I can almost see Paul as he finishes the book of Galatians. Like a loving father, he has something important to say and he wants to make sure those who are reading get the magnitude of his words.
No longer content to dictate the letter to a scribe, Paul writes the last section by hand…hence verse 11.
“See what large letters I use as I write to you with my own hand!”
It’s almost like he says, “Pay attention…. what I’m about to tell you is really important!”
As I lean in a little closer, I can almost hear Paul’s voice crack as he struggles to write these final words, speaking them as they begin to fill the page and tears fill his eyes…
“Those who want to make a good impression outwardly are trying to compel you to be circumcised…Not even those who are circumcised obey the law, yet they want you to be circumcised that they may boast about your flesh. May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world. Neither circumcision nor uncircumcision means anything; what counts is a new creation...” – verses 12-15
Oh friends, it all comes down to the gospel- don’t forget that.
Don’t let others steal your freedom and joy from you. Let’s not turn so easily from the truth that we’ve been reading. Now that we know about our freedom found in Christ, let’s not allow chains of approval, man-made rules, and expectations be placed upon us….chains that Christ never intended us to carry.
Christ has set us free… may we begin to walk in that freedom!
Never forget that it’s not about your outward appearance, the rule keeping, or your own modern day version of “circumcision” that matters. It’s the inward change that has taken place in your heart that matters to God.
“The gospel is offensive to liberal-minded people, who charge the gospel with intolerance, because it states that the only way to be saved is through the cross. The gospel is offensive to conservative-minded people, because it states that without the cross, ‘good’ people are in as much trouble as ‘bad’ people. Ultimately, the gospel is offensive because the cross stands against all schemes of self-salvation. The world appreciates ‘religion’ and ‘morality’ in general. The world thinks that moral religion is a good thing for society. But the world is offended by the cross. So people who love the cross are ‘persecuted’”. (Verse 12) – Tim Keller
Beware of the motives of others who only focus on the external behaviors and not the internal change. Our Lord works from the inside out and as He begins to do his mighty work in our lives, we will respond in love and want to change our external conduct and behavior. But the change always happens internally first.
So in the end it all comes down to this…
“Neither circumcision nor uncircumcision means anything; what counts is a new creation.” -verse 15
Embrace who you are in Christ. You are an heir to the King of Kings!
Accept the freedom Christ has lovingly won for you on the cross.
Walk your life out in grace… to yourself and others.
Because of Christ, you are a new creation! Allow that truth – His grace – to fill your heart and spill out into your life, saturating you from the inside out. Then go out into your worlds and share this same life changing grace with others!
May we all be changed because of the grace God has given to us!
Love God Greatly!
Let’s Talk:
How has this study changed the way you view your freedom found in Christ and the grace He has given to you? What’s one truth from this study that you are tucking away in your heart?
Personal side note from me: I just wanted to take a second and personally thank you for joining us these past 6 weeks as we’ve went through the book of Galatians day by day, chapter by chapter! I pray your time in God’s Word has been sweet! Please know that you are dearly loved and appreciated here! Thanks so much for joining us and I hope to see you for our next study starting November 9th!
Our upcoming study, focusing on our Lord through the Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons!
Thank you so much for this study of the Galatians, I have received so much,
For me
The Cross isGOD’s power to make all things new. Lord in my Baptism, YOU put my old nature to death. By YOUR Grace, dear Lord Jesus, YOU continue to renew me. I am a new creation in you Lord Jesus,
I’ve learned so much while studying Galatians!!! God has been using this study and some other things in my life to teach me about His freedom and grace. I’ve lived a very long time trying to earn God’s favor and approval through a strict obedience to the law. I’ve made it my idol. Thinking that it was my way to righteousness and God’s love. I thought I understood the Gospel…but I did not. I’m moving closer to understanding the freedom I have in Christ. And serving/obeying God from a place of freedom and love is not a burden. Adhering strictly to a law that I could never obey percectly was wearing me out! Thank you again for allowing God use you to encourage His children! I’m so thankful to have followed along the last 6 weeks! Looking forward to the next study!
