Love. A simple word that changed the world. Do you know what´s great about this word? It´s more than a word: It´s an action. Love is not something you feel. It´s something you do. Christian love, especially, should be reflected by what we do.

Galatians 6:9 tells us: “Let us not grow weary in doing good.” Why? Because we do grow weary. We do get tired of doing good for others.

When you do something good for another person and there´s no appreciation for what you did.

When you say something nice to someone else and silence is all you get back.

When you think of ways to bless others but you feel no one cares about you.

We grow weary. And we stop doing good. We stop putting our love into action.

I´m talking to myself right now.

I love helping, I love serving, I like to get creative in looking for ways to be a blessing. I get excited when I know I´ve planned something good, something special that will make someone´s day.

And then my heart sinks when I´m the only one excited about it. That much planning? The expectation? That expression in the other person´s face I´ve played over and over in my mind? And what I get back fails in comparison. No words of appreciation, no gratitude. Nothing. Nada. So, next time, I just don´t feel like doing good for anybody else.


God, in His infinite patience and understanding of the human heart knows that we get discouraged, that we get tired of doing good things. Maybe because we don´t receive the response we want and we´ve been hurt. Maybe because doing good to that exact person takes us out of our comfort zone. Or maybe because it takes too much effort to walk the extra mile and there are other people who could do it.

For whatever reason you´ve decided doing good for someone else is not worth it, God says: “Hey girl, don´t grow weary.”

We have a good, good Father who loves doing good things for us. And we are His children. We´ve been created to do good works. Think about this for a second.

When God thought about creating you, even before you were born, He had created good things for you to do. That´s a purpose. There are plans God has for you and only you.

Whenever you decide you´re not going to do something good for someone else, think about that as a missed opportunity.

Why do we need to be brave to do good? Because turning our expectations down, breaking our pride, and obeying God even in the routine of doing the same good things over and over again, takes courage.

Don´t grow weary of doing good. Look for opportunities to be a blessing. Don´t worry about the response. You´re doing your part. You´re doing what God wants you to do. And that should be enough to do good to others. Don´t you think?

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Angela Perritt

Angela Perritt

Angela Perritt is the founder and director of, a nonprofit online Bible study ministry reaching thousands of women in over two hundred countries around the world with God’s Word through their translated Bible studies. She and her husband live in Dallas, Texas with their three daughters. Angela is passionate about God’s Word and believes one woman in God’s Word can change a family, community and ultimately a nation. Her greatest joy is to encourage her children and others to love God greatly with their lives one day at a time. You can connect with her on Instagram.

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