Suppose you were sick and there was a proven medicine that would help you.
You are aware that this medicine exists, but you don’t ask for it.
It’s not that you don’t want to get better. In fact, you are longing for freedom from this sickness so you can get on with a productive life. It’s just that…
You’re pretty sure you can kick this sickness on your own. You pride yourself in being tough and capable and really don’t like to depend on anyone or anything.
If you were to go to the doctor, he’d probably just tell you that you need to eat better and exercise, and you really don’t feel like hearing that lecture again.
The medicine is known to work, but you doubt that it will be effective for you personally. You’ve tried it before with no immediate results.
Even if you do need the medicine, you really don’t have time to go pick it up. With all of the other demands of life, who needs one more thing to do?
This medicine can’t be the only solution, right? There are lots of opinions out there on other treatments that might work.
So you don’t ask for it.
The result? You were sick for longer than you needed to be, and the medicine – which you should have just taken in the first place – was the only effective solution in the end.
I wonder if this is sometimes how we view asking God for wisdom when hard times come.
See if you can relate to any of these…
For some of us it’s pride: we think we can tackle trials on our own, so we keep pressing on in our own strength and leave God completely out of the picture.
Some believers think if they go to God, he’ll just shoot back a list of their sins and condemn them for getting themselves into yet another mess.
Others doubt that God’s wisdom will change anything in their lives because they’ve asked before, and results haven’t come in their time and in their way.
And even when we do recognize our need for a solution beyond ourselves, we’re often not willing to invest the time and energy into seeking after God’s wisdom. We succumb to worldly thinking, and God easily becomes our last resort.
We are aware that this wisdom exists, but we don’t ask for it.
Father, forgive us.
“If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.” ~ James 1:5-6
God, thank you that you are our Wonderful Counselor. I praise you that because of Jesus we can have full access to your presence anytime and anywhere. Forgive us, Father, when our pride prevents us from asking for your wisdom. Help us to come to you as we live in the freedom that you have granted us: that there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. Father, thank you for giving your wisdom generously when we ask for it. Help us to approach your throne in humility and confidence, recognizing that your ways are higher than ours, and that your wisdom and purposes will prevail. Oh God, forgive us when we doubt you! Empower us to seek after and prize your wisdom more than the wisdom of this world: to look for it as for silver and search for it as for hidden treasure. God, help us to run to you as our first love and greatest treasure instead of our last resort.
“With the goodness of God to desire our highest welfare, the wisdom of God to plan it, and the power of God to achieve it, what do we lack? Surely we are the most favored of all creatures.” ~ A.W. Tozer
Lacking wisdom?
Don’t wait another day. Ask God, our Wonderful Counselor…
At His feet,
*LET’S TALK: What prevents YOU from asking God for wisdom?
I feel like I got myself into this and I need to fix it. I am ashamed and embarrassed to go to God. I need reminded of James 1:5-6 that God doesn’t find shame but gives generously to those who humbly come to Him. What a great God we serve!!!
Oh my! Your first sentence. Yes, that’s me too! God has humbled me many times though, showing me He is the only way to fix my big mess.
Great article! The prayer at the end was exactly what I needed to pray. We just lost our sixth baby a month ago to a miscarriage. I went to appointment at 19 weeks and there was no heartbeat. I’ve told myself I’m at peace and I believe I am, but I almost enrolled in full time cosmetology school without even asking God or praying about it! I didn’t run to God as my first prize and greatest treasure, but He is so gracious that He gave me a dream the night before my cosmetology appt. It woke me up and I knew that was not the way I was to go. He is so faithful to us!
Oh Ashley! I have lost 3 babies to miscarriage. I wish I were close so I could just give you a hug. I have no words to say. After much prayer we did foster care for a little while before having a successful pregnancy. God has blessed us with 3 babies in our home now. I pray he will heal your hurt and bless you with a baby to call your own.
Ashley, my heart hurts so bad for you! I lost 3 babies after having 2 healthy children! I would like to encourage you to read “The Tiny Rosebud God picked to bloom in Heaven” by Helen Steiner Rice. It was given to me after my first miscarriage and it has carried me through! I’m so thankful for your precious attitude and I pray God’s blessings to pour all over you and your husband!!
The number one obstacle is knowing I have so many other options at my disposal. For example, the Internet and other people’s wisdom on a particular matter. My other obstacle is knowing and or believing he will not answer “in my time.”
Tiffany, I too struggle with this. I far too often go to all the other options first, read all up on it, talk it over with friends before I go to God. Argh. What a great reminder to just go to him First. He is always faithful in every circumstance.
