“Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law

by becoming a curse for us.” Galatians 3:13

Have you read – really read – all the verses for today? Have you soaked in them? Meditated on them? If not – STOP, take a moment and do so now.

Are you stunned?

Stunned by the beauty of the sacrifice that has been made for you… for me? I am. I am so stunned I can barely write.

“Cursed is everyone who is hanged on a tree…” Galatians 3:14

Jesus took upon Himself the curse that was given to those of us who violated the law. You and me. Tim Keller says that “when a person was executed in the Old Testament, it was usually by stoning. Then the body was hung on a tree as a symbol of divine rejection. It was not that the man was cursed because he was hung, but rather, he was hung as a sign of the curse. Paul draws this connection to Christ, whose execution was on a cross-tree to show that He experienced the curse of divine rejection.”


There he hung, in place of, for, us. He earned the curse we deserved so that we might receive the blessing He earned.

And the stunning part? Just like he became a sinner for us, then we have become righteous in the same way. God now sees us as perfect, unblemished, righteous, and without fault. This is more than just being forgiven. This means that we become perfect in His sight.


Our part? We need simply Look and Live…

Look at that man on the cross.

See what He has done.

Let it bring you to worship at His feet.

Let it soften your heart as you gaze on Him today.

Be stunned.

We never move on from the gospel-we never can, and never need to.”- Tim Keller

So stay there. At the foot of the cross. Look and live, friends. Let the stunning news permeate your every thought today.

With Love From Texas this week {I’ve come to Texas from Uganda to be with all the Love God Greatly ladies!}!

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Ohh friends,

Our Love God Greatly International Intensive in Dallas, Texas starts TODAY!!! Ahhh we couldn’t be more excited! Please join us in praying over this amazing event this week as we gather together to train and equip women from over 11 countries!

Please join us by following along on Instagram or Facebook as we post pictures throughout the week! Here are just a few from today!

getting ready

Joy, Stephanie (Whitney’s sister) and my girls, making a few blessing jars for our women!

beds are ready

My sweet friend, Amy, preparing a bed for our translators with her children!


My husband, Dirk, bringing in some of our groceries for the intensive!

THANK YOU for purchasing a copy of You Are Loved-Bible Study or our Galatians Study Journal and helping to make this event possible! We couldn’t do it without YOU!!!

Love God Greatly!


Joy Forney

Joy Forney

Grab a journal, build a community,
change women's lives.

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