For almost two decades, I taught high school English and spent most of my day reading stories with teenagers. I created a handout for my students to learn the key elements of a great story. Together, we would analyze the plot, identify the key moments, and discuss what made the tale so memorable. A well-written story grabs your heart and makes you think about how your choices can transform your destiny.  

God writes the best stories. Joseph’s redemptive story gives me hope when my own life takes an unexpected turn. God chose a broken family, torn apart by envy and selfishness to bring salvation to us all. I see how the enemy sought to divide and create chaos, but God turned a heartbreaking misfortune into triumphant restoration. Just like Joseph’s story ended well, I want to believe my complicated situation will have a favorable outcome, too. 

Without conflict, stories fall flat. The main character must have a problem to resolve or an obstacle to overcome. This is easy to see when I read a book, but hard to accept when it plays out in my own life. I wind up on my knees praying for God to turn things around and give me my happy ending.  

Maybe right now you are experiencing a tragedy in your own family. I pray that analyzing the event in Joseph’s life will encourage you because God is not finished writing your story yet. Your turning point is coming, and God will get the glory. Just like Joseph, you may end up where you never expected to go, but you are never alone. God is the hero who always fights to rescue you, and He will never leave you or forsake you. 

Joseph’s story teaches us that our pain does not go unnoticed by our God. The schemes of the enemy cannot thwart His divine plan for our lives. No matter where this life leads us, God ultimately prevails.  

Our response to untimely events can point those in our circle of influence to salvation. Joseph never gave way to bitterness. He persevered through the conflict and trusted God would turn the page and re-write his story when the time was right.  Let’s choose to write a better story with our lives: 

Instead of insisting on “getting our way,” we can surrender to God’s will. 

Rather than closing ourselves off, we can extend grace and invite our adversary to the table.   

Today, we can choose to continue to fight for redemption where the enemy has tried to divide us. Like Joseph, we can say no to revenge and make room for God to bring conviction and birth restoration. 

God’s grace impacted every event in this story. Not one character was cast away as unredeemable. The turning point took place when Judah and his brothers finally acknowledged their sin and selfishness. In humility, Joseph’s adversarial siblings fell to the ground and asked for forgiveness. They realized they could not save themselves. Thankfully, God had placed their brother exactly where he needed to be to advocate on their behalf.  

This beautiful story of redemption foreshadows an even greater love story fulfilled by Christ. As part of God’s salvation plan, Jesus took on flesh and came to earth to rescue a sinful people. Our Savior faced unbelievable rejection and persecution to sacrificially lay down His life. He persevered to the end because He was fighting to save us all. 

God turned around the darkest day in history when Jesus conquered death and won the victory. No story is too dark for God to transform. When we trust God will order the events in our life, we can look forward to tomorrow with great anticipation. Our ending will always be much greater than we can ask, think, or imagine. 

Friend, your story is safe in God’s mighty hands. He always turns things around and saves His beloved. 

Have you heard? Our Come, Lord Jesus, Come Bible study is available to order! 

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Lyli Dunbar

Lyli Dunbar

Lyli Dunbar enjoys singing silly karaoke in the car with her husband, digging into Bible study with the girls, and reading twelve books at a time. A writer, speaker, and Biblical Life Coach, her mission is to encourage the weary hearted with fuel for a wildfire faith.

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