God multiplies our big leaps of faith into wide tides for His kingdom, pulling more into His embrace. God does not show us the full picture when we say yes to Him, but His promises never fail to come to fruition. And they come bearing multitudes of fruit.
Helen PQuadros has been translating Love God Greatly resources into Portuguese for almost three years. Her husband is the pastor of a church in Brazil which is where Helen loves to help women grow closer to God. A woman who had been visiting the church more and more often opened up to Helen and asked for help. She revealed things inside her heart she had not trusted to anyone before and then asked Helen to help her in several areas of her life.
Helen said yes to her friend (and also to God) as she offered to walk through a Bible study with her. Our Love God Greatly study on Philippians was about to begin and Helen’s friend asked if they could study in the restaurant she owned. So Helen downloaded the study, printed them onto paper, bound the stacks into journals, and called a few friends.
In the middle of the day, in the middle of a busy Brazilian restaurant, five women stepped through the doors and pulled five chairs up to the table. Week after week they opened their journals together and shared their thoughts and their struggles.
And week after week, something unexpected kept happening.
What started with five women caught on with two more. Then another friend heard she could hop over to the restaurant during her lunch break to study God’s Word. She came too. And another. Then another. Each time, more chairs scooted up to the table. More journals bound. The table grew. More chairs were added…then the table grew again.
Five women turned into eighteen in just four weeks.
God’s love is contagious, a cure you want to catch. And at this busy restaurant, He used the friendship of two women to draw sixteen more to Him, like a wide tide pulling the waters to the shore. He shores us. He grounds us. And He fed these sweet women spiritually and physically because they choose to take brave steps into a restaurant to learn more about Him.
Tables like Helen’s in Brazil are growing all over the world through our translated Love God Greatly Bible studies.
Women are being brave and reaching out, making new friends and realizing that God is their friend, too as they open their Love God Greatly Bible studies in their language and read His powerful words for themselves. (John 15:15). He is our loving friend, almighty Savior and good shepherd…the One who holds all things together daily invites us to meet Him at His table and pull up a chair…because there is always room for one more.
Meet Helen PQuadros and her Portuguese team on Facebook at: Amando a Deus Grandemente
Friends, we stepped out in faith yesterday by asking for 250 women to become monthly $25 donors and help us reach more women around the world like Helen, through our translated Bible studies in 2018.
Yesterday we had one woman respond.
We know the temptation is to always think that someone else is going to respond, someone else is going to donate…someone else will step up.
We have on average 10,000 women do our studies each session. We have over 70,000 email subscribers and over 300,000 likes on Facebook…we firmly believe that God can raise up 250 women.
Women who are as passionate about God’s Word as we are…women who understand the importance of having Bible studies available in multiple languages and who want to do their part in helping us empower more women with God’s truth around the world. Sweet friends, the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.
Join us for this important work and help be a blessing to the nations and invest in eternity…one month at a time.
How can I donate? I love your blog and I want others to come to the table. God bless you!
Yikes! Just saw where to donate. Thanks again for your work. ❤️
I’m so honored to serve our Creator daily!
“Love God Greatly Ministries” has had an impact in my life ? and for so many women around the World ?.
At Sunrise ? , Denitza plus 20 members from our ‘Keynotes in His Presence’ FB community & I open up His Word and reflect on His precepts together one day at a time.
Memorable blessings unfold everyday because of Him, our audience of ONE?
Join us in 2018 ? for seven new Bible studies.
and donate to Love God Greatly Ministries today!