Jesus: The Better Warrior…
I’m a mom to three boys. You know what that means, don’t you? No matter how often I remind them to be gentle and compassionate, they always find a way to remind me that God made them ALL boy. In their world, sticks become swords. Chopsticks become wands. Peanut butter sandwiches become guns. And no one had to teach them how to make those awesome sound effects either. It’s like they were born with it.
Somebody please tell me you can relate. Geesh.
From the time they were little the theme was always the same: there was a dark side and a light side. Good versus evil. And on a good night – if I was lucky – true heroism shined through and they’d rescue their little sister from the bad guys. Day after day, they never seemed to run out of stories to act out. Even if the bad guys were defeated the night before, another villain inevitably arrived to take the last one’s place. But somehow they were ready. They knew there would be a struggle, but they were determined to stand their ground. And without fail?
The good guys always won.
Friends, there’s another battle that’s raging as we speak. But this is no make-believe battle that’s fought with sticks for swords and pan lids for shields. It’s the real-life battle between good versus evil, and Satan is trying ever so strategically to convince us to join forces with him.
He tries to tell us that because we’re women, fighting in a battle is really not our first preference. He messes with our minds and convinces us to compare our lives with others until we’re dissatisfied, to depend on our emotions far too much, to desire man’s approval even if it means giving in to compromise, and to struggle with where our confidence and value comes from. He finds us where we’re weak (and oh, you’d better believe that he knows), and tries to lure us over to his side.
God’s Word reminds us that with Satan on the prowl, we can’t just be a spectator in the battle. Ladies, it’s time to suit up and put on the full armor of God. It’s time to decide which side we’re on, and then to intelligently prepare for battle. Let’s show Satan that with the power of our strong God in us, we’re tough and determined and focused, and we can rise to the occasion. What are some practical ways you and I can do that? John MacArthur gives us a battle pep talk in his sermon here:
1. Remember that the death blow has already been dealt. Christ – our great Warrior King – has defeated Satan. Amen! (1 John 3:8)
2. Remember that the power that defeated Satan is dwelling in you! (1 John 4:4)
3. Be watchful and steadfast in your faith. (1 Peter 5:8-9)
4. Don’t give Satan a place in your life. (Eph. 4:27)
5. Don’t be ignorant of Satan’s devices. (2 Cor. 2:11)
6. Flee the devil when you see him coming. (James 4:7)
We can be ready. We know there will be a struggle, but we can be determined, with the power of God on our side, to stand our ground. And about that battle?
We know Who has already won.
Through our study of David we are reminded of a better Warrior who will one day return to rule and reign forever:
“Then I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse! The one sitting on it is called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he judges and makes war.” – Revelation 19:11
The battle is the Lord’s. He is faithful and true, He reigns victorious, and no matter what we face in the here and now we can stand in confidence as we wait for that day. Let’s turn from our doubt and despair, battle warriors, and look to Him…
“They turned and saw the Lion himself, so bright and real and strong that everything else began at once to look pale and shadowy compared with him.” – C.S. Lewis, The Chronicles of Narnia
At His feet,
*Let’s Talk: Which of the six battle strategies mentioned above do you need to recommit yourself to today?
Remember the show “My 3 Sons”? Grew up without a TV so not even sure what the show is but used to use the phrase now and then. Got excited with the scripture references for today cause God is reinforcing so many during my reading time! 1 John 4:4 is an awesome reminder that it is not what we do but what GOD does thru us:) He is able-we need to be willing-that is my thought to start my morning-thanks for the study-really enjoy the availability at a time that works for me:)
Oh, I have two boys, so I can relate, making guns out of cardboard, sword out of cardboards etc. My little boy was acting or pretending that he was that boy in Simpson with skating board and he even dressed like him. One time he said he was a superhero and made a cape out of pillow case and bed sheet….but thank God for boys….I found myself yelling the other day when It was for me to clean their rooms, it was just a mess that I yelled, my flesh were empowering at that moment, I repented right away and I asked God to help me in this situation, I think God wanted me to be a role model for them instead of yelling, meaning show it to them how it’s done or do it, meaning clean it with love. He said, less of me more of God., I started to changed my behavior, and saw God’s working in them, instead of making a mess, I saw my 9 year old boy printing his favorite images of mixels and putting it on the wall with a push up pins. I saw that it was beautifully done.
Definitely #2! “Remember that the power that defeated Satan is dwelling in me.” I struggle with anxiety and codependency. So my flesh and Satan capitalize on this weakness when I don’t stay grounded in the truth of God’s Word.
Such a great post! Definitely #5 and #6. Somehow in the busyness of the day to day I forget to keep an “eye out” or to watchful for the enemy. Since I haven’t been watchful then when the enemy attacks and it just seems like a struggle in he physical. Sometimes it will take me a while to remember and see it for what it is. It would help so much if I was watchful each day from the out set to be ready for the enemy. This is what I am committing myself to this week!
Another piece of puzzle fits. Thank you Lord. #5 is a great reminder for me. All this time I struggle to understand today it hits me. I am familiar with satan’s evil scheme and was just ignoring it. Today I have decided to be steadfast in faith #3 and stay strong. I will stay focus on the Lord because he has already defeated Satan. Giving praise to Him, Mighty God.
Great blog Whitney. Thank you.
#4 & #5 are definitely on my radar. Even in the Christian community (especially in the Christian community??) Satan is approaching through the back door in seemingly inconspicuous ways that appear to not be a big deal. Nowadays, anything goes right?? And yet, I’m seeing people get sucked into things that become a big deal! Not always for them, but maybe someone around them or the next generation. I fear we are dropping our guard in pursuit of our freedom of choice. i personally am fighting a battle where those around me are saying “it’s not a big thing, let it go” yet I’m feeling such strong conviction. Why?? All I can think is its a danger zone. Playing with fire. And that’s how Satan works. God either has to release me of that conviction or I need to trust He knows something I don’t & stand my ground. These are hard battles!!
Thank you for this post, Whitney. God always sends a word of encouragement when we need it most and today is definitely THAT DAY for me. It just seems that it’s been one thing after another impacting me both financially and emotionally lately…and trying to adjust to this new life as a single mom feels a bit brutal. I am so thankful that as I cry out to Him asking for a tender word or guidance, He always, without fail, sends it. I feel so incredibly weak, so completely physically, emotionally and even spiritually barren sometimes and I hear Paul speaking as if to me, “for when I am weak, then I am strong.” And that is solely because of Him, the Spirit dwelling in us, the One who has already overcome and is telling us we are overcomers, too.
Thank you for the reminder…