A Set Apart Response

A Set Apart Response

I sat in the room as silently as possible. I dared not speak, because I could not trust my tongue to not lash out. I was sitting in the room with someone who needed my help, and I had shown up to serve with good intentions. But my generosity had not been kindly...
Preaching Peace

Preaching Peace

My husband has a habit of leaving his cell phone in the car and missing important calls. During a recent trip, I actually was thankful for his forgetfulness because we avoided a call from an angry person. After our lunch stop, we sat in the front seat and shook our...
Sweet Fruit

Sweet Fruit

I sat at my sister in law’s table with great anticipation. That afternoon, she showed me the bountiful harvest of blackberries that had grown in her garden that year. Now I was about to sample the sweet fruit in a cobbler that she had lovingly prepared and placed in...

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