And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful. – Colossians 3:15

As followers of Christ, we must be imitators of Him, not amplifiers of ourselves. We cannot ride the unpredictable waves of our emotions for days, months, or years and then wonder why we are seasick. We cannot claim to hold Christ dear yet reflect our selfish motives more than His. We cannot tell people Jesus brings us joy and then zap all the joy when we walk in a room. Those contradictions do an unholy disservice to His name.

God’s peace has the power to steady any heart in any battle. His peace can bind any boundary and heal any wound. We can find His harmony in any day and praise Him in every way.

Dear Lord, we are overjoyed You are nothing like this world! Long before man even thought to question the possibility, You caused salvation despite our position and peace despite our condition! We bind our wandering hearts to You and thus bond ourselves together as one church.




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