In the psychological world, I learned that one’s beliefs and cognitions influence behavior. I have found this theory and sentiment to be very true in my own life. For example, when I believe that I am a burden and that people do not care what I have to say, I isolate myself and remain emotionally alone. I am sure that you can now think of many examples of how your own beliefs influence how you behave and how you treat yourself and others.


This concept can be applied to our spiritual life, too. My dad once told me that what I believe about God will determine the way I live. When I started to think about it, I was stunned. I realized that I had been viewing God in the wrong light. For a long time, I thought that I had to do more to make God proud of me. I thought I always had to have a smile on my face, that I could not admit to any negative emotions, and that I carried the responsibility to save people in my own strength. All these beliefs influenced my behavior and, ultimately, they stemmed from my inaccurate view of who God was and is. 


The only way to hold an accurate view of God is to read His Word. God has made Himself evident in the pages of Scripture, in the life of Jesus, and by His Holy Spirit, who resides in those who believe in Him. Clearly, He longs for us to know Him and to know who He really is. 


When I open the Word of God, I read the words of Jesus that say, “Come with me privately to an isolated place and rest a while” (Mark 6:31). These words reveal to me that God wants to be in an intimate relationship with me. He does not need me to do more, but to simply be in His presence and enjoy Him. I think of my own relationships; I do not want my friends to do things for me all day, but rather, I want to spend time with them and be with them. And yes, such genuine affection and love breeds a genuine form of action. 


When I open the Word of God, I realize that God validates my human emotions. God knows my humanity and everything that it entails. God is a compassionate God, which means He wants to struggle with me through anything I go through. God longs for me to pour out my heart to Him; He wants to hear every positive or negative emotion I am experiencing. God is caring and tender and strong enough to hold it all. 


When I open the Word of God, I find that I do not carry the pressure to fix people’s problems or carry their pain too close. In John 6:44, Jesus said, “No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him.” While I am called to bear with others and walk with them—to rejoice with others and to weep with them—in my humanity, I cannot save them. This is a work of the Holy Spirit alone, who is God and can save any soul regardless of where they are. Considering these things, there is great comfort, peace, and hope. 


Most likely, reading all of this leaves you with a question: How do I rewire the beliefs that have so long held me in the place I find myself in—the cycles I get stuck in that affect my relationships, my wellbeing, and my view of myself, God, and the world? I validate this question, and I understand this feeling. I have been in a place where I could not remember what truth sounded like because the lies were so loud. 


In many ways, I accepted the lies as the truth. I have found that, to rewire my beliefs, I must know what is true. You can be comforted to know that God has given you His Word, which is the absolute truth that you can base your belief systems on in a world that has many fickle and changing standards. Therefore, to rewire your beliefs, you must soak in every word of this sacred book. It is your weapon, your treasure, your divine power, and your authority. Rehearse what this book says. Write it on the tablet of your heart. Speak it over yourself constantly. This is how the rewiring begins. 


You are capable and strong, brave and brilliant, talented and unique. Keep being you and allowing the Lord to purify and refine every part of your being. There is so much goodness in store for you. You are not overlooked, so keep fighting. Keep pressing into the God who is supreme and great, yet close and intimate. Get to know all of Him and believe who He says He is. He is the Lion and the Lamb, the great High Priest and the sacrifice, one time and for all people. He is everything—everything you have been searching for and everything you will ever need. You are His, and He is yours. No matter what. 




Week 4 Challenge:

This week, our readings in Luke’s Gospel transition to a section that focuses on the conflict between Jesus and the religious leaders. In the midst of that conflict, Jesus showed His disciples what it truly means to follow Him and the sacrifices they would need to make for the kingdom. This week, examine what it means to truly follow Jesus and what He may be asking you to sacrifice as you walk with Him. 


Week 4 Reading Plan

Week 4 Memory Verse

Have you heard? Our next Bible study is available to order! 


Join us this spring as we study the Gospel of Luke in our newest Bible study, He Sees, He Knows, He Cares. Together we’ll study who Jesus is and how He loves and cares for His people, no matter where they’re at. Join us as we learn what it means to truly count the cost of discipleship and follow Jesus with our lives!



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Grace Ann Oglesby

Grace Ann Oglesby

Grace Ann loves Jesus and her husband, Christopher Mark. She has discovered the beautiful purpose of walking with Christ while loving and serving her family. Writing about the Word of God is a passion of hers, as she finds it a special way to grow deeper in knowledge of God’s character and love for His heart. She wants you to know that you are always loved by God, who is able to redeem all things (1 Peter 5:10).

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