Every season has some kind of tension. One minute, twinkling lights fill our hearts with joy, and the next a cause for deep suffering arises and we are undone. No matter where you and I find ourselves on the spectrum today, an underlying current remains: Until Jesus returns, we will all be a bit unsettled here.


The disciples had been on the rollercoaster of their lives.


They were walking and talking with Jesus, watching Him perform miracles, and enjoying intimate fellowship. Christ had called them out of the crowd and given them a front-row seat to witness His glory. When the joy of experiencing the God-man was at its fullest, tidal waves crashed in.


Soldiers beat and crucified Jesus, the world rejected Him, and the light of hope dimmed. 


A few days later, three to be exact, another wave of emotions rushed in as they came upon the empty tomb. Some believed while others needed proof, but joy overtook them at the realization that death had been defeated. 


Fellowship, miracles, and joy returned for a season. Forty days later, another wave came. 


Some worshiped and some doubted on the mountain that day, and then Jesus issued a tall order, one that likely sounded downright impossible to these weary people.


He commanded His followers to proclaim His gospel to the world who had rejected Him. 


I can imagine the heart of Jesus as He looked into the eyes of the people that day. He knew what they were feeling, and He ended His final earthly address with the comfort they needed to hear.


“And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” – Matthew 28:20


Surely, His words created tension at the thought of the joys and the trials to come. Thankfully, through it all, His presence has remained. His presence remains with us today. He is indeed with us—no matter what we face. In every season, Jesus is with us. To the end of the age.


Have you heard? Our The God Who Restores Bible study is available to order! 

Join us this Advent Season as we dive into God’s Word and take time to pause and reflect on what we are truly waiting for: the return of Christ! Join us as we focus on setting aside the expectations of the world and focusing on the joy and hope we have in Jesus. 

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