As I was reading our verses for today, praises welled up in my heart to our Rock and God, who is steadfast in who He is. Before the world at the beginning, He was the same. Throughout the Scriptures, He never changes. Even today, He is who He is. 

Just take a few moments now and praise the name of our Great Rock. It is because of His steadfastness that you and I can live, breathe, and have our being. 

Why We Can Trust

Understanding that God’s character never changes is the foundation to learning more about His just ways. God’s justice keeps all things together. It might not look like it, but it is His justice that has kept the world from imploding on itself. It is His justice that gives men a very long time to repent and turn from evil to righteousness. It is His justice that does not desire anyone to perish but all to come to the knowledge of His Son (2 Peter 3:9). His justice is not based on what we can see, but His justice gives its verdict based on looking at the whole picture. Because of that, everything He does is from a place of great wisdom and insight. This is why we can trust His judgments. 

The character of God is consistent. His justice is not biased or based on sentiments. His justice is for good. There will be days we will not understand what He is doing, but we can trust it because He is reliable. His actions are always for the good of His children.

How We Can Trust

I do not know where you are in life now. If you are like me, there have been moments I have told God He was not fair. I did not understand what I was going through and what He was doing. His actions did not seem just to me. His judgment felt like He was against me. Looking back, I realized that I was looking at life through my pain and situation and not as God sees it. When He opened my eyes to see through His perspective, I felt very foolish, and I had to repent. I realized that everything He was doing was for my good and those involved.

Now, I intentionally pray and choose to see through His eyes. When I let His Spirit lead me, I can trust His actions. I may not understand it all, but the knowledge that He is just keeps my heart in peace.

He can be trusted.

Dear Father, please teach us to see life through your lens so that our hearts might have peace. Amen.

Let’s study God’s Word together!

This blog post is part of our Firm Foundation series.
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Ebos Aifuobhokhan

Ebos Aifuobhokhan

Ebosereme Aifuobhokhan is a Nigerian and lives in Nigeria. She’s an avid reader and a lover of God’s Word. She leads the Hausa translation branch of Love God Greatly, translating all of our Love God Greatly studies into the Hausa language, spoken by over 40 million people worldwide. She also serves on the Encouragement and prayer teams at Love God Greatly. When asked her life purpose, you’ll always hear her say “to point people to Jesus.” She lives with her husband and son in Nigeria, where she is a Medical Radiographer in Delta state State, Nigeria.

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