Be Brave

Be Brave

Do you remember a time that you needed to be brave? Esther woke up one day and found herself in a lose/lose situation. The queen before her had been removed because of her disobedience of her husband. Queen Vashti had refused to come when her husband called her to...
Believe and Be Filled

Believe and Be Filled

Something I have been pondering recently is the idea of “becoming.” A beautiful paradox is found in the fact that God came to give us rest, yet also to motivate us towards betterment, maturation, and completion. His unconditional love is found in both acts. He loves...
Filling with Prayer

Filling with Prayer

The desire for praise from other people is a hard one to surrender. Social media constantly grabs at our hearts to post every part of our lives, the good, the bad, and the ugly if we want to be deemed “authentic.” Culture praises those who prioritize productivity and...
Fasting As Waiting

Fasting As Waiting

“The days will come when the bridegroom is taken away from them, and then they will fast in those days.” Our SOAP verse today is taking place in the midst of Jesus spending time at Levi’s house. Levi was a tax collector whom Jesus called to follow Him. At this time,...
Soli Deo Gloria

Soli Deo Gloria

On our fireplace there sits a stone that has been carved with these words, “Soli Deo Gloria.” These old Latin words are a constant reminder to us that everything we do, including how we live, should be “for the glory of God alone.”  At the beginning of this season of...

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