Thank you for this study on Galatians. There were so many great things to take away from this study but the one that keeps coming back to me is “Christ on the Cross”. We are so human, we are so sure that there has to be more to having a relationship with Christ. Yet the message is amazingly simple and complex at the same time. Simple: Accept Jesus dying on the cross for you. Complex: Having to admit that there is nothing you on your own could possibly do to save yourself! I have been challenged by this study to really read and examine God’s word so I really know what God requires of me, so that I won’t be swayed by others who want to add to the requirements. I also am struck by the freedom from having to keep all of the Law (not that I ever could) – that this very freedom (knowing that Christ has fulfilled it for all of us) allows me to serve God joyfully and not out of obligation. One of my favorite verses Galatians 4:7 So you are no longer a slave, but a son, and if a son, then an heir through God. I was at a retreat last weekend and learned a new song that goes along with this theme: No Longer Slaves by Jonathan David and Melissa Helser – check out the lyrics; very powerful.
thank you dear sister for this most awesome word today. i am taking away with me a very vital thought about who i am in Christ: I AM SET FREE BECAUSE OF WHAT HE DID FOR ME ON THE CROSS. i loved what you posted about Tim Keller and his version of verse 12….so true and so FREEING. so thankful that God sees our hearts, i mean INSIDE, where it matters. thank you for being a part of Love God Greatly ministries. you ALL have made a difference in my life and in what i am sharing with my “devo groupies” 🙂 God bless this ministry and each woman involved with His love, joy, peace and faith. thank you again. In His unfailing love, Nancysue Wethington
Although I’ve only joined in the last few weeks, it has truly been a blessing to see how God has used them to speak to me. I look forward to the next study. Thank you for allowing Him to use you in a mighty way. May He continue to bless you, each of use and these studies.
Glory to Him!
In His Live
I have loved this study of Galatians! I, too, grew up in a home of guilt and shame. Only in my new church home and with these studies have I been introduced that the idea faith not acts is what it’s all about. I think my 2 favorite verses are 3:28, (we are all one in Christ) and 6:9 (don’t give up). This study was just what I needed for the struggles I’m experiencing in my life right now. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
waiting for your next study…each one seems to be just for me
Thank you all so much for all the LLG studies, I have grown so much in my faith thru all. Can’t wait for the next one to start.
God Bless each and everyone one of you on this amazing team.
In my first comment, I said LLG, meaning LGG, sorry.
Again thank you all so much!
I am not very good at putting my thoughts into words but I wanted to thank you girls so much for the beautiful Bible studies you provide for us. I truly love digging into God’s word, and I especially love the new format with the questions and reflection at the end of each week. That has really pushed me to meditate more on the word more than just read it. I was raised in a legalistic church. (I always have felt like I am not good enough, haven’t done enough for the Lord to keep my salvation. That if I didn’t have a job in the church or wasn’t working with a youth group, if I missed a week tithing, then I must not truly be saved) The lesson I am tucking away in my heart that I learned from this study is that I really am never going to be good enough or work hard enough, but that is not a burden that I am suppose to carry. Jesus died for my sins, my salvation is a gift He has given me and nothing can snatch me out of His hand. I am a new creature in Christ and that’s what I am clinging to. Please remember me in your prayers that I will keep this in my heart………..no turning back!!
Growing up as a PK and then becoming a ‘pastor’s wife’, I always felt like I was living in a ‘glass house’…and I was….surely not wanting to bring any or more hard circumstances for my dad/husband. I have LOVED this study that so greatly pointed me to MY relationship with Jesus…sans what anyone else may think of me. It’s just Jesus plus NOTHING! HE alone is my life, my strength, my future. Thank you, LGG sisters, for loving HIM and us enough to bring us closer in a freeing relationship with Jesus….to walk with Him daily and serve Him only as HE instructs….not from others’ expectations. I am not only ‘feeling’ SO free this morning….I.Am.Free! In Him…and Him alone. Looking forward to being with you again in November. Love each of you! P.S. Dear Sisters, while you are praying for your pastor, PLEASE remember his wife and children! They need your prayers, love and support.
I’ve so enjoyed this study! Thank you for all of your hard work that went into preparing the materials!
Beautiful ending to a wonderful study. Thank you so much, ladies. I will tuck away the themes of freedom, faith and grace and the promise that, in Christ, I am a new creation. Thanks be to God.
The study of the book of Galatians as helped me a lot in having a quite time with God every day. It also changed my christian life and even inspired the spirit of god in my life. It is also about being more sure of our work to others, so thatwe have the mind to help other poaple who are not previledge to know christ the more. I am happy thst no one can lead me astray now that my trust is solely unto God. It is amazing again to be part of the next study.. I thank my group leader that is fowarding to me daily the study. I pray that both of us we not miss heaven. Thanks to. Angela indeed for her help all the while. May you reachly blessed.
Thank you for your studies! They have richly blessed me, and kept me faithful to having quiet time almost daily!