“His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence…” Β 2 Peter 1:2-4
Throughout this week we have seen and hopefully marveled at the way God provides for His people. Isnβt this what we are supposed to celebrate on Thanksgiving here in America? We are to recall and thank God for the many ways in which He has provided for us and our family and friends over the year. He may have blessed some with health, financial gifts, a relaxing vacation, food, good friends, restored relationships, family or material belongings. And we can rejoice over it all because James tells us that every good thing in our life is a gift of God (James 1:17 ).
All earthly gifts are great and meant to be enjoyed, but I fear we often overvalue them and undervalue the greater gifts we have in Jesus Christ.
βHis divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness,β
All earthly gifts will disappear. Our health will deteriorate, our money will get used up or passed onto the next generation, nature decays, cars rust, homes fall into ruin, clothes, decorations, and books fall apart. Nothing on this Earth lasts forever, so donβt value them too highly.
For those who donβt know God these temporal gifts are as good as it gets. But for those who know Jesus as their Savior the best gifts are eternal.
Our Great Provider has given His people special gifts; namely, everything we need for life and godliness.
This life that Peter talks about is not a temporal, earthly life, but an eternal and spiritual life. In Jesus we have the βabundant lifeβ only His followers experience (John 10). Through Jesus’ blood we are given βeternal lifeβ where we will know the living God. And this life we have is everlasting. We have it now, and we will experience it in full in the presence of our Savior on a new Earth forever.Β
We shouldnβt think that our life right now is worthless and that we are simply hanging around Earth until we are called to our real home or Christ returns.
We have been given a mission: namely to know God and to make Him known. And in this life God is working to transform us into godly people. The beauty is that we have been given everything we need to grow in godliness. We have been given a new heart and mind, we have the Word of God, and we have the Holy Spirit himself residing in us.
And the more we live out our mission of knowing God, the more we are changed and grow in godliness… because knowing God changes people.
This name that God has for Himself, Jehovah Jireh (The Lord provides), is so important because it counters the lie in our heart that deceives us into believing God is stingy. He is not. He is overflowing with generosity toward His people.
“Hallelujah! For the Lord our God, the Almighty, reigns!” Revelation 19:6
Looking To Jesus,

I am so thankful to be participating in this study. It has really spurred me on to shift my focus and my prayers to the eternal things of God. I have stood amazed at how God has immediately answered those prayers for which he has already promised in scripture – Especially strength, grace, wisdom, love and compassion as I parent and work for His Kingdom. This study has made me more aware to pray for those things and to be so content with the material possessions God has already provided.
We are so excited for you! 2 Chronicles 16:9 tells us that the eyes of the Lord search to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him. You are truly reaping the benefits of devoted time to the Lord and studying His Word. We pray you continue on with daily bible study. Blessings!
~Terria (LGG Encourager)
Thank you!
I am getting a late start on this study,but that is exactly how I feel.I have found new purpose and appreciation as I learn more about the character of God.
I am really enjoying this study. It is refocusing me on my relationship with our awesome God.We have been given so much by God…so much provision….grace,peace,his divine power…the tools to live a godly life…at our disposal given by Him! It is my prayer that we KNOW and REMEMBER this, that it is set deep in our hearts and uppermost in our minds and that we see God at work in us. Amen
What a beautiful prayer you have shared for all of us…that we may know God and focus on all that He has done, all that He is doing, and all that He will do in our lives. Thank you for joining us in this study!
~Terria (LGG Encourager)
Be thankful for what we have. Know God and let God work through us. I have very much enjoyed this week and look forward to next week.
We are so thankful that you have enjoyed and grown from your quiet time with the Lord. We will continue to pray for you as you move through the study believing in faith that you will have a wonderful testimony at the end of this 6 weeks! Blessings!
