Odpuščeno Ti Je [Slovenščina]


In this 8-week Love God Greatly Bible study, you’ll learn about how Jesus obtained for us the forgiveness of sins and what that means in our everyday lives. We’ll examine many of the different facets of forgiveness, including: Why do we need it? How do we get it? What is the extent of our forgiveness, and how should it change us?


In this broken world we are all touched by shame, guilt, and difficult relationships. But God has a better way. Whether you are in need of the forgiveness and new life that Jesus extends to each of us, or you are longing for relationships that are free from blame and strife, this book is for you. Through the lens of God’s Word plus real-life stories, You Are Forgiven poignantly reminds readers that what Jesus did on the cross is the only thing that frees us from the prison of unforgiveness… On the cross Jesus made satisfaction of God’s wrath. On the cross Jesus made payment of our ransom. On the cross Jesus was punished for our sins. On the cross Jesus destroyed the power of sin and the curse of death. And on the cross Jesus ensured forgiveness for those who believe in him. In this 8-week Love God Greatly Bible study, you’ll learn about how Jesus obtained for us the forgiveness of sins and what that means in our everyday lives. We’ll examine many of the different facets of forgiveness, including: Why do we need it? How do we get it? What is the extent of our forgiveness, and how should it change us? Journal along with us as we dive into Scripture together…reading and writing what God speaks into our hearts.

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