Tiffany I agree! I am quick to call a friend or run to my husband instead of going to God first. I have looked in the past for the opinions of others before seeking Gods. But during a struggle two years ago I heard from God on the matter and it was completely against what those around me was saying but I listened and was obedient and He restored the situation in my life. So I always remind myself of this time when I am tempted to pick up the phone first and I stop and pray laying it at His feet before I call my friend. I am loving the way we are all being genuine with our hearts today and sharing <3 ~Sheila, LGG Encourager
Tiffany, it’s like you spoke my mind. Thank you for being so open about you.
To God be the glory!
I do believe there is deliverance in being authentic but I’m not always courageous enough to to so.
I’m grateful for LGG as an outlet to share and encourage. ..As iron sharpens iron.
I struggle to just slow down and take the time that I should to seek God and listen. I am just constantly running from this to that or trying to finish this or that. I need to be more intentional about slowing down and making the most of moments that Are slower paced.
Lauren, I feel exactly the same way!! I find myself overwhelmed with work, home, projects, etc…but it is things I am doing (or think I should be doing) that make me overwhelmed- not God. You are right, slowing down is needed. I am in the same boat with you! I pray that we both, along with others dealing with same thing, can refocus ourselves on God. Especially with the holidays, its way too easy to get sucked into the worldly craziness of gifts, entertaining, etc. I decided to (try) step back this year and really focus on the true meaning of Christmas. My son and I are reading daily bible verses as a ’25 days of Christmas’ as well as doing Random Acts of Christmas Kindness. I am trying to focus more on my family and faith instead of making the “perfect” gift–I think we all know there is only one perfect gift anyway!!! God bless you all.
Thanks Amanda for your honesty and ideas of how you’re trying to combat it! One thing my husband and I are doing is each day we’re reading the bible together through these passages: John 1:1-14, Philippians 2:5-11 and Luke 2:1-20. It was a challenge our pastor gave to help us recapture the wonder of Christmas. I like the random acts of kindness. Where did you get the Christmas verses to do with your kids? I’d like to try that. Blessings to you!
Thank you for the honesty and authenticity in today’s post and this ministry! I too confess that I doubt God at times and don’t ask for wisdom enough from the Wonderful Counselor, I loved the prayer at the end. May I run to Him as my first treasure always!
Many times I think I hesitate to ask as I compare my situation to others and feel it is not as important as another’s situation. But in the last couple of years I have had several tough challenges that affect me and others around me. I have loved God and known God but I now truly see and feel God. God is now first in my life and I go to him with joy and with pain and with thankfulness first and foremost. Thank you God for being the constant in my life, you are there 24-7 no matter where I am or what I am doing I can visit with you, I can pray to you and you always listen.
So beautiful Susan! Love hearing how God has changed you. We go from glory to glory! ~Sheila, LGG Encourager
Just amazed at how Big God is, just the word I needed to hear and be reminded of today. He needs to be my first in all areas of my life instead of my last.
Thank you for sharing Rebecca! I think of the song First by Lauren Daigle beautiful song about seeking God and making Him first. ~Sheila LGG Encourager
I’m loving all these Names of God. This week, reading & sharing about His wisdom is meaning a lot and making me think a lot. A little over 8 years ago my first husband died. I found him unresponsive in our home. I prayed. Oh how I prayed…from the time I began CPR to the moment in the hospital when the doctor came to tell me they could not save him. My life was turned upside down and my faith took a hit like none other. I prayed earnestly for a miracle and God did not give me the answer I hoped for. I alternated between being angry with Him and feeling guilty for being angry. It was a vicious cycle. My doctor told me something that stuck with me those first few months. He said, “Dawn, God is bigger than you. He can handle your anger. Let it go.” I did. I leaned into my grief and laid my hear open to the Lord, while praising Him through the storm and the anger. The Holy Spirit walked with me every step of the way. Those dark years had two outcomes, draw me closer to God, or further away from Him. I chose to walk towards Him. I am still faced with doubt when I think of praying for a need but I pray anyway because I know that He is Goodness. I know that He is Wisdom. I know that He is Power.
Beauty for ashes is what I thought of as I read this Dawn! When we stop pushing down anger or frustration or pain or heartache and finally open it up to allow God to handle it He takes it and slowly but surely takes those ashes and turns it into something beautiful. I am reminded of this verse “to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called an oak of righteousness, the planting of the LORD, that he might be glorified.” You are becoming an oak of righteousness my beautiful friend. My heart is full of compassion for you this morning and I am praying for you. ~Sheila, LGG Encourager
Thank you LGG team, I have enjoyed all the studies so far but this one is probably my favorite. This one has really opened my eyes and yes we just need to turn to God and ask for his wisdom! God is so good all of the time!
