For all things in heaven and on earth were created in him—all things, whether visible or invisible, whether thrones or dominions, whether principalities or powers—all things were created through him and for him 

–Colossians 1:16 

All  things were created through Him and for Him.  I am part of this all.  I, Melinda, was created for Him. When these words entered my heart God came to live in me. His purpose for me was to live and glorify Him. 


Looking back to what led up to that day, I see a patient, faithful God of love who showed me His kindness before I really knew His personal, relational love. He is the God who pursues us relentlessly. Of course, He was always there loving me, but I did not acknowledge Him or all of His gifts. I heard about Jesus because my dad would play hymns in his bedroom, there was a big family Bible in the living room, and we watched movies on life of Jesus. I believed Jesus died for my sins. I knew I was made by Him, but I did not know I was made for Him.  


 A few moments in my life revealed I was lacking something, but I did not know what I was lacking. In my mind, I was a rather good kid. I studied all the time, and I did not get into any trouble. I thought I was a Christian because I knew Jesus existed and I believed He was God and that He died on the cross.


However, I did not know that I needed to be born again through Christ. I really did not know anything about a relationship with Jesus. I did not know Him, but I knew things about Him. This all started to change at the end of my high school years. My mother started to work for a born-again believer and I heard things about his relationship with Jesus. I received my first adult Bible around 18.  God started opening my eyes to His life. He continued to pursue my heart for the next several years.  


While in college, a boy came running up to me to tell me his salvation story. He wanted to tell me because he thought I would understand as I always wore a cross necklace. I looked at him as he spoke, though I did not understand what a relationship with the Jesus was. As a child, I heard Jesus was God, and I believed in God and that Jesus was who He said He was. I thought believing He was Lord was what made me a Christian. I did not know you could have a daily relationship with Him, and I did not know the great love of the Lord personally. He is Lord and Savior, but I did not know He was Lord of my life and that He had saved me and wanted a relationship with me


God planted in me the desire to know Him. While in law school, I was drawn to my first prayer and Bible study meeting. I enjoyed talking about God, but when it was time to pray, my heart was pricked as I realized I did not know what prayer was or how to pray. The facilitator wanted someone to take the prayer book home to pray over the prayer requests during the week. I couldn’t say yes because I knew “something” was missing in my life.


This “something” missing in my life turned out to be a someone; Jesus. This conviction that I did not have a relationship with Him moved to a realization of my sin. During this time God started revealing the seriousness of my sin.  For the first time, I understood the consequences of sin and how it damaged my relationship with God. Before this time, I really thought I was a good person and that I made good choices.  However, God started showing me my sin. He started the process of emptying my heart of myself and showing me my need for Him. Realizing I could not do this life without Jesus, I called out to Him in my weariness. 


I began to understand how salvation is a gift. God has offered us the gift of salvation, but it is up to us to accept it. I knew I could accept His gift. His sacrifice on the cross was more than historical. It was meant to be applied to my heart. That day I died to myself, and God showed me all of my life was His and that I was made for Him.


This started the journey of a love relationship with my Creator, my Savior, my Lord, and my Father. I was later baptized, and God’s love has changed me little by little since then. He showed me my identity is who He says I am. His love has transformed me and continues to transform me. I no longer live with guilt and condemnation that lead to worldly sorrow, but instead He has given me a mind that can be stayed on Him. I used to either think I was very good, or I took responsibility for everything and felt condemned. Now, I can come boldly to the throne of grace and receive this mercy from Him. I am forgiven and freed.


Since I gave my life to Christ, God has freed me from condemnation. I hear Him rejoicing over me. I don’t take responsibility for what others ought to confess, but instead I take responsibility when I have sinned. I don’t feel the need to correct and save anyone. I am to walk with Jesus and then His life shines through me as a testimony in word and deed to others.


He has freed me from the spirit of rejection, and He has said I am included, I am His, and I am loved. I am no longer an orphan looking for love in my accomplishments. I am loved securely by our Father. I no longer have to fight for everything I need and want. He has given me all things for this life and godliness. He has shown me and taught me that He is my warrior, and He fights for me and rejoices over me. I had to put down my false appearance of strength and pick up His strength. 

The Lord your God is in your midst;

he is a warrior who can deliver.

He takes great delight in you;

he renews you by his love;

he shouts for joy over you.”

Zephaniah 3:17


Little by little, He has freed me from myself.  He continues to convict me of areas of hardness, and He continues to mold me and transform me more and more into the image of His Son. I am free to live for Him. Once again, during our Love God Greatly studies, Know Love and Jesus Our Everything, He is growing me and moving in me to let go of things, knowing they are nothing compared to the surpassing power of knowing Him. He is teaching me that all things are for His glory. I am to do all things for His glory. Every single thing we do is about His glory. 


Our purpose is to glorify Him and bring Him praise. He is not finished with me yet, and neither is He finished with you yet, dear sister.  It is about Him. You too were made for Him, and to glorify Him. May we continue to encourage each other to let go of every hindrance that prevents us from knowing Him as our everything.  


Melinda, USA


Melissa Fuller

Melissa Fuller

Melissa loves God’s Word and is committed to helping women fall in love with Scripture (and its author!). She has a ThM from Dallas Theological Seminary and served as the general editor of the NET Love God Greatly Bible and the managing editor of the CSB She Reads Truth Bible and the CSB (in)courage Devotional Bible. She currently resides in Atlanta, GA, loves running and hiking and is currently pursuing her goal of visiting all the National Parks in the US!

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