Devotional: The Promised Messiah W3D1

Week 3 / It Is Finished
Monday / The Good Shepherd
Read: Psalm 23; Luke 15:3–7; John 10:11
SOAP: John 10:11

“I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.”

Into the Text
David spoke of God as his Good Shepherd, the one who would lead him to calm waters and lush pastures and keep him safe. While Psalm 23 is not typically considered a Messianic Psalm, the Jews living at the time of Jesus were very familiar with this psalm and its meaning. They were also familiar with the work of shepherding, as it was, and still is, a common profession in Israel.

A shepherd keeps the sheep. The shepherd protects the sheep from death, keeping them away from predators. The shepherd guides the sheep to abundant life, leading them to good pastures so they can be fed. He calls the sheep, and the sheep respond, because they know the shepherd. At any time, the shepherd is willing to lay down his life for the sheep, because in giving himself up, the sheep can be saved.

During His ministry, Jesus called Himself the Good Shepherd. He protects His sheep from death. He guides His sheep to abundant life, gives them what they need, and sustains life. Jesus gave Himself up for His sheep, dying in their place so they would have abundant, eternal life with God.

Jesus came to seek and save the lost. Like a good shepherd goes after a lost sheep, Jesus came to seek the lost, those who were not following Him. His purpose was not to gain power or fame but to find those who were lost and needed a Savior. The religious leaders rejected Him, but those who seemed less likely to be considered righteous, like beggars and tax collectors, were the ones to display true faith and receive salvation.

Jesus calls Himself the Good Shepherd, showing us how He is the One who cares for us in the way David described. He is able to protect, provide, and care for His sheep. He is the One who goes after His lost sheep, no matter how far they’ve fallen or wandered from Him.

He is the Good Shepherd, who cares and keeps His sheep. He is the fulfillment of God’s promise to provide for and protect His people. Like David depended on his Good Shepherd, we too can depend on Jesus for all we need.