~Terria (LGG Encourager)
This blog entry is perfect for the upcoming Christmas season…where the idea of buying and spending is amplified for gift giving. It’s important to remember that God provides everything we need…and that material (earthly) possessions are not eternal. Thank you so much for bringing up these points in the blog. This first week focusing on the fact that God provides was absolutely perfect. God is speaking to me so much through this study! I can’t wait to see what’s in store for week 2!
Love,love, love this study! Thank you so much. God is good all the time!
…And all the time, God is good! We are so glad that you are loving this study! Thank you for joining us! <3
~Terria (LGG Encourager)
I love this study this week some pages in my study got out of order and I even missed a day of study thinking it would really mess me up doing my study I set down today to fix it and catch up. Wow did God have great things in store by doing it this way. My prayer from one day was the study the next day and my observation carried over to see it applies in His word the next day. Thank you for helping me to receive such a blessing by doing these awesome studies. May God received Glory from your lives and mine. Thanks you
Now that is amazing! Stories like that where God shows up when we don’t expect it really touch my heart. We are so glad that you are enjoying the study, and we will continue to pray for you as you complete it…whether in order or not. Haha! Blessings to you!
~Terria (LGG Encourager)
So, thankful that I stumbled upon this study. It is so simple, yet profound and it is rekindling a hunger in me for God’s word. How awesome and reassuring that God is everything we need. Help us to know you in ever increasing ways so that we can receive your promises, participate in your work here on earth and be protected from corruption. All for your glory!
We are so thankful you stumbled upon this study. I love how God works! It is so reassuring that God is EVERYTHING we need. I am in awe of Him and His great and precious promises.
Martha, LGG Leadership Team
Hi. π I hadn’t heard of Love God Greatly before this week. I ordered this book from amazon, and when it came in the other day, I noticed it was affiliated with this site, so I came here to see what it was all about. Glad to see that the series began not long ago here, so I can jump right in. π I read the other Names of God posts the other day when I dropped by. I already see a couple of faces I recognize. π (Hi, Lyli, :D) I’ve enjoyed studying the names of God for years, and liked the fact that this one was specifically targeted toward the holiday season. π Lovely site you have here. ((blessings))
Wow! God created this divine appointment for you. I love that God knows exactly what we need exactly when we needed it! Lyli is awesome, isn’t she! We are so thankful that God orchestrated this study for you at just the right time. We will be praying for you as you go through it. Blessings to you!
~Terria (LGG Encourager)
This week’s studies really resonate with me. To focus on “The God who provides” and emphasize it isn’t about providing the things, or “stuff” that will make our lives easier, or more comfortable or content with our circumstances. It is about the complete package of power to be partakers…to be able to say like the three facing the fiery furnace “Our God is able to deliver…but if He does not we will not serve your gods nor worship them.” In this day in which we live, knowing we have what it takes to face the spiritual battles daily is so empowering.
You are so right! God’s presence and empowerment is more than enough! Oh…to have the faith of Daniel! Thank you for sharing your encouraging message today. We are thankful to have you join us for this study! <3
~Terria (LGG Encourager)
I am so thankful for this study. I’m going through a time of fear concerning my little son, and this week’s readings helped me to find some rest in God’s ability and willingness to provide. I want Him to be glorified in whatever happens with my precious little boy, and I know that I must put my full faith in my God. Thank you, LGG, for providing this opportunity to dig deeply into God’s promises.
Praying for God’s provision for your son, and wisdom, peace and comfort for you as his mom. Keep looking to God, He is with you always!
Stacy, LGG Encourager
I hope you see this, sorry I know I’m a little late. But just wanted to encourage you- I also went through a period of fear with my young son- my baby boy was hospitalized in April for 4 weeks- and although our situations are probably much different, I just know the feelings of pain, desperation, and just really trying to believe that God really is there & in control! It can be hard when anything with our little ones doesn’t go smoothly, but I can say that coming out on the other side, I have seen amazing things happen in my walk with the Lord. I pray the same thing for you! And I pray for your little boy!!! xo
I was really blessed by the study this week. Thank you for sharing. I look forward to next week.