Loving Well
We are to be known for our love (John 13:35). When we pour out our love to the people around us, we’re actually showing them a little bit of what God is like. Love isn’t just a feeling that makes our hearts happy; it is an act of obedience.
In 1 John 4:8, we read that God is love. One of the ways we can reflect God in our lives is in how we love those around us. When we love someone, it shows. Intentionally loving someone means everything we have goes into it, be that our time, attention, or money. We invest our lives in what we love.
The Price of Love
But loving well also takes sacrifice. We see the ultimate example in the Cross. Jesus’s love for us cost Him His life.
Living a life of love can be costly for us, too. God knows this, but He lovingly encourages us to follow His example. But make no mistake. Loving those in our lives isn’t always easy. In fact, many times it is plain hard. Loving people well asks a lot from us, sometimes more than we think we can give. But He gently nudges us to try, to follow in His footsteps, and to put other people first, even when it’s hard.
In Matthew 22:37-38, we read we are first to love God with all our hearts, souls, and minds. Other similar verses in the Bible include our strength. Basically, we are to love God with every part of us: heart, soul, mind, and strength. The beauty of this command is when we are able to love God this way, it enables us to love others as ourselves. We see their needs as our own. We begin to hurt when they hurt and rejoice when they rejoice. We want the best for their lives just as much as we want it for our own. We begin to see a win for them is a win for us.
God’s Love in Our Families
And part of “loving your neighbor as yourself” includes your family.
It wasn’t until I became a mom that I really began to understand how much God loves me. To say that I adore my three daughters would be an understatement. There are times when I’ll be sitting at the dinner table with one of them or out running errands, and I’ll just look over at them and just delight in who they are. Not because they’ve earned my love, but rather just because they’re mine, they’re my daughters. God is the same way. In Psalm 17:8 (ESV), it says we’re the “apple of His eye.” God delights in us, too.
Yet, when I compare my love for my girls, knowing I’m far from perfect, with God’s perfect love for them, I’m in awe. His love is kind and patient, and He never gives up on us. He’s always ready with open arms, like the Prodigal Father, to welcome us back home, no matter how far we’ve wandered.
And in His love for us, He is able to clothe Himself with mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. He bears with us and forgives us, time and time again. Why? Because He loves us, and this is an outpouring of His love.
When we live a legacy of love, we can do the same. Not perfectly, but day by day, we can begin to look more and more like our Father as we reflect His love to our children and those around us.
As moms, when we choose to live a life of love, love God with all our hearts, souls, minds, and strength, and love others as ourselves, we show what God’s love looks like in a tangible way to a watching world, home by home, family by family.
Let’s study God’s Word together!
This blog post is part of our Grace-Filled Motherhood series. Learn more about the study and join us for encouragement and growth.