Faithful love. Covenant promise. Everlasting commitment.
Not only do these words describe the relationship of God to His people, but they describe the relationship of Hosea to his wife, Gomer. When God’s people turned away from Him, He could have turned His back on them. God could have left them to their sin, let them fall to their enemies, and let the entire nation be destroyed.
Instead, He sent His faithful love.
God poured out His faithful love, His hesed, on Israel. And even more than that, He provided them with a tangible, in the flesh example of His faithfulness. Hosea’s relationship with Gomer mirrors God’s relationship with Israel. God used Hosea to display His own covenant promise, everlasting commitment, and faithful love to His people.
He does the same for us.
Hosea reminds us that God is a covenant keeping God. His faithful love pursues His people, His promises remain steadfast, and His commitment remains sure. This story offers encouragement and hope, showing how God’s faithful love pursues us.
May our love for God deepen as we seek to understand His faithful love.