Take My Yoke Upon You

Take My Yoke Upon You

Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me [following Me as My disciple], for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest (renewal, blessed quiet) for your souls. Mathew 11:29 The Lord has invited us into a partnership with Him. He wants to co-labor with us....
Blessed Are the Meek

Blessed Are the Meek

Meekness is not a word we use very often. Many believe that meekness means weakness. It doesn’t. It also does not mean spinelessness or indecisiveness. It does not mean to be polite or timid or even naturally kind and soft spoken. So what is meekness? Matthew Henry...
Great Expectations

Great Expectations

When was the last time your expectations were shattered? We all have expectations of how our lives should go. We prepare. We make sacrifices. We move forward with our plans. But even our best intentions can end with our world turned upside. Jesus realized they wanted...

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