Walking In Victory: KIDS Bible Study Journal [English]



Before Moses died, he chose Joshua to be the next leader of the Israelites. After wandering in the wilderness for 40 years, Joshua and his people camped to the East of the Jordan River before heading into the Promised Land. God told Joshua that he would take over the land that He promised Abraham, and encouraged Joshua to be strong and courageous because He would be with him.

The battle was going to be hard; there were indeed mighty nations dwelling in the land of Canaan. There were also races of giants and powerful armies, yet the Israelites were determined to conquer the land.

Do you know the best part of the story? God had already given them the victory! The land belonged to them, but they had to conquer it and claim it as their God-given inheritance.

Joshua was a brave warrior and a great leader. He trusted God with all his heart and that´s what God wants from you, too.

We pray this study in the book of Joshua encourages you to obey God and walk in victory!

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