I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. I am the good shepherd. I know my own and my own know me. – John 10:11,14

Jesus is the one and only Son of God who laid down His life for the sake of our eternity. He welcomed the weight of the world on His flesh and exchanged it for our righteousness. He died here with us so that we may live there, in heaven, with Him.

If we belong to God, we only go when He calls our name. Others can try to steal our appeal. They can whisper, nudge, squawk or even dance for us, trying to get our attention. But as sheep of the Good Shepherd, we only obey when He calls us. It is because of His goodness we are drawn to Him. We trust Him to guide us to living water and sustenance because we have seen Him do it. We trust He will do it again. So we follow our Good Shepherd.

Holy God, thank you for showing us why we can trust you. Jesus’ arms stretched out wide on the cross as sacrificial love for us. And we hold out our arms in gratitude for Him, the Good Shepherd.


Week 3 Challenge: Make a list of the things of this world that fight to draw your attention away from God’s call. Pray over your list this week, surrendering each area to Him.

Week 3 Reading Plan:


Week 3 Memory Verse:



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