
To my precious four,

I sometimes wonder what it would have been like if you would have grown up in a different time in history. A day when the world wasn’t so cynical. When tolerance wasn’t a religion, when success meant more than money, and when more people genuinely looked out for each other. But different times only would have come with a different set of challenges in this sin-sick world. God’s purposes for us – for our family – are in the here and now. 

So let’s embrace where God has us.

I would be remiss if I didn’t remind you that Jesus is coming back. I know that’s hard to grasp in the middle of responsibilities and friendships and growing up with seemingly unending opportunities ahead of you. But he is, and that should change how we live now. Hear me, sweet one. The size of our house, the newness of our cars, the clothes we wear, and the thrills we seek after? They’ll all be gone one day. Don’t be distracted by their temporary allurement. Living our lives for what lasts starts now, not later.

So how then should we live?

Until Jesus comes back, the world will busy you and speak confusion into your life, seeking to lure you away from your first love. Dear one, anticipate Christ and his return. Long for him more than anything else, and hold fast to his promises like never before.

Live today like Jesus might come back tomorrow.

Because he might. Love God and love people with all that you have. Forgive generously, because you have been forgiven much. Keep short accounts, remembering that you may not have tomorrow. Pursue holy living not just for the sake of rule-following, but because there is safety, peace, and joy in living God’s way, because a lost world is watching, and because your Jesus – the One who died in your place – is worthy of it. When Christ returns, oh that he may find us diligently pursuing after him.

No matter how crazy this world gets, live in confidence knowing that God has the last word.

Because you are his, you are heirs to an inheritance that never perishes, spoils, or fades. When bad news comes, when doubters rise up against you, when it feels like the world is winning (and sweet child, it will feel like this more often than not)… cling to the peace that can only be found in Christ. When you lay your head on your pillow each night, rest in the One who is in control of all things; the One who has all power to save; the One who is coming again to rule and reign over all.

Let the peace of Christ rule in your heart because for you, child of God, all is well.

Because you know this great peace, you mustn’t keep it to yourself.

Speak truth in love, even when it’s not popular. Find your identity in Christ, not in the approval of man. Tell of God’s free gift of salvation while there’s still time. When others divide and quarrel and waste away their days, rise above to love deeply and be the feet that bring good news. Time is short, and oh, how the world desperately needs to hear it.

Stand firm, my child.

The world won’t be shy in fighting for your allegiance, and so you must be ready to fight back. Be careful and on guard, weighing everything against Scripture. Don’t give in to weak and twisted truth, but instead grow in your knowledge of God so you won’t be led astray. There will be a thousand voices calling your name; quiet yourself long enough to hear his still, small voice that says, “This is the way; walk in it.” It won’t be easy, but it will be worth it.

Finally, adore Christ.

Adore him much more than you adore sports, the latest gadget, fame, or your plan for a perfect life. Never stray far from the foot of the cross so that you can be reminded of the precious blood that was shed for you. Never forget that you deserved death, but instead he gave you life. And let your life reflect the wonder and awe that shines brightly in you because you just can’t get over the fact that Jesus saved you.

Oh my child, I know it’s hard to imagine, but one day you’ll see Jesus face to face. You’ll see him and every sacrifice, every tear, every trial will fade in comparison to his glory.

Hold tight.

Stand firm.

Never give up hope.

One day our faith will be made sight, and we won’t regret one single day of living for him.

He who testifies to these things says, “Yes, I am coming soon.” Amen. Come, Lord Jesus. ~ Revelation 22:20

Come, Lord Jesus…

At His feet,

*LET’S TALK: If you knew Jesus was coming back tomorrow, what changes would you make today? 

*On this final day of our study, share how God has used our time in #1&2Peter in YOUR life…


Sad that our {1&2 Peter} study has come to an end? Don’t be! Mark your calendars now for our BRAND NEW #LoveGodGreatly Summer Online Bible Study, beginning on June 15th! Grab some friends and meet us in {Psalm 119}… you won’t want to miss it!

Love God Greatly Psalm 119 Study




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