Pleasant to Bitter

Pleasant to Bitter

It seems impossible to have hope when you are filled with pain and loss and your dreams have been shattered. Although it is difficult to believe that God is near, His sovereignty never sleeps. When our pain is the deepest and our doubt the greatest, God remains with...
The Depth of Loyal Love…

The Depth of Loyal Love…

I am currently living in the land of teenagers, and within that privileged territory, I get to engage in some lively conversation around the dinner table each night. Shallow topics can range anywhere from food (and the fact that they’re always hungry!) to the...
Ruth Introduction

Ruth Introduction

We are very excited to be studying the book of Ruth with you. Ruth takes place during the time of the Judges, and as we begin reading we see the curtain lift on a scene of the tragedy. Naomi, who had already lost her husband, now mourns the loss of both of her sons....

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