It’s time for spring cleaning in my life – literally the cleaning of my closets and figuratively of my heart. We live in a world that bombards us with the need for more, better, newer, and bigger. It’s so easy to get distracted. And – particularly with social media – it’s so easy to compare. Worldliness is the norm, and I often find myself numb to it. 

That house. His job. Her clothes. Those vacations. Just fill in the blank.

I think about Eve – falling to the trick of a fresh apple because of how she thought it would improve her life. I’d like to think that I would have known better. But who am I kidding? I fall for the apple over and over again. It’s bright and shiny. If it’s on sale, I’m doubly tempted. If it’s on Amazon Prime, I can have it quickly. Certainly not all of the *stuff* in our world is inherently evil, but it is never as lastingly enjoyable or satisfying as we expect. 

Scripture tells us that if we are alive in Christ, the world is not our home. The world should not influence our identity or determine our worth. So, breathe a sigh of relief girls! God never intended for us to stress about the rat race or the social ladder. We are called to be different. The world will never satisfy the eternal longing in our souls. In fact, friendship with the world is hostility toward God (James 4:4)

So what are we to do? How do we even begin to live in the world without being of the world? 

Let’s acknowledge that earthly wisdom is flawed and secular. Let’s call our earthly cravings what they are and ask God to help us shed the burdens of pride, vanity, and selfishness. Let’s admit that we often wear masks for each other but that God is not fooled by filtered photos or empty words. And let’s approach our Creator with humble, pure hearts to see how we can help build His kingdom. 

I don’t want people to envy my stuff. I want them to desire the source of my joy, to understand the foundation of my hope, and to seek the Provider of my contentment.

You don’t want my life.

You want my Jesus. 

Friends, the ground is level at the foot of the cross. It really is. Let’s love well and meet each other there. 

Grace and peace,


Sara is a West Texas girl, currently living outside of Dallas. She adores her husband of 14+ years and delights in the daily chaos of raising and discipling their 3 young girls. She is also a physician, specializing in MRI imaging. 
Sara is an encouraging friend, intentional at developing authentic relationships. She has a heart for supporting women and families, and she is passionate about Bible translation.
Angela Perritt

Angela Perritt

Angela Perritt is the founder and director of, a nonprofit online Bible study ministry reaching thousands of women in over two hundred countries around the world with God’s Word through their translated Bible studies. She and her husband live in Dallas, Texas with their three daughters. Angela is passionate about God’s Word and believes one woman in God’s Word can change a family, community and ultimately a nation. Her greatest joy is to encourage her children and others to love God greatly with their lives one day at a time. You can connect with her on Instagram.

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