In Jesus You Are [English]



It is easy to define our identity by our family, career, friends, hobbies, or nationality. We often determine our identity by our actions, words, or reputation. No matter how we define ourselves, our identity in Christ remains the same. He has rescued us from sin, delivered us from darkness, and redeemed us from shame. Through Him we are called God’s children, adopted into the family of God, and given citizenship in Christ’s Kingdom. In Christ, we are saved, sealed, forgiven, chosen, blessed, and empowered.

In Jesus You Are: Understanding Your Identity in Christ is a four-week Bible study focusing on our identity in Christ. This Bible study journal includes selected Scripture passages that show us who we are in Jesus. These passages explore what Christ has done for us and how it changes our lives. Perfect for personal or small group study, the In Jesus You Are Bible study journal includes daily Scripture passages, SOAP pages, daily devotions, challenges, reflection questions, and encouragement from women around the world.

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