Finding Refuge in God

Hebrews 4:14-16 is one of my favorite passages of the Bible. It bears the heart and thoughts of God for us succinctly. I do not serve a God that does not care about me or one that only needs me for his personal gains and wicked pleasures. No! I serve a God, in fact, I am the daughter of the God who knows very well what it feels like to be inadequate and weak and how to overcome it. I serve a God who cares so much about me that He is making me more into the image of His Son. He is not waiting for me to fail so that He can punish me. He is instead intimately acquainted with all of my ways out of His deep love for me. That’s the God under whose wings we have come to take refuge, dear friend. 

This wonderful gift of grace can not be bought with money. No, Jesus purchased it with His blood. Be encouraged by this incredible truth! As I was typing this blog post on my laptop, the laptop began to malfunction, seemingly out of nowhere. I had to use my phone to complete this blog post. So I am so certain in my heart now that God wants you to read this message of grace to forge ahead. Amen. 

In those moments when we are gobsmacked by life and feel like we are drowning, we have access, created for us by Jesus, to approach God’s throne of grace. In this place, we can be confident that we will be heard and cared for. We will not be mocked because of frailness, weakness, or helplessness. Dear Friend, we can approach the throne of grace because we will receive mercy. It is the mercy that we need everyday and grace whenever we need it. 

God’s Amazing Grace

Grace is unmerited favor that allows us to live the life Christ gave His life for. Grace says, “She’s not worthy, but she can come.” Grace says, “I gave my life for her.” The grace of Jesus understands our inadequacies and weaknesses. Grace found in Jesus is the reason we can have a fighting chance to stand in the face of every weakness and not sin. What an amazing gift!

My dear sister, a life of grace in Christ is what we have been called to. It is a life where He leads, and we follow. It is a life flowing with the supply of energy from the Holy Spirit to live above sin and the trappings of this world. It is a life to honor Him and Him alone. Walk in that reality daily. Do not allow the devil to tell you that you are without help. It is a lie. We have an overabundance of help in Christ. 

Approach the Throne of Grace

Do you need help? Approach the throne of grace. 

Are you struggling? Approach the throne of grace. 

Simply put: go to God in prayers. He will send you help. In Him, you will find mercy and grace in time of need. Don’t stay away from God. Don’t listen to the deceit of the enemy. You have more than enough help in Christ because he understands where you are now. Praise the LORD.

Let’s study God’s Word together!

This blog post is part of our Grace-Filled Motherhood series. Learn more about the study and join us for encouragement and growth.

Shop our Bible study for women, Triumph Over Trials: 1 & 2 Peter!
Ebos Aifuobhokhan

Ebos Aifuobhokhan

Ebosereme Aifuobhokhan is a Nigerian and lives in Nigeria. She’s an avid reader and a lover of God’s Word. She leads the Hausa translation branch of Love God Greatly, translating all of our Love God Greatly studies into the Hausa language, spoken by over 40 million people worldwide. She also serves on the Encouragement and prayer teams at Love God Greatly. When asked her life purpose, you’ll always hear her say “to point people to Jesus.” She lives with her husband and son in Nigeria, where she is a Medical Radiographer in Delta state State, Nigeria.

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