Hindsight is 20/20. That’s an expression in English that means it’s easier to “see” in retrospect, even if the choice or event was not clear in real-time. Looking back, the correct decision often seems obvious.
There’s danger in believing the perfection of looking retrospectively, looking back. I’ll admit that too often I’ve read about the Old Testament Israelites and thought, “What are you doing? You’re clearly not obeying the rules.” But, let’s be honest, I have no right to throw stones, and they were living with only the hint and the hope of a Messiah.
There were countless faithful followers of God who laid the foundation for Christianity before Christ’s birth and earthly ministry. Hebrews 11 discusses how “the world was not worthy of them” (v. 38) and how they were “commended for their faith, yet they did not receive what was promised” (v. 39). Their individual earthly stories ended before Christ’s sacrifice.
We often take it for granted, but what an extraordinary viewpoint we have on this side of the cross!
Most importantly, we now recognize Jesus as the Messiah and know He was crucified on a cross to atone for our sins. His death bought our salvation. By grace we are saved through faith (Ephesians 2:8).
We have easy access to the full Bible. We can see, in retrospect, how God foretold the coming of Christ and how many of the old prophesies have been fulfilled.
Our Christian lives on this side of the cross should hold the same faith as our forefathers “shut the mouths of lions, quenched raging fire” (Hebrews 11:33-34). But, we are not bound by the laws of the Old Testament. We are not judged by works; we are saved by grace.
We need to live claiming the truths of the gospel.
- I’m no longer a slave to sin (Romans 6:6).
- I am chosen, redeemed, and forgiven (Ephesians 1:4 and 7).
- I am a child of God (John 1:12).
We are blessed to be on this of the cross. Let’s learn by looking back while we sprint forward to share the Good News we know.
Week 6 Challenge:
As we conclude our study of Hebrews, we are exhorted to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus (Heb 12:2). What does this mean? How can you keep your eyes fixed on Jesus? This week, make a list of two practical things you can do each day to keep your eyes fixed on Jesus. Share these things with a friend and ask her to keep you accountable to doing these things.
Week 6 Reading Plan:
Week 6 Memory Verse:
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