Ten years before I met my husband, I thought God had planned for me to marry another man. I moved forward in this relationship believing that I knew exactly what God’s will was—except it wasn’t. I ended up alone and heartbroken and wondering what went wrong. I realize now that I had pushed and shoved my way where I had no business being. I had never really surrendered what I wanted and submitted fully to God’s will. 

In the aftermath of my heartbreak, I remember sitting on the couch in my living room crying out to God. I acknowledged that I was willing to never marry if that was God’s plan for my life, and I proposed to try not to “make it happen.” If God’s plan was for me to find a mate, I could trust He would make a way as I continued to trust Him. In the meantime, I resolved to live at peace with my present circumstances. Wherever God would lead me, I wanted to live my life in pursuit of knowing Jesus.  

Because God is merciful, He protects us from our foolishness, and He forgives the brokenhearted for their selfishness. His plans for us are perfect, and He will always accomplish His will for our lives. No matter what, you can trust God will “make it happen” if it’s His plan for you.  

Sadly, Isaac’s family experienced a great deal of heartbreak because each member of his family was trying to “have it their way” instead of surrendering to God’s will. As the head of the household, Isaac knew that God had already appointed Jacob to receive the blessing, but He decided to succumb to what people expected. It seemed unfair not to bless his firstborn, so he followed the norms of culture and disobeyed the Word of the Lord.  

The philosophy of this world is to “do what makes you happy.” Esau’s main priority was to please himself, and he gave in to his selfishness. He had already sold his birthright to Jacob over a warm meal, but then he decided that plan wasn’t working for him. He didn’t feel obligated to keep his word because it didn’t suit his purposes. In his endless pursuit to get what he wanted, Esau only ended up more dissatisfied with his life.  

Jacob and Rebekah knew what God wanted, but failed to trust that God would make a way in an impossible situation. Perhaps they made excuses for their bad behavior because they felt they were trying to right a wrong. They tried to accomplish God’s work using the world’s methods by scheming and lying. Unrighteous choices never honor God.  

Four broken people demanded their way, but, in His mercy, God kept His promise. Despite their terrible choices, God remained faithful. From this imperfect family, almighty God brought salvation to all humanity. God used this heartbreaking situation to move Jacob exactly where he needed to be and provide everything he needed to be fruitful. Yes, Jacob fled his home and probably never saw Rebekah again, but God had a greater plan to birth a new family. Through Jacob, God called together and assembled His family of faith:  

“May the Sovereign Lᴏʀᴅ bless you! 

May He make you fruitful and give you a multitude of descendants. 

Then you will become a large nation.”

Genesis 28:3

Maybe like me, you have failed miserably at waiting on God to move, and you’ve made a mess of things. Friend, God’s faithfulness is never hindered by our failure. God still blesses broken people who turn to Him and surrender. He will bless you more than you can ask, think, or imagine as you yield your all to Him.

Today, you and I can hold open our hands before the Lord in prayer and ask for His mercy: 

Lord, help me today to trust You have a plan for my life and that You will accomplish it in Your time and in Your way. Forgive me for demanding my way. I want to let go of my expectations and stop trying to “make it happen” apart from You. Have Your way in me today. Amen.



Have you heard? Our Choosing God Instead of the World Bible study is available to order! 

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Lyli Dunbar

Lyli Dunbar

Lyli Dunbar enjoys singing silly karaoke in the car with her husband, digging into Bible study with the girls, and reading twelve books at a time. A writer, speaker, and Biblical Life Coach, her mission is to encourage the weary hearted with fuel for a wildfire faith.

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