Have you ever wondered why life can be so difficult? Have you ever thought that being a Christian would make all your troubles and heartache go away or wondered why so much pain and uncertainty seem to define your days?
Many women in the Bible felt this way as well. None of them had easy lives but instead had to live a life beautifully surrendered to God. Each had to walk through pain, living by faith and not by sight. Each had to choose to trust God when she didn’t understand. These women were never alone, and neither are you.
Beautifully Surrendered: God’s Heart for His Daughters is a six-week Bible study of women in the Bible. We will revisit many of the most familiar stories of women in the Bible and develop a deeper appreciation for the road they traveled as we see the way their lives were beautifully surrendered to God.
This study journal includes daily readings and SOAP verses, devotions to aid in understanding, as well as reflection questions and encouragement from women around the world. Perfect for personal or small group study, Beautifully Surrendered will offer you encouragement in your walk of faith.
The Beautifully Surrendered: God’s Heart for His Daughters Bible study journal includes:
– 200+ pages
– Six-week reading plan
– Daily Scripture readings
– SOAP journaling pages
– Daily devotionals
– Two-week Bridge reading plan
– Weekly challenges and reflection questions
– Global highlight: LGG Romanian Branch
– Beautiful full-color photography
Don’t forget! Your purchase reaches the nations!
By purchasing Love God Greatly Bible study journals, you are directly supporting the ministry of Love God Greatly, reaching thousands of women with God’s Word in their own native, heart languages! Thank you for your support!
Designed as a companion study with Beautifully Surrendered, this Love God Greatly study journal contains a six-week reading plan with selected passages about children in the biblical narrative.
Included in Beautifully Surrendered for Kids Journal:
– Daily Scripture readings
– Pages for reflecting on daily and weekly lessons
– Daily devotions
– Coloring and activity pages
This study is ideal for children between five and eleven years old.
Beautifully Surrendered for Kids: God’s Heart for Children serves as a companion to our women’s study, Beautifully Surrendered: God’s Heart for His Daughters.
Let’s encourage and equip the next generation to know and love God greatly with their lives, helping them learn more about God and importance of surrendering their lives to Jesus!
100% of your journal purchase goes back into the ministry, helping us translate each study into multiple languages as we reach more women around the world with God’s Word.
If you are unable to afford a journal at this time, we want to lovingly provide a free download version so you can easily participate in our studies.
Our heart at Love God Greatly is to break down barriers so regardless of your native language or financial status, you can have access to God’s Word and join us. We love you and it is an honor to serve you in this way.
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spreads God's Word to women around the world!
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A Woman Who Fears the Lord
I’m sure many of us are familiar with Proverbs 31, even if you’ve never studied this chapter in-depth before. Perhaps you’ve heard people talking about being a “Proverbs 31 woman” or have seen someone’s social media username as “prov31girl.” Maybe around Mother’s Day,...
What We Have Seen and Heard
We were sitting on the couch in our pajamas reading a story and eating goldfish crackers. “Wasn’t that a great story about Jesus? We love Jesus!” I exclaimed to my grandson as I laid the children’s Bible on the coffee table. Suddenly, the pint-sized evangelist...
God Be Near
History repeats itself. In this case, horribly. The term genocide wasn’t coined until 1944, but Oxford defines it as, “the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group.” Such...
Wholehearted Worship
My mum was a quiet lady; she was gentle and kind and wise. Growing up, I always remember her using the expression, "Actions speak louder than words." She used it to teach me the value of showing that I meant something was more authentic than just saying the words and...
Held By God’s Hand
The story of Ruth and Naomi is a treasure. I sometimes do not realize how hard it must have been for both of these women. Naomi lost her two sons and husband, and Ruth lost her husband. For women in that day, this meant that their family name and property might not be...
Sing to the Lord
I love worship music. Some of my most powerful moments with God have been during worship, listening to the body of Christ praising His name. When I close my eyes and focus on the words I’m singing back to the Lord, I’m more aware of the presence of the Holy Spirit. ...
Giving Our All
In recent years, there has been a rise in the popularity of random acts of kindness. It may be an act of kindness for a stranger, such as paying for the person behind you in a queue or paying for coffees in advance so those who are homeless can have a hot drink. I...
