my needs:) He is so Faithful.
He strengthens the weak. I thank Him for making me to stand up when my knees were shaking in fear.
I thank Him for never stop passionately pursuing me. I don’t always do as I should and to know that even when I am at my worse He stills pursues me is so uplifting and encouraging!!!! I would be NOTHING without HIM!!!
Father I thank you that You are relentless in your search for your wandering sheep. I am thankful that when I strayed away, You didn’t leave me out there. I thank You for drawing me back to You and loving me as if I never strayed. In Jesus Name, amen
Father,thank you for your patience and your persistence.i am like that 4 year old.i get distracted.i wander off.i forget to stay close to you.i take for granted your love and care.i think I know something.that I can do something.i can’t.i know you already know that about me but I am confessing that I need you.all the time.thank you for loving me.for reminding me of who I am and who you are.for teaching me and training me and for waiting patiently for me to grow up.blessed be your name,Jesus
Kara thank you so much for your prayer. I see now why I had to read all the comments. It was so that I would read yours. As I read your prayer I asked the Lord to hear my prayer through yours. I love the Lord so much but sometimes I get distracted with every day situations. I learned that God has not given up on me yet and if I continue to seek his word I will grow closer to him. Isn’t it great to know that God loves unconditionally.
Thank you Lord for always accepting me back with open arms when I wonder off from you. Thank you for your everlasting love!
Thank You Heavenly Father For Your Endless Love. ?
God pursues me? This is what struck me most today. I know this, but I prayed that it become at the forefront of my mind. So that I live and walk boldly in the purpose He has for me. I’m still so amazed that He seeks me. He is good beyond words. Thank you Heavenly Father. I love you.
That He will bring again that which was driven away, will bind up that which was broken and strengthen the sick. This encourages me for my children. They are straying, the world has broken them and they are hurting. God can restore, He loves them so much and He’s waiting for searching for them. Thank you Lord!!