Shirley, we love hearing from you all! So glad you are enjoying this study and it is leaving an impact on your heart. Gods word should leave us changed and this study revealing His character is doing just that. Thank you for joining us on this journey of knowing Him more! ~Sheila, LGG Encourager
I have been praying that I could see clearly and receive God’s love for me as my Father. My upbringing did not include a good father relationship, and I have recently realized that this aspect of God is something I have refused to receive from Him. Without receiving this Fatherly love from God, all of my actions are done without Godly love… and we know that deeds done without Godly love are nothing. I’m thanking God for granting me the wisdom to see this and I’m also thanking him for the ways he is showing me in fresh ways His beautiful heart and character. Truly God is good and generous and He is led by His desire to want to bless us. My prayer for us all is that God would grant us a steady mind that allows us to firmly rest in complete trust of God’s plans for our life, and that we ask for help when we don’t know what to do and commit to doing God’s will not our own.
Gail isn’t it just a beautiful humbling moment when He brings this type of revelation to our hearts <3 I pray we all see His character as a loving Father so that we come into the full revelation that our Father has set a table for us and we are no longer orphans even if we were in this world we have been fully adopted into His Kingdom and He has left me a wonderful inheritance and loves me beyond anything I have felt in this world. My friend He is calling out to you……and calls you BELOVED!!! ~Sheila, LGG Encourager
For me, it’s never been hard to trust God in the big difficult things of life. It always made sense that I’d need His wisdom for big things or in especially hard times. Where I forget to ask for wisdom is in the little things of every day life. The stuff that I think I’m supposed to be doing. Then I get upset at myself that I can’t even seem to manage the “normal stuff” of every day life. I’ll lose patience with the kids or get frustrated with the lack of time and feeling like there isn’t enough time in the day God has given me.
What is the difference between the cancer patient who can say “God’s grace is sufficient” even in their extremely difficult time and the struggling stay at home Mom that is short on temper and never able to “keep up” with anything? God’s grace is extended to both, but one has reached out to accept His gift of grace and the other has not.
Rather than waiting till we HAVE to reach out to God because our circumstances are so desperate that there is no where else to turn, I need to keep reminding myself that I need Jesus daily. I need his grace and wisdom at every moment, and so often I forget to just reach out and accept his wisdom and grace that He offers constantly in an outstretched open hand.
Oh sweet Lynn! This is a struggle we all have. To God, He wants to meet us in every situation the same. He doesn’t say that our silly everyday needs and desires or struggles are not worthy in comparison to a serious illness. He cares about the desires of our hearts. Now that my children are all grown I see how that time of mothering and serving my children was a molding and developing of my character. I struggled and He helped me. I missed it and He made it right and worked it out for my good. His hand is open and ready to impart to us and all we have to do is stop and ask believing that He will respond as He has promised. ~Sheila, LGG Encourager
As always, I received exactly what I needed in coming to this site to read about our Father. I needed Him so bad. And you reminded me how close He is. Always. Right there for me. All I have do is go to Him. Thank you for this blog and for being the wonderful ladies you are.
Deb isn’t He just amazing and always faithful to have just what we need when we need it. As I read our study I looked up the word generously and generous in the Greek translation means ready to impart. I continued to read that it means open-handedly willing to give and then I read the word reproach which means to show disapproval. But when you put it all together He is saying if any of you lack wisdom ask God who is standing open handed, ready to impart wisdom without reproach so without disapproval and all we need to do is ask and believe. So beautiful to me that He loves us so much and is just eagerly waiting for us to turn to Him and ask so He can impart His infinite wisdom to us and give us what we need. ~Sheila LGG Encourager
I can definitely relate to not hearing an answer from God in the time I think I need to hear but my greater fear is that I am not hearing God when He does answer or not hearing Him correctly. I try to remind myself that as long as I truly believe I am doing what He is leading me to do, if I am wrong, He won’t hold it against me, He will always work things out anyway.
You are His sheep and you hear His voice…..this is what I declare to remind myself that even in the loudness of life I will hear His voice and make the right decisions or take the right actions. And I think you right even when we have missed it or made the wrong choice He is faithful to lead us back again. ~Sheila, LGG Encourager