Faith in the Face of Death
In January 2021, Forbes Magazine published a sobering article titled “One in Eight Christians Worldwide Live in Countries Where They May Face Persecution.” Over 340 million believers in Jesus remain faithful to Jesus in countries where they endure personal attacks and...
Fully Surrendered
Mary was just a girl. She wasn’t highly educated. She wasn’t wealthy. She wasn’t perfect. Mary was in many ways ordinary, except in one: she loved God greatly. And of all the young girls through all the ages, God chose Mary to be the mother of Jesus. What an...
Believing at the Well
When I was in seminary, I worked in a missions office. One of the perks of the job was getting to travel internationally and see what our missionaries were doing in their communities. On one trip, I was in a rural community where the local missionaries and pastors...
The Dream of Your Heart
Maybe this won’t resonate with everyone, but have you ever watched someone else walking in the same dreams you’ve had for your life? Perhaps it’s a dream or prayer you’ve long held on to, and over time, it begins to feel more and more impossible and out of reach. But...
Asking for the Impossible
“For this boy I prayed, and the Lᴏʀᴅ has given me the request that I asked of him. So I also dedicate him to the Lᴏʀᴅ. For all the days of his life he is dedicated to the Lᴏʀᴅ.” Then he bowed down there in worship to the Lᴏʀᴅ.” – 1 Samuel 1:27–28 I love Hannah. Her...
Faith for Healing
“He said to her, ‘Daughter, your faith has made you well. Go in peace, and be healed of your disease.’” – Mark 5:34 Desperation. Last resort. Despair. What makes you turn to Jesus? Time and time again in the Gospels we read of people who approached Jesus with a...
A Harlot and a Heroine
Today’s scriptures share the story of Rahab. Identified as a prostitute, she seems like an unlikely hero or female role model. Joshua chapter 2 recounts how two males spies were sent into Jericho to scout out the land before the Israelites crossed the Jordan River to...
Nothing Is Impossible
One of my favorite parts about the story of Elizabeth is the way loving female friendship is featured. Elizabeth and Mary were relatives who were chosen by God for incredible tasks, and they praise God together while they honor and support one another with humility...
Always Remembered by God
So when Jesus saw his mother and the disciple whom he loved standing there, he said to his mother, “Woman, look, here is your son!” He then said to his disciple, “Look, here is your mother!” From that very time the disciple took her into his own home. – John 19:26–27...
One in Christ
When we go on holiday, we usually go to church wherever we are visiting. I love meeting with God’s people in various places because it helps me feel more connected to the global church. One of my earliest experiences of meeting believers from all over the world was...
Unchanging Love
My name is Sarah, and I serve Romanian women worldwide by translating Love God Greatly Bible studies. I had the privilege to grow up in a Christian family and saw my parents practice their faith. My sister had some major health problems when I was young, and I started...
Women Are Needed
Adam lived in the Garden of Eden, a literal paradise on earth. It was perfect in every sense. Adam and God had a great and close relationship and yet… Even in the midst of a world without the stain of sin, God saw Adam and still wanted more for him. “The Lᴏʀᴅ God...
Life can feel hard. If we are honest, we’ve probably all looked at our lives and wondered, Is this really what God has planned for me? Am I really in His will? If so, why is my life so difficult? I thought once I became a Christian my life would be struggle-free. Why...
Beautifully Surrendered Translations
The Beautifully Surrendered study journal is currently available in 24 languages, with more in process! Beautifully Surrendered for Kids is available for download in 11 languages! Help us spread our translations around the world by sending this information to your...
Materials Now Available!
We are one week away from our next study, Beautifully Surrendered! We begin Beautifully Surrendered Bible study on Monday, June 13, and we couldn’t be more excited to dig into God’s Word with you! We're thrilled you've joined us this summer to study women of the...
A Special Bible Study for Kids!
Join us this summer for our first fully unique kids’ Bible study! Do you know that God has a special plan for your life? He does! In Beautifully Surrendered for Kids we will read about some of the kids in the Bible, like Moses, Miriam, Samuel, David, and...
Announcing Our Next Study!
“Why does my life feel so hard right now? Why can’t anything be easy for me? I thought once I became a Christian, all my troubles would go away.” “Even though I’m following Jesus, why is my life still full of so much pain and uncertainty?” Many of us...