But Peter sent them all outside, knelt down, and prayed. Turning to the body, he said, “Tabitha, get up.” Then she opened her eyes, and when she saw Peter, she sat up (Acts 9:40).
Five years ago, I was about to board a plane back to the United States, when I received a call from our youngest son. “Mom, Dad had another heart attack. He’s on the way to Baylor Hospital.” I had to immediately board that plane knowing nothing more than my son’s words.
Oh, the fear that shook me. The tears, the anxiety, the questions. Would my husband be alive when I got there? My mind raced. Many on the plane knew something had happened, and without knowing what, came by and told me they were praying. It was a long flight home.
I found out later my husband had sent a text to our kids: “Having a heart attack. Ambulance here now. Someone get Mom at airport. Love you all so much.” He was always thinking about others first, especially me.
The next 35 days would be a roller coaster. My husband went into critical condition almost overnight. The doctors determined he had an infection in the pericardial sac around his heart, causing pressure, fluid build-up, blood clots in his lungs, pneumonia, and kidney failure. He needed the sac removed immediately.
Being as critical as he was never stopped him from sharing the love of Jesus to anyone who walked in his room. Several friends, unbeknownst to each other, shared this Scripture with us: “I will not die, but live, and I will proclaim what the Lord has done” (Psalm 118:17).
On Sunday, May 24, 2015, he was finally stable enough for surgery. I still had two children to sit with me, and after about an hour into surgery, we heard over the PA system: “Code Blue in first-floor surgery!” I knew it was Jay. No one came out, but we started praying. After what seemed like an eternity, they came out and said, “Yes, it was Jay. He died on the operating table.”
Jay did in fact die that day, and the doctors said after being gone for well over three minutes; he came back on his own. Was it on his own? No!
A similar thing happened a year ago while my husband and I were home, sitting on our couch. This time I got to witness, as the paramedics streamed in, the Holy Spirit breathe life back into Jay, just as He had done five years ago! Beloved friends, it was not on his own!
So yes! God does still raise people from the dead! And in the same way God was glorified as Tabitha was raised from the dead, He was also glorified as he raised my husband back to life, too. It was all for His purposes and His glory! “Many believed in the Lord” (Acts 9:42).
Always trust in His Word and His promises. They are still “Yes and Amen” (2 Corinthians 1:20), for Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8).
Believing He is Able,
United States
What an absolutely beautiful story of God ♥️
Praise God! We serve a Mighty Awesome God!
It is. We serve a living God . One who is able to resurrect any situation in our lives