I love David. He’s honestly one of my favorites. Reading about his poor choices, his less than admirable decisions, and his selfishness… not one of my favorite topics for this David-loving girl.
I like seeing him depending on God. I like seeing him being humble and trusting in God when no one else is. That encourages me, fires me up, and makes me want to do the same in my life.
But even though David loved God, he was also a sinner and prone to wander. Kinda like me.
We painfully see that this week. At times when I read the story about David and Bathsheba, David and Uriah, and David and Nathan, I almost want to scream at him and tell him to not go out there. Close your eyes. Don’t give into the temptation. Humble yourself and just tell the truth.
Our choices have consequences.
Many times our poor choices not only hurt us, but hurt those who are innocent around us.
We see that in our reading this week. David’s sin not only hurt him, but his sin hurt God. His sin hurt his child with Bathsheba. It hurt Uriah who was innocent and noble. It hurt David’s family, and ultimately hurt his nation whom he was supposed to guard and protect.
David had many successes in his life, but he also had many failures. We can clearly see the difference in David’s life when he was fully depending on God and when he was far from Him. Though I don’t like seeing one of my heroes sinning and living so far from God, I believe God allows this story of David to be included in the Bible to encourage us and give us hope.
Though God did amazing things in David’s life, David was a sinner… just like me.
David – at certain times in his life – turned his back on God… just like me.
David – at certain times in his life – thought he was more important than others… just like I have.
David – at certain times in his life – was selfish and independent… just like me.
David – at certain times in his life – forgot who his first love was… JUST LIKE ME.
Ohhh but sweet friends, we have Jesus. Jesus is by far the better King.
Reading 1 Timothy 1:12-16 causes me to rejoice in the love, grace, and hope that I have through the forgiveness of my sins because of Jesus Christ!
He knows my past. He knows my sins. He knows the darkness of my heart and the struggles that I fight. He knows my sins and He knows my regrets. He knows when I have wandered from Him like a lamb and He has had to go out after me, for my protection. He knows the darkest parts of me, and yet He choses to love me.
He does the same for you, sweet friend.
David was a sinner. I’m a sinner… and so are you.
Yet we read in our verses today that Jesus shows us mercy (vs 13). Through Jesus’s shed blood on the cross I don’t receive condemnation but instead receive grace, faith, and love (vs 14)!
“Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners- of whom I am the worst.”- (vs 15)
Friends, Jesus came for us. He already knows we are sinners in need of a Savior. There is no reason to hide from Him or cover up our sins.
He knows our sins and yet in His grace and mercy has chosen to love us in spite of them.
He chose mercy over wrath.
We are all sinners, but don’t miss this important part of our reading today: “But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his unlimited patience as an example for those who would believe on him and receive eternal life.”
Ahhh… do you see how powerful your testimony is? Paul in these verses doesn’t hesitate to show how awful his sins were. Why? So that others could have hope. He was more interested in being an example of the amazing work Jesus can do in a life rather than creating an image void of his past and the amazing work Jesus had done in him!!
Sweet friends, allow others to see your failures so that they have hope that the amazing work Jesus did in your life, He can do in theirs too.
Jesus… He is our only hope.
Even though I’m sad about the choice David made with Bathsheba, I love how God redeems that situation.
Yes, David and Bathsheba suffered the consequences for their choices and sin, but don’t miss the fact that God in His mercy blesses them with another son… Solomon.
Never forget that we serve a God who redeems.
He is our hope. He is our friend. He is our Savior.
*Let’s talk: Encourage someone today and share how God has extended grace, patience, and mercy to you and how His love has changed your life!
Love God Greatly!

Thank you for the reminder of the blessings that come with being transparent. Just like Francesca Batistelli’s song ‘ If we’re honest.’ Dear Jesus it’s easy to be transparent with those I know well, who I know won’t judge me. But give me courage to be honest with those who need most to hear of your mercy and grace.
On a side note, Angela I hope and pray God has healed you!
I too love this study of a man who loved God but also was fully human and gave in to sin and temptations and the same kind of thoughts I have! I used to be confused why he was included in the Bible but now I see that God is using this story to redeem me…satan tries to convince me how unworthy I am and at times I fall for his lies.. but God is showing me how much he loves me each day… I am truly in awe of a love like God’s… I don’t deserve it but I am trying to get through each day doing his will for his Glory!
I am very proud to say that i have been redeem from my past by God mercy and grace, but it was because of Jesus that this wonderful blessing came into my life. I just want to scream thank you “LORD” for your grace and mercy. I’m a living witness to what GOD can do in your life when we change our attitudes, and the choices we make by living a GOD fearing life. For the past year I have been living by faith more than i ever have, and this just shows that GOD is not just to give material things, GOD gives us life by knowing that GOD is in our life to defeat sin, and if we walk with GOD every day and remember why his son Jesus died we can overcome all odds. The odds may be that we have to accept certain situations for what they are to move closer to God and get to know him better. My choices from my past were not good, but I know have my FATHER in heaven to love me and assure me that I am his and he his mine, and I will never have to look to temptation again, but I know sin will look for me, and the POWER of PRAYER and FAITH in GOD will turn sin away. THANK YOU GOD FOR LOVING ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you so much for this post! I needed to hear every word of it!
Ahhh…my heart needed this message tonight. My toes too (ouch). I’m thankful for a God whose mercy is new daily…with David and with me. Thank you for reminding me.
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Great sermon..thanks