

I turned 32 in January and I have fought my own share of battles. Battles that people ten years older will quake at the magnitude of what I have been through. Sometimes I tease myself, calling myself an old soul. There have been moments I have told God that I was too...
Hope in Him

Hope in Him

“Even if he slays me, I will hope in him; I will surely defend my ways to his face.” Job 13:15 Job was a faithful servant of God, but God allowed Satan to take all of Job’s possessions, his children, and even his health. Job was crushed, as all of us would be in the...
Fixed on Jesus

Fixed on Jesus

Recently I found myself reading Matthew 26. If you’re familiar with that passage you know that before Jesus went to the cross, He went to a garden. And in that garden, He got on His knees and begged God to let the cup of suffering pass before Him. He begged God for...

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