You don’t have to live long to find out that life is full of choices, and that those choices have consequences. Some choices are as basic as deciding what we should eat for lunch, and other choices carry heavy commitments that can deeply affect our relationships, our work, our finances, and our futures. From the time we are infants until we’ve reached our final days on earth, each morning we wake up with two paths in front of us: the path of folly, and the path of wisdom.
The book of Proverbs positions us face-to-face with the wise and the fool and the consequences that follow them. A collection of pithy sayings primarily authored by King Solomon, this book is highly personal, at times uncomfortably transparent, and doesn’t mess around in zeroing in on the world’s greatest temptations that threaten to lead us astray from walking in the wisdom that God intended for us.
In this six-week study, you’ll notice that our reading plan will guide us through a topical look at Proverbs, beginning in week one with the Source of wisdom. We’ll then journey through no-nonsense proverbs that will point us to wisdom in our speech, our relationships, our work and wealth, and finally, we’ll discover how to apply wisdom in temptation. We’ll wrap up our study looking at the fruit that results from walking in wisdom. Our prayer is that through this topical introduction you’ll crave studying Proverbs in its entirety as a follow-up to our time together.
One important thing to keep in mind as we study is that proverbs are principles rather than promises. Promises are guaranteed, while principles focus on general truths. Parents who train their children in the way they should go (Proverbs 22:6) often witness the fruit of their children walking in the wisdom of the Lord as adults. However, because proverbs are not promises and we live in a fallen world, sometimes even the most diligent, faithful parents don’t live in this reality.
As we prepare to begin, two well-known verses from the say-it-like-it-is book of Proverbs come to mind. While this book contains wisdom inspired by God that is applicable to nearly every imaginable area of life, the following verses sum up an even greater overarching purpose:
Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
and do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make straight your paths.
Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the Lord instead of your own understanding: that is where the book of Proverbs ultimately leads us. God is the source of all wisdom, He uses these proverbs to show us the path that leads to wisdom, and He reveals to us the fruit of walking in this great wisdom… so that our trust is ultimately not in our floundering ways, but can be found securely in Him.
“That your trust may be in the Lord,
I have made them known to you today,
even to you.”
Proverbs 22:19
Join us on Monday, January 16th as we begin our Walking In Wisdom study!!! You can find our women’s and children’s Walking In Wisdom journals available on Amazon!
Wanting to join a Love God Greatly group? Click here.

Your opening sentence really says it all…”You don’t have to live long to find out that life is full of choices, and that those choices have consequences.” As hard as we may try, we may not be able to fully grasp the extent of the consequences until the choice has already been made! But, God has given us directions…guidance…words of wisdom to live our life by! Thank You, Lord, for Your Word, that can help us walk through life in this fallen world!
I am so looking forward to getting started with this study on Monday!
each morning we wake up with two paths in front of us: the path of folly, and the path of wisdom.
love this, what a wonderful way to start the day, to be reminded each morning there are only two paths. often time life seems to be pulling in so many directions. I find your words comforting and refreshing that no matter what is weighting us down there is only one true focus that need keep us a float, heaven bound, for his glory and our good! I will be praying and working to remember these words each morning, each time life’s trouble or stresses are pulling me away from the reality, God 1st!
so looking forward to another study with Love God Greatly!
Will there be small groups doing this online? If so, how would I go about joining one? Thanks.
Yes, dear Viki, we are having small groups online for this study! You can check out the groups that still have room in the comments of Tuesday’s blog post –
I have done several studies and am excited about this one as well! How can we NOT want to walk in wisdom??
Amen to that, Monica! I can’t wait for this study, either! Proverbs is one of my favorite books in the bible because it covers so many areas of our lives!
Looking forward to another one of LGG bible studies!!! Always blessed!! Thank you Angela
We are so glad you are joining us, Carol!
This will be my third bible study with LGG. I am so looking forward to this one in particular. They just keep getting better and better!
Is it too late to join the study group.
I am looking forward to gaining more godly wisdom from some beautiful women that truly loves the LORD!!! This is my second study with LGG.