“He said to her, ‘Daughter, your faith has made you well. Go in peace, and be healed of your disease.’” – Mark 5:34

Desperation. Last resort. Despair. 

What makes you turn to Jesus?

Time and time again in the Gospels we read of people who approached Jesus with a personal problem. They had often exhausted all of their other options and decided it was time to tap into their last resort—this miracle worker they had heard others talk about: Jesus.

In our reading today, the woman had spent all her resources. She had been bleeding for twelve years—twelve years—and she had tried absolutely everything her doctors suggested. Nothing had worked and now she had nothing left. Nothing, that is, but Jesus.

She heard He was in town and found Him surrounded by crowds. This worked for her because she didn’t want to draw attention to herself. She just wanted to be healed.

This woman may have come to Christ only after all her other efforts failed, but she found more than just physical healing. The blood dried up, yes, and she instantly felt better. But what she didn’t know was that through this powerful encounter with the living Son of God, she also found spiritual healing and salvation.

When she touched Jesus’ cloak, He noticed. Nothing ever goes unnoticed by our all-knowing God. He turned around and, with care and concern, asked who touched Him. Of course, Jesus knew the answer. But He wanted her to own her actions and share the good news of what He had done for her with everyone around them. So, He waited. And as soon as she came forward, throwing herself at His feet trembling, He looked her in the eyes and said, “Daughter, your faith has made you well. Go in peace, and be healed of your disease” (Mark 5:34).

She came for healing and found complete peace in the security of Christ. She looked for physical relief and received far beyond what she could imagine; her spiritual burden of sin was lifted and replaced with God’s love and mercy. God’s power took away her disease, and His compassion replaced it with peace.

In what area of your life do you find yourself tired, looking for relief in all the wrong places, and simply wanting to experience the peace of God?

I encourage you to take a moment to think about this today, and then come to Jesus. Throw yourself at His feet. Just touch His cloak. He is merciful and loving. He will turn to you with compassion and care, and as He looks you in the eye, He will take away the pain and the suffering, healing you and offering more than you could ever dream of or imagine.

The healing in our story today was physical, but it points to greater healing that only God, through Jesus Christ, can offer: the healing from sin and death and the offer of eternal life with Him. 

Some of our illnesses, burdens, and worries have been plaguing us for so long it may as well be twelve years. Friends, allow today’s reading from the living Word of God to remind you of His power, compassion, love, and tenderness. Even if He hasn’t yet, never forget that He can change your circumstances in one moment. Hold on to faith, hold on to what is yet to come, and keep throwing yourself at the feet of Jesus. It is by far the best place to be. 

And if He chooses to not heal instantly? Don’t doubt your faith, but go forth trusting. Trust in His character, trust in what God’s Word says to be true, and trust that ultimately only He knows what is best for us and best for His glory.

May each of us today find ourselves at Jesus’ feet.

With love,

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Petra Stoneman

Petra Stoneman

Petra lives in Northern Ireland with her husband, Michael, and chocolate lab, Boomer. Originally from the Czech Republic, she serves on the LGG Translators team as one of the Czech Branch translators. Petra is passionate about discipleship and raising up a new generation of believers. She serves in the youth ministry of her local church alongside her husband, who is a full-time youth pastor, and she loves to encourage young women in their relationship with Jesus.

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