Every Love God Greatly study highlights one of the languages we serve – our new study, Firm Foundation, includes the highlight of our Hungarian branch!
Join us in prayer for Margo, her team, and the women of her language and nation as you read her story, and help us spread God’s Word in Hungarian!
Find out more below!
I grew up in a children’s home in Hungary where I had no religious teaching. Because there were no believers in my immediate surroundings, I did not hear God’s Word at all as a child. Growing up in care, my situation and my feelings led me to the conclusion that either there was no God, or if there was, He surely did not love me. It took many years, lots of trials, and great losses before my heart finally began to open to God. God was not only patient with me, but He also placed in my life a Christian friend who personified God’s presence, love, protection, and provision. These characteristics were so evident that they could not be ignored or misunderstood.
In the fall of 2013, further trials literally knocked me to the ground, and I finally accepted the grace offered by God through Jesus. After my conversion, however, I found myself completely alone as a new Christian in a foreign language environment. No one in my immediate surrounding was a Christian. I was afraid to go to church because I did not speak English at a level that I could understand the Bible and the sermon.
My Christian friend told me about Love God Greatly Hungary and invited me to participate in the January 2014 study. I really liked being able to study the Word in my own language, on my own time, and with the help of free Bible study materials. Through online Bible studies, I began to grow in my knowledge, faith, and relationship with God. I found a loving Christian community and lots of new friends who helped, encouraged, and prayed for me.
A few months later, I started serving with Love God Greatly Hungary and joined a local church here in London. I also took my daughters to church, where they started to learn God’s Word in Sunday Bible School. Two years ago, my husband also accepted God’s grace through Christ. I am so thankful to God for welcoming me into His family, allowing me to serve Him, and to be a part of His work in changing other women’s lives and bringing change to their families and communities, just as He did with me.
To connect with Love God Greatly Hungarian branch:
Email: [email protected]
Do you know someone who could use our Love God Greatly Bible studies in Hungarian? If so, make sure to tell them about Love God Greatly Hungarian and all the amazing Bible study resources we provide to help equip them with God’s Word!
Let’s study God’s Word together!
This blog post is part of our Firm Foundation series.
Learn more about this study and join us!