Do you ever feel like you have to be really “special” for God to use you? Do you feel like you need to be exceptionally strong, brave, or important? The book of Esther show us that this is not the case. Esther, as a little girl, was none of those things, but God used her in a powerful and unique way to save the lives of her people.
Like any great story, the book of Esther has good guys and bad guys, danger, and suspense. But the book of Esther isn’t a fantasy story; it’s true! Esther is a true story about an orphan girl who would one day become the queen of the most powerful nation in her day. It’s a story about how God can take those the world labels as unimportant and use them for incredible things. It is a story about choosing to be brave even when it’s hard. It is a story about obeying God even when you don’t understand what He is doing in your life. It is a story about one girl’s journey of fighting to have faith even in her fear.
Join us for this six-week study as we read the book of Esther. God is still in the business of turning ordinary into extraordinary. He is still looking for modern-day Esthers, kids who are willing to be strong and brave and stand up for what is right, no matter the cost.